G40 Santa Barbara Historical v2beta

  • Those are rules for our G40 mode that we are testing, but we think any one can use it .

    **Santa Barbara Historical v2 Beta. Mod for Axis and Allies Global 1940 **
    See 8° play test video here https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=30t3dk-75Bc
    See old version 1.x version here https://www.axisandallies.org/forums/topic/33074/g40-historial-v1-1?lang=es&page=1


    Notes from the Play Group
    Hello A&A Players those are the house rules that we are using at home with Axis and Allies Global 1940, to have more historical approximation experience. In this Doc., we write rules we play tested, fell free to post other rule ideas, review or corrections in the post at https://www.axisandallies.org/forums/topic/35854/g40-santa-barbara-historical-v2beta. All criticism or subjections are taken into account with appreciation.
    The maxims of our rules / modification are: 1. Balance and playability, 2 Scale, 3 Additions easy to create at home or cheap to buy, 4 Historical approximation.
    ATT: Santa Bárbara Historical Play Group

    I. Time:
    Historical research of the powers start locations at January 1° of 1940 is the base for the game time. Rounds, like the combat, is considered simultaneous for each power. Order of play for this 1940 January 1° start, have not change from the original game. There are four modes of play but, only USA and Soviet Union, new order in to enter the war is fixed in all.
    We believe that the minimum time that can be adapted, because of the scale of the board map, is 3 months each round, but that increment the play time by a lot. So we opted to 6 months, which is the maximum, because a year is too much for the scale of the current map.

    Round 01 January - June1940 (Game starts)
    Round 02 July - December 1940
    Round 03 January - June 1941.
    U.S.S.R. enter the war in attack face. Finland pro Axis Activation Allowed.
    Round 04 July - December 1941.
    U. S. A enter the war in Attack Face. Mexico and Central America, pro allies activation allowed. Siam pro Axis Activation allowed.
    Round 05 January - June 1942.
    Brazil and Ecuador pro Allies activation allowed.
    Round 06 July - December 1942.
    Modern Heavy Tank Production allowed (Optional rule)
    Round 07 January - June 1943.
    Colombia pro Allies activation allowed.
    Round 08 July - December 1943
    Round 09 January – June 1944
    Round 10 July - December 1944 (Kamikazes allowed)
    Round 11 January – June 1945
    Round 12 July - December 1945 (Final round)

    II. Modes of play.

    1. Victory Cities and capitals: Same of the base global game for the axis and the allies, but game max duration is 12 rounds.

    2. Historical: Same of the base global game for the axis and the allies, but with year historical restrictions and game max duration is 12 rounds.
      Note: When a capital of the axis is taken, the victory cities that country controls do not count for win.

    3. Fuel of War: Axis need to capture and retain 12 of the 25 important producing centers of natural petroleum. SEVEN ROUNDS MAX. Producing centers areas:

    U. S. A. 182.657mt* (1 Western United States, 2 Central United States, 3 Eastern United States)
    U. S. S. R. 29.700mt (4 Caucasus, 5 Soviet Far East)
    Venezuela 27.443mt (6 Venezuela)
    Irán 10.426mt (7 Persia, 8 North West Persia)
    Dutch East Indies 7.939mt (9 Sumatra, 10 Java, 11 Celebes, 12 Dutch New Guinea)
    México 6.721mt (13 South east Mexico)
    Romania 5.764mt (14 Romania)
    Colombia 3.636mt (15 Colombia)
    Iraq 3.438mt (16 Iraq)
    Argentina 2.871mt (17 Argentina)
    Trinidad 2.844mt (18 West Indias)
    Peru 1.776mt (19 Peru)
    Arabian Peninsula 1.652mt (20 Saudi Arabia)
    Burma 1.088mt (21 Burma)
    Canadá 1.082mt (22 Alberta Saskatchewan Manitoba)
    Borneo 0.932mt (23 Borneo)
    Egypt 0.929mt (24 Alexandria)
    China 0.050mt (25 Yunnan*)

    *All Valor’s are in Millions of Metric tons, for the production of the year 1940, and not contemplate synthetic oil production.
    Bibliography: https://wayback.archive-it.org/6321/20160901222852/http://digital.library.northwestern.edu/league/le0280ah.pdf
    Bibliography: https://pwencycl.kgbudge.com/O/i/Oil.htm
    *We considered only locations with production over 0.900mt, for total production of 1940, but allowed Yunnan for valance.
    *Sakhalin USSR Oil fields are represented in Soviet Far East, because the island is not in the map


    1. Historical and Victory Conditions: With year historical restrictions and game max duration is 12 rounds, axis or allies have the majority of those victory conditions.
      (1) Majority of victory cities in Europe
      (2) Majority of victory cities in Pacific
      (3) Majority of oil producing areas
      (4) Majority of global team I. P. C. (Map and bonuses) in the bank

    III New I. P. C. territory values.

