The country names are all modern so its a great geography lesson when you play it.
Give me a break, just glancing at your map i see you have called what should be Russia’s capital region Chenchnya and almost half of those pacfic inlands are out of place.
And as usual Moscow is placed in asia.
I have looked at your online version, and i do see a large varity of units, but many of them are weapons that are not used in modern warfare and/or outdated or they are from very unrealistc video games like C&C which does not capture the feel of modern combat. Even the weapons that are legitmate weapons to have in an A&A Modern Warfare game dont have the most realistc rules. The course of your game should start out as the low-intesity wars of today but as powers build up their weapons it leads to semi-realistic and remotly possible World War 3 scenario.
Right now you game appears as if its just a reogranization of world war 2 A&A plus a bunch of random units that dont reflect modern militaries or econamies.
Also, making a modern A&A game with realistic countries does not limit you to making an unbalancded game.
This is just off the top of my head, set the game 10 years into the future, and the story goes that the Indian and the Chinese econamies have cuaght up to the Unites States and European Union, and Russia has aquired an oil and natural gas monopoly. This allows each country to start with simialr IPCs and it represents a situation that is not all too unlikly either.
I realize you give background on each country in the rulebook, but each country seems very seperate from each other like they were formed on different planets and then suddenly transported to earth. Right now you story seems very random and not based on anything.
One of the reasons A&A is so great is that it is based on the rich story of world war 2.
You should give your game a good story that is based on the modern world.