• Insane Strategy for Global 40
    For the last couple of years I have been springing this USA Crush strategy on unsuspecting players over @ Triple A. The success rate is about 90%. This strategy was developed over time and is not based on any of the really, really bad USA Crush strategies that exist elsewhere on this forum. Save your time and don’t even search those.

    Very few people survived their initial encounter with my USA Crush Strategy. Some of those that did survive their initial encounter with the strategy had the luxury of watching me do it to others. I suspect around 4 people truly solved it on 1st viewing and 2 of those won because I was diced(happens). I suspect I have done it to 75+ people. If your opponent is a real life German, you will have 100% success rate and be able to witness a great rage quit. :)

    The level of play over at Triple A is insanely good. Doubt me? Download it and Go there and see for yourself.

    First, why the strategy succeeds is two fold. One, nobody sees it coming. If they are smart and a good player, why would they? Only a crazy person attacks the USA. 2nd, people are on auto pilot on their purchases and play style. Some people go into a game thinking, I am buying this or that…attacking here or there …no matter what on Turn 1. People are essentially preparing and getting ready for a typical game and often don’t even recognize their peril until it is too late. Some even mocked or derided my buys and openers. This strategy is especially good against the arrogant and those with big Egos. In fact, the way to defeat it, is to swallow your pride and spam Inf for the USA. Most won’t or in some cases can’t do that (ego).

    Now into the Strategy!
    Like most battles it starts during the pre-game. Have to win the pre-game. Here is what you must have and clearly that means securing the Axis to play:

    1. Dice and no tech rules set. Anyone that wants to play Low Luck is massively insecure and their ego cannot handle an occasional bad roll. You don’t want to play them anyway :) I would rather gouge my eyes out than play LL. Tech allows for too much random bad stuff to happen, so don’t try this in a Tech game. Might work in a tech game, I have not tried.

    2. Get the Allied bid down to around 20…I don’t recommend allowing Allied bids as high as 24. 24 means your Ger Turn 1 raids on the UK Navy will be in peril. A 24 bid is often a Ftr in Scotland, Dest in 110 and a Sub in 111. Can’t face that. If you are seeing that bid purchase…try another strategy, like taking a right and pile driving the USSR.

    Ger Turn 1 Purchase:
    Carrier and 2 subs …save 2 IPC

    Ger Turn 1 Attacks
    Below is a typical opener.
    You are trying for two things here.

    1. Disable the UK Fleet and make sure your BSHP survives. The Bismarck must live! Ideally, if you can retreat the 111 battle and save the Bshp then you had a great turn.
    2. Try not to risk any planes against the Paris AA gun. Keep your battles tight and overwhelming. Take zero risks turn 1 and don’t add a bunch of unnecessary crap side attacks. The only toss up battle will be 106, but losing it is often a god send.

    In this example, my opponent bid a Ftr in Scotland and some land units in Africa.
    Ger Turn 1 Combat Croppedj.jpeg

    Ger 1 Non Combat and Placement
    Send some planes to Italy, unless you lost alot in the English Channel. Send all the AA Guns to the Ost Front! You will need them there. Won’t need them in West Euro.

    Ger Non Combat copyj.jpeg

    Jap 1 Purchases:
    1 Carrier 1 Transport save 3 IPC

    Jap 1 Combat Moves
    Below is the Jap 1 Combat Move
    You Declare War verse the Western Allies during political phase.
    Main Points. Get the USA, don’t care about China.

    1. Get the USA! First in the Philippines and then at Midway and Hawaii.These two battles are the key. Bringing 1 Bomber to Pearl Harbor makes a Big Difference. The crazy thing about the Philippine battle, you are almost always taking the Ftr as a loss. Trust me. The Philippine Battle is the most risky. Do not try and bring more planes here, no Carriers will be available to scoop them up. Just power thru and win there, regardless of losses, as long as you win with 1 Arty, it is a victory for us.
    2. Of Yunnan and Kwang, you want to win Kwang the most (denies points to UK Pacific). China, pfffffttt! What ever, keep planes alive.
      Jap 1 Attack.jpg

    Jap 1 Non-Combat and Placement
    In the above Battles:

    1. I barely won in the Philippines, 1 arty
    2. Barely won in Yunnan, 1 arty
    3. Did very well in SZ26 Hawaii, he did not scramble. No losses.
    4. Do not push your Inf in China too deeply into China. A feint here against China or make it look like you want to defend Manchuria is fine.
    5. The key on Non-Combat is to assemble as mush of your fleet as you can at Midway, which you took in combat move. Philippines SZ battle, that air lands in China, no Carriers for them.

