@Krieghund That’s kind of what I was thinking, too. Thanks!
Just Curious what players are buying for Calcutta. Any input would be greatly appreciated.
Save your $ and buy a major factory and put it in Hong Kong on turn 2.
Its the perfect buy.
Is that safe? Will Japan not steal it and India will be weaker as you did not place 10 Inf on 1 and 2 and therefore fall more easily? Once India falls if you still have your factory in Kwantung you will not be able to build in it.
I think you have to buy only Inf and 1 or 2 mech on turns 1 and maybe 2. Spend all your money, so if Japan comes after you( and it should be obvious if he is) you do not gift him extra cash. Do not bother with Naval unless you can be sure it will delay him a turn with an easy block. If Anzac, only buy Inf too. You have to be patient, like Russia, and hope the Cavalry turn up. India will fall if he goes all out for it, you have to accept that.
Jim might have been joking wittman. Buy 4 mechs, then infantry.
I did not know we were allowed to be silly! Now I know…
four infantry and an artillery. good mix of defensive/offensive firepower
some like mech infantry.
We see mostly mech/tank combo’s while UK Pac has income ($ drops like a rock). The problem with India is all those inf and slow moving units are too easy to pick off on the coast for Japan and if they try to move into China, then they are out of position to return to India for def. Buying faster moving units gives the UK some mobility to punch into China or Mideast/North Afr/Russia (more options).
If you chose to just stay put in India, build only for def, and not attempt to move out then Japan doesn’t need to kill you they just need to make you irrelevant.
I buy mech if I am sitting in india. I buy infantry/arty if i am moving to burma.
If japan holds yunnan or shan state and drops the airbase on FIC or kwangsi he can hit india with all his air.
Yeah that air power is a b**** Just need to make it hurt if they send everything at you.
noob question (insert insult here)….so why wouldn’t you just get an AA and make a last stand at India…if he’s going to make you irrelevant, why not take every SOB with you. Wouldn’t having two AAs and all inf by the time Japan gets there provide enough of a deterent for a couple of rounds…with this and an ANZAC defensive posture, does this give time for the US to shove a boot up Japan’s brown eye?
noob question (insert insult here)….so why wouldn’t you just get an AA and make a last stand at India…if he’s going to make you irrelevant, why not take every SOB with you. Wouldn’t having two AAs and all inf by the time Japan gets there provide enough of a deterent for a couple of rounds…with this and an ANZAC defensive posture, does this give time for the US to shove a boot up Japan’s brown eye?
In Alpha 3.9, India starts with 3 AAguns.
I like to buy 3inf, 2mec for India turn 1.
would another fighter then help (either bought or imported). Then use the rest on inf from there on on out? Just a defensive strat thought.
Now, are the mechs more for opening up the Middle East for the Russians or an attack in Japan’s direction?
The mechs are for taking Yunnan and Shan, or they could drive West.
Either all infantry forever or Mech the first round or two and then all infantry. Depends what Japan does also of course.
Do the AA guns absorb hits in Global? Not sure how that changes things….that’s why I thought of more AA guns…
They do. Have to be taken as casualties now.