Ps. here are a couple quick elements. So basically this top one is what we got going on in the current map UHD. It’s not really Ultra High def in any meaningful way, but that was sorta just the idea I had, that it needs to be larger than the gaming display so the player has something to zoom-out from. This mainly cause when tripleA started out 1080p would have been like the extreme upper limit back then, whereas now that scale is pretty standard. The ceiling on it is actually the unit sizes which are basically all keyed around the 48px square still. The largest we can make a unit right in tripleA is basically 54px tall, and then upscaled to 125%. So the map could go larger, but then the units end up super tiny. This one is kinda just working with what we got I guess. It’s not part of making the relief, just the limit on how big the map can realistically be made for an upscale, before it just runs away from the UI and the unit graphics out of range.
Anyway these are the jank parts, which I’d like to clean up, but then I figured might as well just toss em out here in case it’s easier…
In this image the relief topo pattern is already isolated and desaturated. It’s at 100% opacity though. To make adjustments basically you’d redraw the stuff on that one, and then reduce the opacity afterwards. Then the painted over tiles will show through with the HEX colors chosen. By the time it’s passed through that and had the border feathering added and a little gaussian blur, what’s underneath becomes more impressionistic. The features recede into the background and we get a little play for the obvious liberties to distort that topo to match the baseline warp. The 100% transparent sections here will display whatever the background color you got going. Like for me on these these forums it shows white on desktop, dark on my phone. This would be like what comes through from the ocean blue in the baseline, or the pure Hex colors in-game for the stuff on land.
Then here’s the same thing, but in color with a quickie blue for the ocean. Immediately all the jank will jump out there, because now peeps can kinda see everything going on, especially the little alignment issues like say where coastal areas are or larger lakes and rivers pop. The blues there were just to make those areas easier to spot. Once it’s desaturated and layered in we can clone stamp around, move a topo feature, HEX colours on top or whatever and it all will kinda just blend together a bit easier. It works for trying to do the thing like in the current display, but not as well standing all by itself.
Anyway, those are the sorta the main things to draw over or tweak if one wanted to go in and noodle around to alter the relief. Then the opacity is reduced afterwards, when the layers all get collapsed together into a single image. The border stuff just comes from the baseline image, with the feathers, blend and blur, or variations in opacity between the layers.
For the ocean waves and all that, it’s basically the same deal as the land portions, except we use a cloud pattern to kind gloss over whatever is happening in the water and knock back the jank there using those sorts of cloudy/wavy type patterns. For the last one I just threw something together and dropped it on top to clean things up, but didn’t save out the element, so I have to just redo it I guess once the base is fully sorted.
For the stencil type thing here is another version of the baseline which won’t work in tripleA but might be easier to use for the masking. It’s just the base image with the black 1 px line turned red. Basically when everything is done you paste that layer on top and then use the red selection to delete the actual borderline from the final relief, this will allow the black border line from the base to invert to white, when the territory is highlighted in-game.
That line, the border line can never be anti-aliased. It has to be 1 px wide and 100% black in the baseline map at scale, or tripleA won’t know what to do with the image and all the utilities will bust. Or the map won’t scale properly when changing mapsviews, and all the rest. That’s why tripleA is sorta tough to work around, cause it needs that base map image to be a certain way, which is a limiting factor.
I do this step after the black border is already expanded/feathered or had some blur tossed around the edges to make it appear softer in the relief. Trying to manually antialias it in whatever way through opacity and gaussian blur or whatever. The whole thing works better at some map view scales than others, super zoom shows some hot fuzz, but I was aiming for like 50-80% on the players view, where it presented alright to my eyes. Kinda tough cause everything is all rastery hehe. Anyhow just in case someone wants to play around with the pieces to go under the hood.
The previews there are all downscaled to like 25% just so the image could display here.
Right then, just thought might be cool to show ya how it looks when putting stuff together. The final relief for a tripleA map I usually will just get the version where all the working layers are already collapsed, which is why they’re harder to modify from the materials in downloaded maps folder. Usually I have to reassemble the tiles to using the breaker utility in reverse to get an image that can be tinkered with for the relief. I wanted to just put something in the folder itself, not for the game to use, but for the end user to use, if that makes sense. But also I need to keep the overall filesize sensible, just to save room for all the extra units and such, and the images which the game actually uses (the stuff in the tiles folders etc) which is already pretty hefty.