    There should be a slow and long pause during the American purchase phase at this point. If there is not a pause and they know immediately what to buy and do, well, then you are in trouble, as they have seen this strategy before. There is an outside chance they don’t recognize their peril and just buy and do what they always do American Turn 1.

    Jap 1 Non-combat.jpeg

    Italy Turn 1 Purchase
    Here we have some variability, based on what happened on the British Turn. No Taranato, well, then you likely just won the Game. Most times your opponent does Taranato. The big question on the Brit 1 turn is whether to scramble Taranato or not. You are looking for reasons to scramble. If a 2nd Italian Tran survives Brit 1, well, then the Allies are doomed. In the example below, I scrambled and won. Bshp and Tran alive. He retreated after basically a whiff in his attack, so planes made it thru too. I knew I won at this point. Italy’s job is as a can opener on the way to USA, the more they can help, the better.

    1. No Taranato or you win the scramble at Taranato, then buy 1 FTR or save the points
    2. Taranato worked and you lost? Try and buy a Tran, but only if you can protect it.
    3. Worse you can do, is save the money.

    Here is the board after Italy1 and their non-combat
    This was extremely Ideal, unlikely will you be sitting this pretty.
    Here is what you want out of Italy 1

    1. Gibraltar or be in position to take Gibraltar and or Morocco
    2. French Fleet Dead or trapped in the Med at least, by taking Gibraltar
    3. Africa we don’t really care, we need to move everything West, towards Gibraltar. Our attacks in Africa should be Westward.
    4. Move some inf and Armor towards Russia, but it only needs to be 1 Armor. You will have time to reposition.
      Italy 1.jpeg

    We fast Forward to Ger 2
    Make the Atlantic a German Lake!!!
    Purchase: 1 Carrier, 2 Trannies, 1 arty and 6 Subs (yes, not typo)
    This was the optimum purchase based on how Italy did…and they are sitting so sweet here. If Italy had a tougher time, maybe go heavier on Trannies, less subs. Either way, build a Fleet to dominate the Atlantic. Some trannies are a must.

    1. Clean up turn, and reload turn. Take Greece, Normandy and in this best case scenario, Garrison Gibraltar with as much Air Force that is reasonable.

    If Gibraltar is not taken yet, then expect Italy to get it next turn or they can snag Morocco. Germany does not have to do anything but get big in the Atlantic this turn. Russia pffffft! Most likely they are buying inf like every good little AA player. lol! That will be their undoing.
    Ger 2 J.jpeg

    Jap 2 Turn
    Looming presence!
    Purchase: 1 Carrier, 3 trannies

    1. Start moving everything towards USA. Pick off any straggler Trannies of UK and Aussie. Keep Manchuria over stacked regardless of what Russia does, just a tip into China. The Planes in China must end their turn close enough to Japan to land there in Turn 3 (MUST)
      Get Bombers within range of Hawaii or Japan too.

    2. Take Hawaii, probably marginally defended…if he deployed to defend Hawaii, then crush him if you can, or set it up so Turn 3 is a walkover.
      Jap 2j.jpeg

    Italy Turn 2
    Purchases: Airfield and or Harbor
    If the Italians secured Gibraltar last turn then they must look to place an AF on Italy 2. Sometimes this means saving some money on Italy 1 so you can get the AF.

    There is a good chance you don’t have Morocco or Gibraltar yet. But that should be your goal for Turn 2. If Morocco is the only reasonable one to take, then you must be thinking about placing a Harbor there turn 3. So save enough to do so.
    In this scenario, Italy is optimum and I bought an Airfield. All I could afford, but that is fine.

    1. If no Gibraltar or Morocco yet, then get 1 Ftr on a Ger Carrier.
      If Gib is secured get all your AF there and if you can, get whatever you can thru Gibraltar into Atlantic, Germs will join you soon.
    2. Be ready to can open in two directions next turn. Russia and the Atlantic.
      Italy 2j.jpeg

    Ger Turn 3
    Admiral Doentiz would be proud!
    Purchase: 9 Armor or 8 Armor and 1 mech
    Ya, we can’t ignore Russia forever, but don’t Declare against them yet, wait until turn 4.