    New Guinea: 1
    Dutch New Guinea: 1
    Burma: 2
    Szechwan: 2
    Hainan: 1
    Amur: 2
    Ulaanbaatar: 1
    Afghanistan: 1
    Northwest Persia: 1
    Turkey: 3
    Bulgaria: 2
    Poland: 3
    Alexandria: 1
    Italian Somaliland: 1
    Eire: 1
    Rio de Oro: 1
    Switzerland: 2
    Colombia: 2
    Ecuador: 1
    Perú: 1
    Bolivia: 1
    Paraguay: 1
    Uruguay: 1

    IV. New territories, sea zones and convoy zones
    In Mediterranean Sea: for France: Corsica Island, I. P. C. value of 0. For Spain: Balears Island, I. P. C. value of 0.New Territory in Baltic Sea, the Sweden’s island of Gotland, I. P .C. value of 0.New Sea Zone 128, the Caspian Sea. Convoy zones add: 5, 65 and 91.

    V. New Victory City in Pacific:
    Vladivostok, in Amur

    1. Neutrals

    We correct some errors that the out of box have, and make and approximation, we know Ire and Persia were strict neutral, but for valance we made them biased. So Persia is Pro axis, Colombia, Ecuador, Liberia and Sierra Leona are pro allies. Persia have 2 more infantry, one in North and one in East, but one less in central. Colombia, Ecuador Liberia and Sierra Leona have one infantry for each one.
    Sense Romania Kingdom join the war in 23 November 1940, Romania start as deactivated Pro axis with 4 infantry (NO tank). Sense Siam Kingdom (Tailandia) join the war in 25 January 1942, Siam start as deactivated pro axis with 3 infantry. Mexico, Southeast Mexico and Central America, start as deactivated pro Allies, and have one infantry each.
    All neutrals who don’t have an army, win one infantry, Portuguese Guinea and Spanish Rio the Oro Gain one infantry each. Dutch territories don’t gain any at the start.
    NOTE 1: If Allies Attack Siam this is not considerate and attack to Japan.
    NOTE 2: USA have the control of the Panama Canal no matter if Central America is pro allied deactivated or in other allied control.

    1.1 Neutrals setup

    Siam: 3 Infantry.
    Persia: 1 Infantry, Northwest Persia: 1 Infantry, Eastern Persia: 1 Infantry
    Iraq: 3 Infantry.
    Romania: 4 Infantry
    Bulgaria: 4 Infantry
    Finland: 4 Infantry.

    Mexico: 1 Infantry, Southeast Mexico: 1 Infantry
    Central América: 1 Infantry, (Canal Counter, if Canals facilities optional rule is in play) .
    Brasil: 3 Infantry
    Colombia: 2 Infantry
    Eire: 1 Infantry
    Ecuador: 1 Infantry
    Liberia: 1 Infantry
    Sierra Leona: 1 Infantry
    Yugoslavia: 5 Infantry
    Greece: 4 Infantry, Crete: Empty

    Special Neutral
    Mongolia: Ulaanbaatar: 1 Infantry, Buyant-Uhaa: 2 Infantry, Dzavhan: 1 Infantry, Olgiy: 1 Infantry, Tsagaan-Olom: Empty, Central Mongolia: Empty.

    True Neutral
    Spain: Spain: 8 Infantry, Rio de Oro: 1, Infantry *Balears: Empty.
    Venezuela: 2 Infantry
    Peru: 1 Infantry
    Bolivia: 1 Infantry
    Paraguay: 1 Infantry
    Chile: 2 Infantry
    Argentina: 4 Infantry
    Sweden: 6 Infantry, *Gotland: Empty
    Switzerland: 4 Infantry
    Portugal: 2 Infantry, Portuguese Guinea: 1 Infantry, Angola: 2 Infantry Mozambique: 2 Infantry.
    Turky: 8 Infantry.
    Saudi Arabia: 2 Infantry
    Afghanistan: 4 Infantry

    1. Setup for ‘1° January 1940’ scenario, Historical Approximation.

    3° German Empire (28 I. P. C.)
    Germany: 11 Infantry, 3 Artillery, 3 AA, 1 Tactical Bomber, 2 Strategic Bombers, Major Industrial Complex.
    Western Germany: 3 Infantry, 4 Mechanized Infantry, 1 Artillery, 3 AA, 2 Fighters, 3 Tactical bombers, Air Base, Naval Base, Major Industrial Complex.
    Denmark: 2 Infantry.
    Norway: 3 Infantry, 1 Fighter
    Holland/Belgium: 4 Infantry, 2 Artillery, 3 tanks, 1 Fighter
    Greater Southern Germany: 6 Infantry, 2 Artillery, 3 tanks
    Slovakia/Hungary: 2 Infantry, 1 Tank, 1 Fighter
    Poland: 3 Infantry, 1 Tank, 1 Tactical Bomber
    Sea Zone 103: 1 Sub
    Sea Zone 108: 1 Sub
    Sea Zone 113: 1 Battleship, 1 Sub.
    Sea Zone 114: 1 Transport, 1 Cruiser
    Sea Zone 117: 1 Sub
    Sea Zone 118: 1 Sub
    Sea Zone 124: 1 Sub

