If an alien ship of 1000 invaders landed on the earth, and asked to play the BEST version of Axis and Allies - out of the box + FAQ sheet.
Which one would you choose to play? Assuming, that if they are not impressed enough… they will destroy the earth.
Consider carefully which version you feel is the best, after closely examining the criteria below:
-Playability (easy or hard)
-rule clarity
-length of game (lets be honest, 4 to 10 hours is probably most ideal)
-Accurate (In terms of cities, maps, etc.
-Piece quality (we all hate NO money, and NO chips)
-Longevity/Future (Which one of this is going to stand the test of time.)
-Box Art and Box Size
-Scope of learning
I’ve chosen anniversary as the best option. As much as Global is the bomb! I think Anniversary was the best mix of everything, not too complicated, not too simple, not too big, not too small. 6 player playable, and 2 setups for maximum replayability! It was the Pioneer of the new naval combat system, and had the best technology program. And without a reprint coming, it’s value is considerable, and it’s treasured amongst the players. It got my vote…
Also - do note if you are the proud owner of every said game! I am… and I bet most of you are too!