Here’s how the polygrabber works. It’s the main thing you need to just tweak the base, which can be run without any relief pretty easily just to test stuff. Like to change the borders shapes of the tiles or the overall world warps you do this sort of stuff… There’s another thread where I tried to explain the relief stuff, but it’s complicated. Needs a tutorial video or something probably, but I don’t excel at that stuff. It’s probably easier in PS, but I mainly just use GIMP.
It’s technically possible to do this for any sort of aesthetic sensibility really. Any colors or map warp, or unit type looks. Like one could make the thing look more like the OG, battlemapish or the beamdog style or Iron Blitz or whatever, though I figure that ground is already staked out and I would just direct peeps to those places anyway. For me tripleA is sorta for customizers. Like it’s exactly the same thing in my mind as painting the sculpts or making your own cool map on a big piece of posterboard, but like the digital version of that. Main things that holds it back is that there aren’t really developers, and the whole design is sorta 20 years old using raster graphics, so the gamemap sorta has to key off the display size. Like however big you expect someone’s screen to be. As screens get larger and images get higher resolution, it’s harder to keep pace. Also needs to have that jank I think on some level, like a fan art riff, otherwise it’s stepping on toes probably.
One thing I wish tripleA had a bit more of would the sorts of elements in the UI or overall user experience that I’d call haptics.
Like making the dice feel unique, or doing the cool film reels or newspaper headlines. The RP aspect I guess. Oh and sound!
There’s like no soundwork at all right now really, which in itself is a fairly jank aspect. like I tend to just play my big playlist of period music or classical jams, or film score stuff, Conan the Barbarian battle at the mounds on repeat or whatever. But of course can’t use that sort of stuff at all. If it has a time signature the filesize balloons and it’s bad practice to use anything not created from scratch there I feel. It’s sorta on the end user I think or if ever there was a sound guru for tripleA, but I don’t recall and have no clue how to do any of that stuff. Just sorta stick to the maps and little flags and the tiny dudes which I can get my head around lol. I just went with the vibe I was feelin, but ideally it would just be a custom riff of some sort.
For the G40 I worked it backwards from the one I made for the Dog. He had an idea for a game which was like all kind of m3 on the ground and a bunch of other stuff that I only vaguely understood, for like unit interactions. Different vibe there, but I thought the map projection would basically work for this too, so just tried to bang out a G40 along the way. Idea would be anything not labelled isn’t a discrete tile, but just kinda cosmetic on the G40. Like unless it has a label that shows a name. Here sorta the same thing, but I just use the production value since everything had 1 pu, on the crazy big one where the tiny units sorta worked for the scale.
This map image for the other one is like 90mb, but basically shows what I was shooting for initially. Like large enough for some sorta micro-sculpt maybe if it was actually a physical board, where the map itself is trying to maybe climb up to 1200p 1600p 2160p. Units can scale up but not enough for the super zoom, UI still looks kinda jank at that res though ,cause all the font and the tiny flag images displayed within the UI, upscale together. Again sorta hits the ceiling there. The map itself seemed to worked pretty well though, like just in the mapview scaling out. Here it is at 100% view 1600p just exporting the map image from tripleA to create a png. You can do similar stuff sans units if you just turn that off in the mapview before exporting the image to see how the whole map looks at once without needing to scroll around. They pretty much key off each other, but then I had to stretch a lot in central Eurasia where the OG gameboards come together. Just to hit the connects to be analogous to the G40 stuff. Anyhow here’s what that one ended up looking like…
here’s the G40 keying off that, image at the same res 1600p, but with the option “show units” toggled off. You can see the map is a little smaller, which meant redrawing the baseline so that it would show the units at 100-125% larger and just much larger overall in relative terms compared to the tiles. The single map image when shown all together at once clocked in right around 50mb, so about half the filesize on the map stuff.
![g40 units off reduced.png](/forums/assets/uploads/files/1708968525899-g40-units-off-reduced-resized.png)
That image doesn’t have any of those latest base adjustment just included, but just to show the scale of the actual image compared to the display in-game at whatever resolution, but probably 1080-1200p just to smooth it out for the UI.