    Union of Socialist Soviet Republics (38 I. P. C.)
    Karelia: 2 Infantry
    Archangel: 1 Infantry
    Russia: 1 Infantry, 1 Artillery, 1 Mech Infantry, 1 tank, 1 Fighter, 1 Tac Bomber, 2 AA Guns, 1 Airbase, 1 Major IC
    Volgograd: 1 tank, 1 Mech Infantry, 1 Minor IC
    Caucasus: 2 Infantry, 1 Resource marker.
    Bessarabia: 2 Infantry
    Western Ukraine: 1 Infantry, 1 Artillery
    Eastern Poland: 2 Infantry
    Baltic States: 3 Infantry
    Belarus: 1 Infantry
    Novgorod: 6 Infantry, 1 Artillery, 1 Fighter, 2 AA Gun, 1 Airbase, 1 Naval Base, 1 Minor IC
    Vyborg: 3 Infantry
    Ukraine: 3 Infantry, 1 Minor IC
    Amur: 5 Infantry, 1 Mech Infantry, 1 Tank, 1 Fighter, 1 AA Gun, 1 Naval Base
    Sakha: 2 Infantry
    Buryatia: 6 Infantry, 1 AA Gun
    Siberia: 2 Infantry
    Soviet Far East: 2 Infantry, 1 Resource marker
    Sea Zone 5: 1 Cruiser, transport
    Sea Zone 115: 1 Cruiser, 1 submarine
    Sea Zone 127: 1 Sub

    Empire of Japan (24 I. P. C.)
    Japan: 6 Infantry, 2 Artillery, 1 Tank, 2 Fighters, 2 Tac Bombers, 2 Bomber, 3 AA Guns, 1 Airbase, 1 Naval Base, 1 Major IC
    Manchuria: 6 Infantry, 1 Mech Infantry, 1 Artillery, 1 AA Gun, 1 Tank, 2 Fighters, 2 Tac Bombers
    Marianas Islands: 1 Infantry
    Marshall Islands: 1 Infantry
    Palau Island: 1 Infantry
    Formosa: 2 Infantry, 1 Artillery, 1 Fighter
    Shantung: 2 Infantry, 1 Artillery
    Iwo Jima: 1 Infantry
    Jehol: 2 Infantry, 1 Artillery
    Caroline Islands: 2 Infantry, 1 AA gun, 1 Fighter, 1 Airbase, 1 Naval Base.
    Okinawa: 1 Infantry, 1 Fighter
    Kiangsu: 2 Infantry, 2 Artillery, 1 Mech Infantry, 1 Fighter, 1 Tac Bomber, 1 Naval Base.
    Korea: 4 Infantry, 1 Fighter
    Hainan: 2 Infantry, 1 Artillery
    Sea Zone 6: 2 Sub, 2 Destroyers, 2 Carriers each with 1 Tac & 1 Ftr., 1 Cruiser, 1 Battleship, 1 Transport.
    Sea Zone 19: 1 Sub, 1 Battleship, 1 Destroyer, 1 Transport
    Sea Zone 20: 1 Cruiser, 1 Transport, 1 submarine.
    Sea Zone 36: 1 Transport, 1 Destroyer, 1 Carrier w/ 1 Tac & 1 Ftr.

    United States of America (48 I. P. C.)
    Western US: 2 Infantry, 1 Mech Infantry, 1 Artillery, 1 Fighter, 2 AA Guns, 1 Airbase, 1 Naval Base, 1 Minor IC, Resource, Marker.
    Hawaiian Islands: 2 Infantry, 2 fighters, 1 Airbase, 1 Naval Base.
    Philippines: 2 Infantry, 1 fighter, 1 Airbase, 1 Naval Base.
    Midway: 1 infantry, 1 Airbase
    Wake Island: 1 infantry, 1 Airbase
    Guam: 1 infantry, 1 Airbase
    Eastern United States: 1 Infantry, 1 Fighter, 1 Artillery, 2 AA Guns, 1 Airbase, 1 Naval Base, 1 Minor IC, Resource Marker.
    Central United States: 1 Infantry, 3 Mech Infantry, 1 Tank, 1 Bomber, 1 Minor IC, Resource Marker.
    West Indies: 1 infantry, Resource Marker
    Sea Zone 26: 1 Sub, 1 Destroyer, 1 Cruiser, 1 Transport
    Sea Zone 10: 1 Battleship, 1 Cruiser, 1 Destroyer, 1 Transport, Carrier w/Tac & Ftr
    Sea Zone 35: 1 Destroyer, 1 Submarine
    Sea Zone 101: 1 Cruiser, 1 Transport.

