That’s a better idea, especially since Japan is usually somewhat stretched to the limits on their declaration of war on the US.
france goes first handicapping system or balancing mechanic
Crockett36 time machine
France goes first balance or handicapping or time machine mechanic.
Seeing as people are fans of the bid system. I do not see why France going first would break the game.
That’s the spirit. Variety being the spice of life.
So France going first will allow France to attack Northern Italy which can reduce it to a minor.
The ideal move would be move all French Units to Paris which adds two infantry, two artillery. Then you buy five infantry and an artillery or AA gun to chew up your money and then UK moves all their aircraft to Paris. Doing this will force Germany to move everything against Paris including aircraft. This will delay Germany from going all in against USSR which will allow USSR a lot of freedom on their side against Germany. I’ve been playing bids of $60+ so this should be tested.
@Caesar-Seriona said in france goes first handicapping system or balancing mechanic:
{snip} and then UK moves all their aircraft to Paris. {snip}
I thought that with this handicap, France goes first in turn 0, then Germany goes next as the first power to go in turn 1, returning to the standard turn order there after. So, when is the UK going to moving those planes to Paris? Or did I miss something?
No, you just move France to the first slot.
@Caesar-Seriona Okay, I can see that. Still, if the turn order is France, Germany, et cetera, then when will those UK fighters move to Paris if Germany goes before the UK?
I’m pointing out the worse case situation hence the only true benefit France gets out of this would be 7 infantry, and 3 artillery.
Plus the London ftr., and a CA and DD to be the UK’s Mediterranean can opener. -
Three options that are obvious, the Dunkirk get as many out as possible: this could equate to a base bid of 19 plus tuv of units saved of 20 to 30. The other to turtle. The third is to attack n italy. I liked retreating to S France. It’s all fun. And the butterfly effects that will ripple through…so cool. If anyone wants to i m willing to try a game, either side.
@Mr-Kell If France goes first, that means that British forces cannot get to Paris unless Germany doesn’t invade.
Sorry, I thought France started with 2 Inf and a Ftr in London. -
@Mr-Kell Ah yes they do but you can’t get the infantry to Paris before Germany can but you can get the fighter so that adds on defense. If you pay attention to what I set up, it’s still pretty damn favorable for Germany, it just has to bring in the airforce to make it a victory.