    1. Sail your armada one of two places. Gibraltar or SZ 103
      If Gibraltar or Morocco was secured, then go there. If Italy failed, then no matter, clear the English channel if necessary but sail it all to sz103 (yup, right out there in the middle) The key here if you have to go to SZ 103 is to leave room on a carrier for an Italian Ftr, they should be on the carrier for Ger 3 if you can pull it off. You may need the Ftr to clear any blockers. I like to go to 103 if no risk of blockers, and so many times the UK player is fearing Sea Lion they bought inf and planes instead of ships.

    2. Against Russia, you should be poised to attack Turn 4, East Poland.
      The Russian players by this point realizes buying all inf was a mistake, but they are doomed too. If they were smart and have lots of Armor and Arty, no worries you can hold them off.

    This is one game that won’t be decided on the Ost Front!
    Ger 3j.jpeg

    Japan Turn 3
    Purchase: 2 Bombers and 3 Trannies
    This is the optimum purchase based on your opponent trying to keep pace in the Pacific. This may change dramatically based on what USA has done to this point. Likely though Bombers and Trannies will be on your radar.

    My opponent here is attempting to keep pace with Japan’s buys. Ya, he can’t. I saw an opportunity to put lots of pressure on him, so I took Alaska, British Columbia and Panama on him. Panama is so he won’t escape to the Atlantic. Much tougher for Axis if the USA flees the Pacific. Indeed, it is one way to beat this strategy. If they do flee the Pacific, then you got to hold Hawaii and bee line for Australia.

    At this point, the USA is doomed, and likely just realizing it. Great moment here. USA turn 3 is often the longest turn you will ever see. Some surrender at this point when they realize they have been check mated. Expect mysterious disconnects from the internet.
    Jap 3j.jpeg
    Jap 3jj.jpeg

    Italy Turn 3
    Italy weasels USA and Russia
    Purchase: Infantry and Bombers

    Here is Italy Combat Turn 3. Central USA was open!
    Had it not been open. I would have taken South East Mexico. By taking SE Mexico, I would create landing spot for Ger Bombers no Gibraltar. This is important, as many players will try to use blockers in the Pacific. You can reach a blocker with a Bomber from Gibraltar with an AF and land in Mexico.

    Declared in Russia too!
    Italy Combatj.jpeg

    And here is Italy at End of Turn:
    Sitting pretty!
    Italy End Turnj.jpeg

    Ger Turn 4
    Ya, only turn 4. Most of my wins end on turn 4. Very often they don’t properly defend EUSA. Ya, they are so confused, they make that huge mistake. 25% of time Germany sails into Washington and has an easy Battle. With Italy can opening we have space for Ger Bombers to land.

    In this case EUSA was properly defended. But not Quebec.
    Ya, the guy rage quit at end of Ger turn.
    Ger turn 4j.png

    Jap Turn 4
    My opponent raged and fled the Lobby at this point. Calling the strategy dopey and silly. And, “It could never work again!” Lol!

    I played out Jap turn 4 anyway. so you can see how seet the Axis are sitting by the end of 4.

    The American fleet was totally destroyed, because Japan could literally leverage all its power on that SZ. By the GErms and Italy taking Central USA or Mexico, the Japanese can now bring the planes on Japan. This is simply too much for any American force to withstand. In 75 or so games I have never come close to losing this Naval Battle. Again, the key, places for Jap planes to land in USA or Mexico.

    The Endj.jpeg

    The Endjjj.jpeg

    The Beauty of this strategy is even if USA is till standing at the end of Turn 4, then the German Fleet Convoys them down to under 10 IPC a turn and the Jap Bombers bomb the rest of the IPC’s and then the Axis build In WUSA and Central until they can overwhelm EUSA, which is two more turns tops. On the Ost front you spam Armor from Turn 3 on to hold back the Russians. Italy buys Inf and Bombers from turn 3 on too.

    Try this Strategy on your friends and family, they are sure to hate you. It may only work once, against good players, but you can always hold it over their heads for eternity. Reminding them frequently, “Remember the time you lost the USA in 4 turns?” Ya, they will hate you. You’re welcome.

  • @Galendae

    You forgot about the part where you ask them to watch Man in the High Castle with you afterwards.