    Nationalists, Communists and Warlords, Chinese Alliance (15 I. P. C.)
    Szechwan: 2 Infantry, 1 tank, 1fighter, 1 Air Base
    Yunnan: 2 Infantry
    Kweichow: 2 Infantry
    Shensi: 2 Infantry
    Suiyuyan: 2 Infantry, 1 Artillery
    Chahar: 2 Infantry
    Anhwe: 2 Infantry
    Kiangsi: 1 Infantry, 1 Artillery
    Kwangsi: 1 Infantry, 1 Artillery.

    United Kingdom Europe, Canada and Union of South Africa (29 I. P. C.)
    United Kingdom: 2 Infantry, 1 Mechanized Infantry, 4 AA, 2 Fighters, 1 Strategic Bomber, Air Base, Naval Base and Major Industrial Complex
    France: 1 Artillery, 1 Tank
    Scotland: 2 Infantry, 1 AA, 1 Fighter, Air Base
    Iceland: 1 infantry, Air Base.
    Greendland: Control Marker
    Quebec: 1 Infantry, 1 Tank, Minor Industrial Complex
    Ontario: 1 Infantry, 1 Artillery
    New Brunswick Nova Scotia: Naval Base
    Alberta, Sakatchewan, Maritoba: Resource Marker.
    Gibraltar: 1 Fighter, Naval Base
    Malta: 1 Infantry, 1 AA, 1 Fighter, Air Base.
    Alexandria: 2 Infantry, 1 Artillery, 1 Tank, Resource Marker.
    Egypt: 2 Infantry, 1 Mechanized Infantry, 1 Artillery, Naval Base, Canal Marker.
    Anglo-Egyptian Sudan: 1 Infantry
    British Somalia: 1 Infantry.
    Union of South Africa: 2 Infantry, Naval Base, Minor Industrial Complex
    Sea Zone 71: 1 Destroyer
    Sea Zone 91: 1 Cruiser
    Sea Zone 98: 1 Transport, 1 Destroyer, 1 Cruiser, 1 Aircraft Carrier (Carrying 1 Tactical Bomber)
    Sea Zone 106: 1 Transport, 1 Destroyer
    Sea Zone 109: 1 Transport, 1 Destroyer
    Sea Zone 110: 1 Cruiser, 1 Battleship
    Sea Zone 111: 1 Destroyer, 1 Cruiser, 1 Battleship, 1 Submarine.

    British Far East Command (18 I. P. C.)
    Kwangtung: 2 Infantry, 1 Naval Base
    Burma: 2 Infantry, 1 Fighter, Resource Marker.
    Malaya: 3 Infantry, 1 Naval Base.
    Borneo: Resource Marker.
    India: 6 Infantry, 1 Artillery, 3 AA Guns, 1 Fighter, 1 Tactical Bomber, 1 Airbase, 1 Naval Base, 1 Major IC
    West India: 1 Infantry
    Sea Zone 37: 1 Battleship, 1 submarine
    Sea Zone 39: 1 Destroyer, 1 Cruiser, 1 Transport.

    Kingdom of Italy (11 I. P. C.)
    Northern Italy: 3 Infantry, 2 Artillery, 1 tank, 1 Bomber, 2 AA Guns, 1 Minor IC
    Southern Italy: 7 Infantry, 2 Fighters, 2 AA Guns, 1 Naval Base, 1 Airbase, 1 Minor IC
    Albania: 2 Infantry, 1 tank
    Italian Somaliland: 1 Infantry, 1 Naval Base.
    Ethiopia: 2 Infantry, 1 Mech Infantry, 1 Artillery
    Libya: 3 Infantry, 1 Artillery
    Tobruk: 3 Infantry, 1 Artillery, 1 Mech Infantry, 1 tank.
    Sicily: Air Base.
    Sea Zone 95: 1 Destroyer, 1 Cruiser, 1 Sub, 1 Transport
    Sea Zone 96: 1 Destroyer, 1 Transport, 1 Sub
    Sea Zone 97: 1 Cruiser, 1 Battleship, 1 Transport, 1 Sub

    Australia and New Zealand Army Corps (11 I. P. C.)
    New South Wales: 3 Infantry, 1 AA gun, 1 Minor IC, 1 Naval Base.
    New Zealand: 1 Infantry, 2 Fighters, 1 Airbase, 1 Naval Base.
    Queensland: 3 Infantry, 1 AA gun, 1 Fighter, 1 Airbase, 1 Naval Base.
    Malaya: 1 Infantry, 1 Artillery.
    Sea Zone 37: Destroyer, 1 Transport.
    Sea Zone 62: 1 Destroyer, 1 Transport.
    Sea Zone 63: 1 Cruiser. , 1 Sub

