Guadalcanal Combat system for AAE

  • @Admiral_Thrawn:

    The Allies go first for the first 2 rounds to simulate the initiative the Axis still had at this point in the war. After this the opposing sides roll a die to determine who goes first for the next 4 rounds. Then after this the Allies get plus 1 to their dice roll. In Guadalcanal it is advantageous to go second and it is as well in this game. I see it like breaking the other sides codes or surprising an unready opponent.

    Can you give me an example why its advantageous to go second?
    Haven’t played Guadalcanal before.

    Rolling for each round sequence is interesting.

  • It is advantageous to go second because you get see where your opponent is going so you usually have the advantage to counter his move. Example: In guadalcanal the 2nd unit you move is the battleship. Usually you can tell where their main effort will be by seeing where they move or don’t move their battleship. Unless sometimes you can feint a move that can draw someone to commit somewhere you are not going. The first player does have the advantage with the subs though. They get to move and fire first.

  • You must try Guadalcanal. Easily the best A&A Tactical battle board games. I think with a few changes the Guadalcanal combat system should be used for A&A Deluxe or Advanced that they say is coming.

  • OH I see
    I’ve always wondered about the order of movement by units.
    Now I see what thats all about.

    So you trying to make play AAE with a “everyone moves then everyone builds” kind of game seqeunce?

  • Yes, exactly. I think that way is superior. I can’t wait to play that way again with my A&A group. I played it that way with a friend but we had a Artillery rule that was broken so we need to play again without it. But besides that it worked well.

  • Yeah it probably is superior.
    Seems less waiting time too.
    And if you fail an attack the enemy could counterattack powerfully (before your newly built units are deployed).

  • The waiting time is less. I love that. Your always in the game. Back in forth moving different types of units. Yes, the counter attack can be bad. If you have to take into account the units the enemy has in the surronding territories. They can move in to reinforce the territory you attacked. If anyone tries the Guadalcanal rules with Europe or any of the strategic games tell me how it turns out.

  • It would also seem that this system might work well with AAP, substitute armor for the aa gun, since AAP is not really armor heavy.

  • :-o
    I came up with a simular combat system many years ago. It was simpler, and random, every player rolled two dice, the highest moved first, (ties rolled off against each other). First all players did their buys. Then, in order, their combat move. Once all combat movement was completed combat was resolved in the same order. After that, everyone did their NCM and placed their builds.
      I liked it a lot, trouble was, I couldn’t find anyone willing to try it. Too damn many traditionalists!  :x

  • Sounds cool. When you did the combat move you would move into an area and then roll for combat or was like you moved all your units then the other person could reinforce an area before combat. Have you played AAG? Combat system is awesome and of course the inspiration for my rules.

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