  • @TheDesertFox You joke, but I honestly considered naming this strategy, Man in the High Castle.

  • @Galendae

    I could honestly get on board with that name.

  • @Galendae Brilliant Strategy! Well thought out, planned, and innovative. I appreciate the flexibility of the plan as well, which shows just how effective it is. I’ll try to use this in future games and see if I can use it as effectively as shown here. Thank you for posting this.

  • @Galendae

    Too bad the secret’s out now. If I could, I might label this “Signs to Watch Out For If Your Opponent is Going to Competently Try to Take the US”. However, on the flip side I’m eternally grateful for bringing attention to this. Now I’ll never be defeated by this!

    Might be in the running for “most unrealistic successful Axis and Allies strategy”. Praise the gods of game design for permanently vanquishing the enemy of logistics in this game (like, you know, sustaining hundreds of ships in the middle of the Atlantic for six months is not a problem).

  • @SuperbattleshipYamato You would be surprised how many still lose to it, even when they know it is coming. There is some nuance in every game and I am highly adaptable. Still, you are right, this is revealing and only a fool would lose to this knowing it is coming. The cat has been out of the bag for awhile though. Lately, I was springing this, and opponents had seen it or been properly warned. I got everyone I was ever going to get with this over on Triple A. Thus, I finally posted it here. It is a 2 year old strategy, I had my fun with it…the sheer amount of turn 4 wins surprised me.

  • @Galendae
    Its more of a sucker punch that people might overlook. But its really obvious a lot more obvious then the berlin grab that the allies can do.

    Its also pretty easy to counter, you need a load of fleet to pull this off but you also need a load of attacking fleet just to get to WUS.
    It would only work if the US would focus completely on japan, but since it starts as a sea-lion setup US would be focussing on europe anyway just to make sure.

    If the US isnt focussing on europe and leaves itself open against this why travel all the way there? Might as well have a lot less of an investment and take london. Without any fleet the US wont be taking that back any time soon.

    Also why the hell would you buy Tanks and mechs if your fighting near your factories?

  • @shadowhawk Based on your comment, you would lose to this strat, even knowing it is coming. Also, Sealion is a fool’s errand against good players. You try Sealion against me, I will have Ivan kicking your teeth in.

  • @Galendae

    Not to mention the fact that the Americans will be on your doorstep to retake London again and then what would you do?

  • @TheDesertFox said in USA Crush-Turtle or Die:

    and then what would you do?

    get his teeth kicked in lol

  • @Galendae said in USA Crush-Turtle or Die:

    I don’t recommend allowing Allied bids as high as 24.

    Ummm, 50 is a reasonable Bid. If people are giving you less than $24 they don’t know what they are doing.

  • @TheDesertFox
    If they focus everything on the pacific they will be at least 3 turns away from even being able to attack london.

    Thats 3 turns of extra german income, 3 turns for italy to clear out north afrika.

    This only works if the US doesnt build enough fleet and not enough forces on the european board. His whole strategy is based on the US focussing 100% of its income in japan and sending every available unit towards japan.

    In that scenario you taking london will be impossible to retake in less then 3 turns.

  • @Galendae

    I played a game against myself under the parameters you described, using your strategy (no bid).

    Here are the results (apologies for some of the editing confusion, I assure you, overall there were no IPC irregularities):

    2024-4-26-World-War-II-Global-1940-2nd-Edition Human.tsvg

    While the results were… inconclusive, I think it’s pretty clear (and we can extrapolate) that the US can certainly beat the Axis back if it knows what’s coming while the Soviets can cause some serious damage when it amasses along the border, ready for a strike. Overall I think the Axis weren’t going to win this one.

    Still, I was surprised that Japan was as successful as they were, seizing the West Coast twice.

    Let me know if you would like a full game report.

  • @SuperbattleshipYamato

    You where either pulling your punches as the allies or just trying to help the axis in that game. I just checked the full game.

    You ofcourse did play with prior knowledge of the Axis plans so you did make some moves to prevent that, but maby also tried not to prevent it to hard as normally you dont know the plans of your opponent.

    You could easy destroy the German fleet in the atlantic when it was out in the open. You had the naval forces for it. Round 3 or 4 the fleet is in the middle of the atlantic.
    That would have destroyed german plans completely and would have prevented any funny things japan was planning.