    Republic of France (19 I. P. C.)
    France: 6 Infantry, 1 Artillery, 1 Tank, 1 AA, 1 Fighter, Air Base, Major Industrial Complex
    United Kingdom: 2 Infantry, 1 Fighter
    Normandy/Bordeaux: 1 Infantry, 1 Artillery, Naval Base, Minor Industrial Complex
    Southern France: 1 Infantry, 1 Artillery, Naval Base, Minor Industrial Complex
    *Corsica: Empty.
    French West Africa: 1 Infantry, 1 Naval Base.
    French IndoChina: 1 Infantry.
    Morocco: 1 Infantry
    Algeria: 1 Infantry
    Tunisia: 1 Infantry
    Syria: 1 Infantry
    Sea Zone 55: 1 Transport.
    Sea Zone 87: 1 Destroyer, 1 Transport.
    Sea Zone 93: 1 Destroyer, 1 Cruiser
    Sea Zone 94: 1 Submarine
    Sea Zone 105: 1 Cruiser

    2.1 Order of play for 1° January 1940 scenario

    1° Germany. Can attack USA and/or USSR at any time
    2° U.S.S.R. Can enter the war in Europe in attack face, at round 3. Can attack Japan at any time.
    3° Japan. Can attack USA, UKP, UKE, ANZAC, USSR, Dutch and France at any time. If UKP, UKE, ANZAC, or France attack first, before round 4, USA enters until round 4, if Japan make and Attack first to UKP, UKE, ANZAC, Dutch or France, USA enter the war in attack face immediately in they turn.
    4° China
    5° U. S. A. Can enter the world war in attack face, at round 4.
    6° UK-E. Fully Separated power. Can attack Japan at any time.
    7° UK-P. Fully Separated power. Can attack Japan at any time
    8° Italy. Can attack USA and/or USSR at any time
    9° ANZAC. Can attack Japan at any time
    10° France. Can attack Japan at any time

    Dutch in considered and allied power, but technically their territories can by activated like any other pro Allies territory.

    Siam is now a pro Axis territory, but an allies attack in this territory does not count as attack to japan.



    1. National Objectives:

    Germany (Peace) (OOB) Theme: Beneficial trade with the Soviet Union
    +5 IPCs representing wheat and oil from the Soviet Union.

    Germany (At War) (OOB) Theme: High strategic and propaganda value
    +5 IPCs per territory if Germany controls Novgorod (Leningrad), Volgograd (Stalingrad), and/or Russia (Moscow).

    Germany (At War) (OOB Modified) Theme: Control of vital Soviet oil production
    +5 IPCs if Germany controls Caucasus.

    Germany (At War) (OOB) Theme: High propaganda value
    +5 IPCs if at least 1 German land unit is in Axis-controlled Egypt.

    Germany (At War) (OOB) Theme: Access to iron ore and other strategic resources
    +5 IPCs if Germany controls both Denmark and Norway while Sweden is neither pro-Allies nor Allies-controlled.

    Germany (At War) (OOB) Theme: Access to strategic oil reserves
    +2 IPCs per territory if Germany controls Iraq, Persia, and/or Northwest Persia.

    Germany (At war) (New) Theme: Operation Bolivar
    +2 IPCs wen Germany is at war with USA, if all, Chile, Paraguay and/or Argentina territories are not pro Allies or Allies controlled.

    Soviet Union (At war) (OOB Modified) theme: security buffer of foreign territory
    +5 I. P. C if there are no units belonging to other Allied powers present in any territories controlled by the Soviet Union.

    Soviet Union (At war) (OOB Modified) theme: Spread of communism
    +2 IPCs for each original Axis, and Pro Axis, Pro Allies, Or Strict Neutral territory that the Soviet Union controls. Theme:

    Soviet Union (At war) (OOB Modified) (One time only) theme: National prestige
    +10 IPCs the first time the Soviet Union controls Germany (Berlin), and/or South Italy (Rome).

    Japan (At war) (New) Theme: Sakhalin USSR Oil
    +2 IPCs. if Japan controls Soviet Far East.

    Japan (Peace) (OOB) Theme: Strategic resource trade with the United States
    +10 IPCs if Japan is not at war with the United States, has not attacked French Indo-China, and has not made an unprovoked declaration of war against United Kingdom/ANZAC.

    Japan (At war) (OOB Modified) Theme: Strategic outer defense perimeter
    +5 IPCs if Japan powers control all of the following territories: Guam, Midway, Wake Island, Gilbert Islands, and Solomon

    Japan (At war) (OOB Modified) Theme: Major Allied power centers
    +5 IPCs per territory if Japan control India (Calcutta), New South Wales (Sydney), Hawaiian Islands (Honolulu) and/or Western United States (San Francisco).

