First, let me acknowledge Bugoo as it was his post that introduced me to this concept/idea.
Others have helped like Emperor_Taiki (initial points) and Subotai with their comments
And not to forget Germanman01 who started my initial interest in this with his Tech Poll.
The best way to try out ANY Rule change is via game play testing. So if you have tried this house rule in a game, please post the game rules used (1941, NO’s, no bid, etc) and then your thoughts / feedback so we can improve this.
Good Gaming all!
Each tech has a point value. Purchased researchers have the same cost, but are targeted for only one tech. Roll as normal for research, but add up the total rolls and apply them toward the selected tech. Once point value is reached, tech is gained (said researchers are lost/not needed)
US wants heavy bombers eventually, they are worth 30 research, so on turn 1 I purchase one heavy bomber researcher. I roll and get a 3. Now I need 27 more research to get heavy bombers. On turn 2 I decide I want super subs, and since that tech isn’t as powerful I only need 15 research to get them. I purchase 2 researchers, both for the subs as I want to sink japan’s navy now. I roll a 2 for my heavy bomber researcher, leaving 25 left, and then roll a 4 and a 5 for my subs, leaving 6 left and with any luck on turn 3 i’ll get my super subs.
NOTE: Unsure about multiple tech per turn, BUT AA50 games are much shorter (less than 10 rounds) so multiple techs achieved a turn could work in game play testing.
This will allow you to slowly work at a tech, rush for it, and choose to go for the good but expensive techs, or take an easier, faster, tech, or all of the above.
Initial tech points assignments:
Tech Value
War bonds: 10
Advanced Artillery: 10
Paratrooper: 20
IC: 20
Mech Inf: 25
Rockets: 20
Shipyards: 15
Long Range: 25
Heavy Bombers: 30
Radar: 20
Jet Fighters: 15
Supersubs: 15
Along the lines of combined techs becoming too powerful (i.e. Long Range, Heavy Paratroopers), you could add that if one tech is attained (like HBs), the new target for Long Range for that country is increased by “6” or something like that.
Is radar properly priced at 20? Perhaps Radar could include a BB gets an AAA shot (1@1) to reduce the HB’s overwhelming power in naval warfare. If we did that, radar would cost 25. Also, in games with Escorts optional rule, you could adjust this … even higher to 30 (since escorts already diminish HBs)?
Modified Dec 2010 with new points (highlighted below and new number of tech researcher restriction)
TECH via a POINT SYSTEM v2.2 revised Dec 2010
Each tech has a point value. Purchased researchers have the same cost, but are targeted for only one tech. Roll as normal for research, but add up the total rolls and apply them toward the selected tech. Once point value is reached, tech is gained (said researchers are lost/not needed). Techs achieved on the first try come into play at the end of non-combat moves (yes, war bonds are ‘instant’). This may result in achieving multiple tech per turn. This is legal under these tech rules.
Number of Researchers restriction: Only 2 tech researchers are allowed per tech. Both can be bought in one round.
Tech points assignments:
Tech Value
Chart 1:
Advanced Artillery: 12
Rockets: 20
Paratrooper: 30
IFP: 20
War bonds: 10
Mech Inf: 25
Chart 2:
Supersubs: 15
Jet Fighters: 18
Shipyards: 15
Radar: 15
Long Range: 38
Heavy Bombers: 25
TECH via a POINT SYSTEM v2.2-97.doc