Welcome to the forum.
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Welcome to the forum ! -
Always great to hear another A&A enthusiasts story. -
Hey everyone!
Great to meet you all! I’m from Calgary, Canada. I got into A&A games when I was a kid, all thanks to my dad who’s a huge fan. My favorite version is Axis & Allies 1942 Second Edition, though I’ve dabbled in Axis & Allies 1940 Global a few times too. I try to squeeze in a game about once a month—life’s busy with work and family—but I always look forward to it! And oh, customization are my jam!)) Can’t stand the default designs, so I’ve painted a bunch of the pieces to give them some extra flair. -
Since you like Customization the @The-Captain s House Mod is way Bad ass.
Welcome to the site :) -
See, Dad’s are important! They teach us Axis and Allies!!!WELCOME!!!
My name is Rudy and I went by Mount Elberus when I played way too much back in the day. Squads mostly.
I am from Oregon now but played AAWC back in Indiana and Florida.
The original one is all we had and played back then.
I played a long time ago. I was there when AAWC stopped working, so when was that? It has been a few years.
No customization and not played in years.I hope that I hear from some old timers and new players to. I am wondering how it is going on Steam and is there rated play? Squads? Anything like that?
Thank you,
Welcome to the forum.When playing online most people here use either TripleA for almost every related game and/or Beamdog’s 1942 SE variant . Just check it out.
Have fun!
@Mount_Elberus WELCOME!!!
Hi there
I’m in Ontario… have been playing some 1942.2 and I own the war game from jeff stien as well… have been playing solo with that a bit as time allows… am enjoying just browsing all the great axis and allies content 🙂 -
@tmartin Welcome to the forum!
@tmartin would you be interested in playing online?
I don’t really play online but I would like to hear what you play and what platforms you use -
Hi t
Most use triplea for online play https://www.axisandallies.org/forums/topic/17147/gargantua-s-k-i-s-s-triplea-instructions/30
There is also Beamdog’s excellent https://www.axisandallies.org/forums/category/68/axis-allies-1942-online
I play using Triple A with a friend I met through this site. It works pretty well. I have lost a lot of games to this guy. I have won 3 or four and it keeps my brain alive. -
My name is Anders Poulsen. I’m from Denmark (Sealand)
I have been playing A&A a couple of year with friends and online vs bots.
So im very new in A&A.Would love to meet follow A&A Enthusiasts i can play with both online and in person.
I love playing all version of A&A and hope to meet someone I can play with and discuss different strategies in A&A.Looking forward to talk and hopefully meet some of you soon!
Happy new year to all!
Greeting Anders
@SirSilas Welcome to the forum!
Hi @SirSilas
Welcome to the site ! In case you are unaware, there are two main ways to play online. Triplea is the most popular https://www.axisandallies.org/forums/topic/17147/gargantua-s-k-i-s-s-triplea-instructions/30 they also have many other games besides just A&A based ones.
Juluis Beamdog also has https://www.axisandallies.org/forums/category/68/axis-allies-1942-online which is also quite popular.
Some people play with steam and or discord ? I’m not very familiar with those but there are a few people on here that play via that format.
Also, @The-Captain presides over the Danish Axis & Allies Association They primarily play a mod of the Global 1940 game and have a large membership base.
Have Fun gaming !
Hi @barnee
Thank you for your welcome.
I already have TripleA and Axis & Allies Online. But only played against AI so far.
I already talked with The Captain, so with try the Global 40 house rules soon :)
Happy new year to you!
Hi everyone. My name is Mike and I am from Bakersfield, CA. I have been playing since the Classic version in the late 90’s, when the Axis could win an economic victory. I like to play 1942 Classic, both in person and online, 1914, and G40. I don’t play as often as I’d like as I am a busy guy - I have two little kids, plus I am in graduate school. But I do play with my 11 year old son, in fact we just finished our first game of 1914 that I got for Christmas today.
Don’t use any customizations or house rules.
Hello again, im back in the forum mostly to play this year’s league.
Im glad this is still alive and with many people playing. Im open to play OOB and BM4 games, tell me if you want!
Also i posted in the Find League Opponents Thread, but is still in the post queue since this morning (im from Spain btw). Dont know if i have to do something to get the posts on the forum again.