    Japan (At war) (OOB Modified) Theme: Strategic resource centers
    +5 IPCs Japan control all of the following territories: Sumatra, Java, Borneo, and Celebes.

    China (At war) (New): Theme: Asian Sherman
    China can purchase tanks if at last one USA land unit is in a costal Chinese controlled territory.

    China (At war) (OOB): Theme: Chinese military supply line corridor
    +6 IPCs, and is also permitted to purchase artillery, if the Burma Road is totally open. Allied powers must control India, Burma, Yunnan, and Szechwan for this to occur.

    United States (At war) (OOB) Theme: Basic national sovereignty
    +10 IPCs if the United States controls all of the following territories: Eastern United States, Central United States, and Western United States.

    United States (At war) (OOB) Theme: National sovereignty issues:
    +5 IPCs if the United States controls all of the following territories: Alaska, Aleutian Islands, Hawaiian Islands, Johnston Island, and Line Islands.

    United States (At war) (OOB Modified) Theme: Defense treaty and trade obligations
    +5 IPCs if the United States controls all of the following territories: Mexico, South Eastern Mexico, Central America, West Indies and Basil.

    United States (At war) (OOB) Theme: Center of American influence in Asia
    +5 IPCs if the United States controls Philippines.

    United States (At war) (OOB) Theme: Great Alliance collaboration
    +5 IPCs if there is at least 1 United States land unit in the territory France.
    United States (At war) (New) Theme: Counter Operation Westindien
    +2 IPCs if there are not any axis submarines in sea zones: 64, 86, 88, 89, 101, and Venezuela is neither, pro Axis or Axis controlled

    United States (At war) (New) Theme: Counter Operation Bolivar
    +5 IPCs If the United States controls all Chile, Paraguay and/or Argentina.

    UK Europe (at war) (New) Theme: Axis’ soft underbelly
    +5 IPCs if. Allies controls Libya, Sardinia, SICILY and south Italy

    UK Europe (at war) (OOB) Theme: Maintenance of the empire
    +5 IPCs if the United Kingdom controls all of its original territories in its European side.

    UK Pacific (at war) (New) Theme: Jewel of the Far East:
    +3 IPCs if UK Pacific is at war with Japan, and controls all: India, West India and Ceylon.

    UK Pacific (at war) (OOB) Theme: Maintenance of the empire
    +5 IPCs if UK Pacific is at war with Japan, and controls both Kwangtung and Malaya

    Italy (At War) (New) Theme: Control of vital Soviet oil production
    +5 IPCs if Italy controls Caucasus.

    Italy (At War) (New) Theme: Mare Nostrum
    +5 I. P. C. if Axis control all: Corsica, Sardinia, Sicily, Malta, Crete and Chipre.

    Italy (At War) (OOB) Theme: Greater Roman Empire
    +5 IPCs if Axis powers control at least 3 of the following territories: Gibraltar, Southern France, Greece, and Egypt.

    Italy (At War) (OOB) Theme: Propaganda and strategic advantage
    +5 IPCs if there are no Allied surface warships in the Mediterranean Sea (sea zones 92 through 99).

    Italy (At War) (OOB) Theme: Stated North African military objectives
    +5 IPCs if Axis powers control all of the following territories: Morocco, Algeria, Tunisia, Libya, Tobruk, and Alexandria.

    Italy (At War) (OOB) Theme: Access to strategic oil reserves
    +2 IPCs per territory if Italy controls Iraq, Persia, and/or Northwest Persia.

    ANZAC (at war) (New) Theme: Anzac new day
    +5 I. P.C. If Anzac have at last one land unit in Egypt, Alexandria, Tobruk or Crete.
    ANZAC (at war) (New) Theme: Malayan strategic cornerstone, to Far East British Empire
    +5 IPCs if an Allied power controls Malaya and ANZAC controls all of its original territories.

    ANZAC (at war) (Modified) Theme: Strategic outer defense perimeter
    +5 IPCs if the Allies (not including the Dutch) control Dutch New Guinea, New Guinea, New Britain, New Hebrides and the Solomon islands.

    France (At war) (OOB) (One time only) Theme: National liberation
    When the territory France is liberated by the Allies, the player controlling France immediately places his or her choice of up to up to 12 IPCs’ worth of any French units on the territory France for free.

    France (At war) (New) Theme: Colonial Power
    +5 IPCs if France Controls all its Ultramar Territories. Corsica does not count for this objective.

