Cool, thx
TripleA posting to Forum currently does not work
@karl7 I’m not certain but i thought this fixed it
I don’t think it’s been updated into triplea though.
P Panther referenced this topic on
@karl7 yea no fix in sight. This the last I heard
I think that’s what people are already doing ? sending emails back and forth ? Idk can’t remember. Been along time since i played by forum
yea above fix didn’t work
could we crowd source a money fix? raise some money to pay someone to fix it?
@karl7 yea i’m not sure that is really an issue. There’s some people that would/want to fix it, I think the best way or how to do it is more of the issue, as there’s some things out of their control.
Some of the stuff triplea uses, computer sites they use to make it all work, has been changed. Or something to that affect if I remember right.
Dan on vacation right now, so idk if anybody is really in charge. So, yea, probably nothing anytime soon. Panther probably has a better idea than I do of where it’s at.
This special issue is caused by the fact that the forum software is continuously improved while TripleA development more or less stands still - at least concerning forum players needs.
I quote myself with what I have written in other categories/topics concerning this and other issues:
@panther said in Current TripleA / MARTI / PBF / PBEM / GMail Issues:
Currently this community when using TripleA suffers from some serious problems described and discussed here and - more important - on the triplea-game .org forum.
Everybody feel free to add your concerns to the above mentioned topics. You don’t reach the developer(s) here but over there.
@panther said in League General Discussion Thread:
Likely. The problem is that this is the wrong forum to address your related concerns.
Anyone who feels disturbed by the issues you mention should create an account at the above mentioned triplea-game forum and add his request there.
Concerning the mail issue it is not even proven that this is related to TripleA. Anyway this is the topic:
If only a handful of players address this, how should anyone take this seriously enough to take any action?
You better reach the developers over there, not here at Axis&Allies .org forums.
Currently - on the TripleA coding side - there seems to be no one either having time to care or having enough interest in taking care. The problem is not money. The problems are time, interest and manpower.
Also - as stated in the above quotes - It might be helpful when players using TripleA would join the request(s) to fix the issue(s) at the correct forum. Currently many players feel disturbed - but apart from a handful (of interested users, most of them not even excessive PBF-players) no one seems to be interested enough to join requests for improvement. It is a fact that as of now no one has cared to add his request or any statement to the quoted topics above. Most of the players accept silently the way it currently is, so it seems to be ok for them (?).
That wouldn’t of course mean that more attention suddenly would lead to more time, interest or manpower. But at least one would maybe realize the urgent request(s) from a relevant community.
And to be clear:
All of these issues are TripleA (or maybe third party) issues. None of them is related to Axis&Allies .org. -
For me, it is not that I don’t care, it is I assumed that sooner or later this was going to be fixed and since I am not the one fixing it I did not want to put any pressure on a fast resolution. Thanks to tips from our Forum I now know how to copy and paste the “View Summary” into the game post and of course I already knew how to upload a game file. While this is far more inconvenient than the automatic method it is a reasonable resolution until the issue can be fixed.
I certainly hope it gets fixed and I will be happy to add my name or post on TripleA my concern about this issue. Since I am not a computer guy and there are a ton of links in various posts if someone would post the exact link needed to express my concerns on TripleA in this thread that would be most appreciated.
P Panther forked this topic on
The PBF/Forum posting issue is discussed specifically here:
@panther That thread has no new update on solving the problem.
How should it? Currently no one deals with it. That is what we are talking about. You and others could just add their concerns and requests to take care about this issue.
@Karl7 this explains it a bit better
@RoiEXLab Ok. Thanks for the overview. I can try to take a look but it appears my development environment no longer works. Looks like maybe a bunch of folder structure changes and possibly others. Not sure how long it would take me to get it working or wipe it and set up a fresh one.
@panther Thank you Panther! I did post to the thread on TripleA. If I am reading it right it sounds like the issue is perhaps almost resolved.
@andrewaagamer yea it looks like redrum got it to work on the latest pre release.
They’ll need to patch it into the current stable before it works there. If you want, you can try testing on the pre release. i’m gonna give it another shot but i have a separate issue with the pre release so we’ll see how it goes : ) -
Thanks to everyone helping to raise awareness of this issue.
And of course to @redrum for fixing it.
Thank you Panther.
P Panther referenced this topic on
Please tell me what I must do, in simple terms, to fix this crime against humanity.
@gargantua said in TripleA posting to Forum currently does not work:
Please tell me what I must do, in simple terms, to fix this crime against humanity.
What do you mean?
To play a game and post it or fix it? -
@gargantua said in TripleA posting to Forum currently does not work:
Please tell me what I must do, in simple terms, to fix this crime against humanity.
- wait until the TripleA developers might release a 2.5 (current stable) fixed version
- wait until the TripleA developers might release a new 2.6 stable release
- go with the latest pre-release version (2.6.621 as of now). For being able to download maps you need to alter a setting in the Engine Preferences. In the tab “Testing” switch “Lobby URl Override” to “Pre-Release”.
I am not sure if and when 1. or 2. will be realized anytime soon.
So in case you want to test a pre-relase version (download from be sure to install it into a different target folder to run it side by side with your current version.
But be warned - there may be other issues related to a pre-release - which may eventually not be resolved quickly - and where support or a workaround or a fix might not be in sight, either.
I will lock this topic here now.
Additional questions are welcome in the TripleA support category
or go to
I will add a [resolved] to the title of this topic once it will be … well … resolved for common use.
P Panther locked this topic on