    With that much forces spend on navy germany was doomed from the start, japan as well as they control nearly nothing on the mainland and china is a beast.

  • @shadowhawk

    Yeah, as the Allies I did make some mistakes. Hence my conclusion that the strategy is indeed a no go if your opponent can recognize it.

  • @AndrewAAGamer said in USA Crush-Turtle or Die:

    @Galendae said in USA Crush-Turtle or Die:

    I don’t recommend allowing Allied bids as high as 24.

    Ummm, 50 is a reasonable Bid. If people are giving you less than $24 they don’t know what they are doing.

    This is not necessarily the case. FTF bids are not $50. Moreover, in other bid systems such as Gencon you can place more than one unit per territory. So a $60 bid could result in 20 inf in France.

    It depends a lot on the context and bid system.

  • @squirecam said in USA Crush-Turtle or Die:

    @AndrewAAGamer said in USA Crush-Turtle or Die:

    @Galendae said in USA Crush-Turtle or Die:

    I don’t recommend allowing Allied bids as high as 24.

    Ummm, 50 is a reasonable Bid. If people are giving you less than $24 they don’t know what they are doing.

    This is not necessarily the case. FTF bids are not $50. Moreover, in other bid systems such as Gencon you can place more than one unit per territory. So a $60 bid could result in 20 inf in France.

    It depends a lot on the context and bid system.

    Yea most people assume that their bid system is the only way it is.
    Having no limit on what you can place in 1 country does make bids go down i recon.
    24ipc, sure 8 inf in france please. Good luck germany.

    Well ok germany will still take it, but hm 8 inf on yunnan could be interesting.
    Funny if people give you a huge bid without specifying the rules first, then complain that well you didnt follow the rules, not your fault you both assumed something else.

  • @shadowhawk said in USA Crush-Turtle or Die:

    @squirecam said in USA Crush-Turtle or Die:

    @AndrewAAGamer said in USA Crush-Turtle or Die:

    @Galendae said in USA Crush-Turtle or Die:

    I don’t recommend allowing Allied bids as high as 24.

    Ummm, 50 is a reasonable Bid. If people are giving you less than $24 they don’t know what they are doing.

    This is not necessarily the case. FTF bids are not $50. Moreover, in other bid systems such as Gencon you can place more than one unit per territory. So a $60 bid could result in 20 inf in France.

    It depends a lot on the context and bid system.

    Yea most people assume that their bid system is the only way it is.
    Having no limit on what you can place in 1 country does make bids go down i recon.
    24ipc, sure 8 inf in france please. Good luck germany.

    Well ok germany will still take it, but hm 8 inf on yunnan could be interesting.
    Funny if people give you a huge bid without specifying the rules first, then complain that well you didnt follow the rules, not your fault you both assumed something else.

    I would rather have 2 subs and Scotland fighter though. Or sub, destroyer and fighter.

  • @squirecam said in USA Crush-Turtle or Die:

    @shadowhawk said in USA Crush-Turtle or Die:

    @squirecam said in USA Crush-Turtle or Die:

    @AndrewAAGamer said in USA Crush-Turtle or Die:

    @Galendae said in USA Crush-Turtle or Die:

    I don’t recommend allowing Allied bids as high as 24.

    Ummm, 50 is a reasonable Bid. If people are giving you less than $24 they don’t know what they are doing.

    This is not necessarily the case. FTF bids are not $50. Moreover, in other bid systems such as Gencon you can place more than one unit per territory. So a $60 bid could result in 20 inf in France.

    It depends a lot on the context and bid system.

    Yea most people assume that their bid system is the only way it is.
    Having no limit on what you can place in 1 country does make bids go down i recon.
    24ipc, sure 8 inf in france please. Good luck germany.

    Well ok germany will still take it, but hm 8 inf on yunnan could be interesting.
    Funny if people give you a huge bid without specifying the rules first, then complain that well you didnt follow the rules, not your fault you both assumed something else.

    I would rather have 2 subs and Scotland fighter though. Or sub, destroyer and fighter.

    Was just putting a few bids in. There are many options how about a few bombers with russia, destroy half the japanese fleet round 1 before it moves?
    Point was that the bid rules do affect the amount. If someone gives you a bit of 60 without specifying having 20 inf extra on france would basically stop germany in their tracks right away, and give the US a free hand to invest only in the pacific.

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