    1. Russian Lean-lease
      The “Western Worker’s military aid” started to come to USSR, the first moment the Soviet Union is at war. To symbolize that, during URSS place new units phase roll a die for eligible lean-lease areas. (1) = 2 I. P. C., (2) = Artillery, (3) = Mechanized Infantry, (4) = Tank, (5) = Anti-Aircraft Artillery, (6) = Fighter.
      Aid from USA requires: Eastern USA, Alaska, sea zones 2, 3 and soviet far east, not in axis control. Units spawn in Soviet Far East.
      Aid from UKE requires: Great Britain, sea zones 126, 127 free of enemy units and Archangel not in axis control. Units spawn in Archangel.
      Aid from UKP requires: India, all Persian territories and Caucasus in allied control. Units spawn in Caucasus.
      NOTE: If Moscow is in axis hands the objective is still in play

    2. France Strikes Back
      During ww2 some French forces continue the fight against the axis. There is no Vichy vs Free France dynamic. France is a single entity, and it maintains the mechanics of the game simple, and without requiring the purchase or painting of new pieces.

    1- Once Paris is taken by the axis, the treasure of France passes to the enemy, as in OOB rules.
    2- Automatically, the de facto capital of France is London, France will be able to add new IPC at the end of its turn, as any nation does.
    3- France can buy and place, a maximum of 3, new infantry in any original territory on the map.
    4- France can buy equipment in London, and place it right there, land, sea, air; but, cannot place new infantry in London. France can buy technology dice, ports and airports, for its original territories
    5-France cannot produce units in industrial complexes that captures from the enemy, in this case the complexes will take full damage. France cannot buy industrial complexes.
    Note: in the territory of France, the same applies, unless France or the allies take Paris.
    6- If Paris is free, it merges into the capital of France again, France will return to the rules of OOB.
    7- If Paris is retaken, a second time, the money passes to the conqueror (subsequent quests will have the same dynamics). And the capital of France will pass London again, unless it is taken by the enemy.
    8-If London is taken by the enemy, and is the de facto capital of France, the IPCs of the two are delivered to the conqueror.

    1. Italy Lean-lease
      During WW2, Germany sold or licensed equipment to its allies, especially Italy.

    1- During its non-combat face, Germany can send to the north of Italy any air unit or ground machines (except infantry) for sale. A maximum of 2 per round.
    2- Italy in its face of purchases can buy at half price, the German units on loan. The money is delivered to Germany.
    Units are immediately replaced by Italian equivalents for immediate use.
    3- Restrictions: Infantry and ships cannot be sold. Berlin must be in the hands of the axis, northern Italy must be in control of Italy.
    Note: If Rome falls, this rule still works, if Italy had war bonus tec. In this case, dice need to by the number to pay.

    1. Fighter Escorts and Interceptors (modified)
      Fighters can participate in strategic bombing raids. Attacking fighters may escort and protect the bombers, and they can originate from any territory, range permitting. Any or all defending fighters based in a territory that is strategically bombed can participate in the defense of the industrial complex. The number of fighters that will defend is decided after the attacker’s Combat Movement phase is completed and before the Combat phase begins.
      After antiaircraft fire is resolved against the attacking air units, if there are any defending fighters an air battle occurs between the attacking and defending air units. This combat is resolved in the same way as a normal combat, with a few exceptions. The escort fighters have an attack value of 1 (2 if the attacker has the Jet Power research breakthrough), the bombers have attack value of 1, and the interceptors have a defense value of 2, the combat lasts for only one round. After the battle, any surviving bombers proceed to carry out the raid as normal.

    Fighters participating as either an escort or a defender cannot participate in other battles during that turn. Defending interceptors must land in their original territory. If that territory is captured, the fighters may move one space to land in a friendly territory or on a friendly aircraft carrier. This movement occurs after all of the attacker’s combats have been resolved and before the attacker’s Noncombat Move phase begins. If no such landing space is available, the fighters are lost.

    1. Unit stats, new stats, special abilities and restrictions. (Without technology research)

    Note: Surprise attack refers to the strike during the initiation of bombing rounds, or sub combat, when a hit, on and enemy unit, eliminate the unit immediately, negating the enemy’s unit attack/defense roll.

    Note: All units with Defense Anti-Air stats, can be beneficiaries of RADAR technology research.

    (Infantry) Land Unit
    Cost: 3ipc
    Movement: 1
    Attack: 1
    Defense: 2 or less
    Special abilities: NONE
    Restrictions: With Airborne technology, designed paratroopers are treated as Air Unit, for the first round of Anti-Air fire.
    Restrictions: NONE

    (Artillery) Land Unit
    Cost: 4ipc
    Movement: 1
    Attack: 2 or less
    Defense: 2 or less
    Special abilities: Pair with infantry, infantry attack at 2 or less, pair wit mechanized infantry, mechanized infantry attack at 3 or less.
    Restrictions: NONE

    (Light Tank, optional rule) Land Unit
    Cost: NONE
    Movement: 2
    Attack: 2 or less
    Defense: 2 or less
    Special abilities: Blitz, Pair with infantry, infantry attack at 2 or less
    Restrictions: Can’t by purchase

    (Mechanized infantry) Land Unit
    Cost: 5ipc
    Movement: 2
    Attack: 2 or less
    Defense: 2 or less
    Special abilities: NONE
    Restrictions: NONE

    (Tank) Land Unit
    Cost: 6ipc
    Movement: 2
    Attack: 3 or less
    Defense: 3 or less
    Special abilities: Pair with mechanized infantry, mechanized infantry can blitz.
    Restrictions: NONE

    (Heavy Tank, optional rule) Land unit
    Cost: 8ipc
    Movement: 1
    Attack: 4 or less
    Defense: 4 or less
    Special abilities: Pair with infantry, infantry attack at 2 or less
    Restrictions: Can’t blitz, use two slots of the transport, can’t be built until round 6.

    (Anti-Air Artillery) Land Unit
    Cost: 8ipc
    Movement: 1
    Attack: NONE
    Defense Anti-Air: Two dice at 1
    Defense Anti-Land: 2 or less
    Special abilities: Can defend in all rounds of combat. Selective defense mode, if no attacker air units are present, can defend against land units, at 2 or less.
    Restrictions: No surprise attack, anti-air defense is now considered simultaneous, shooting down enemy airplanes can shoot back.

    (Fighter plane) Air Unit
    Cost: 8ipc
    Movement: 4
    Attack: 3 or less
    Defense: 4 or less
    Special abilities: None
    Restrictions: can’t attack or defend against subs, without the presence of a Destroyer

    (Tactical bomber) Air Unit
    Cost: 10ipc
    Movement: 4
    Attack: 3 or less
    Defense: 3 or less
    Special abilities: Pair with Fighter plane, Tactical bomber attack at 4 or less. Pair with Tank or Heavy tank, Tactical bomber attack at 4 or less. Can bomb Air bases, Sea Ports (and Panama Canal or Suez Canal, if canal facilities optional rule is in play)
    Restrictions: can’t bomb Industrial complex. Can’t attack or defend against subs, without the presence of a Destroyer

    (Bomber) Air Unit
    Cost: 12ipc
    Movement: 6
    Attack: 4 or less
    Defense: 1
    Special abilities: Can bomb industrial complex. Can bomb Air bases, Sea Ports (and Panama Canal or Suez Canal, if canal facilities optional rule is in play)
    Restrictions: Can’t attack or defend against subs, without the presence of a Destroyer.

    (Submarine) Sea unit
    Cost: 6ipc
    Movement: 2
    Attack: 2 or less
    Defense: 1
    Special abilities: Surprise attack can target all sea units, submerge scape. Convoy attack of two dice at 2 or less, can’t block movement, or be blocked, by non-destroyer ships.
    Restrictions: Can’t attack or defend against air units.

    (Transport ship) Sea unit
    Cost: 7ipc
    Movement: 2
    Attack: NONE
    Defense Anti-Air: 1
    Special abilities: Can be select as casualty at any time.
    Restrictions: Only defend against air units.

    (Destroyer ship) Sea unit
    Cost: 8ipc
    Movement: 2
    Attack: 2 or less
    Defense: 2 or less
    Special abilities: Neutralization of enemy submarines abilities, all air units can defend or attack against subs if at last one allied destroyer is present.
    Restrictions: NONE.

    (Cruiser ship) Sea unit
    Cost: 10ipc
    Movement: 2
    Attack: 3 or less
    Defense: 3 or less
    Special abilities: Off shore bombardment of 3 or less.
    Restrictions: NONE.
    *Original idea, from Pagans YouTube channel

    (Aircraft carrier ship) Sea unit
    Cost: 16ipc
    Movement: 2
    Attack: NONE
    Defense Anti-Air: Two dice at 1.
    Special abilities: Two hit points, scramble air planes defense same sea zone or adjacent sea zone.
    Restrictions: Only defend against air units. One hit point eliminate one movement point and scramble air planes defense, until reparations.

    (Battleship) Sea unit
    Cost: 18ipc
    Movement: 2
    Attack: 4 or less
    Defense: 4 or less.
    Special abilities: Two hit points, off shore bombardment of 4 or less.
    Restrictions: One hit point eliminate one movement point and off shore bombardment, until reparations.

    (Major Industrial Complex) Installation
    Cost: 30ipc
    Production: 10 units
    Defense Anti-Air: Three dice at 1.
    Hit points: 20, all abilities disable at 10
    Special abilities: Surprise attack, can’t be destroyed, only downgraded if capture
    Restrictions: Cant by build on islands (Japan is exception). Can be build only in territories with 3ipc or more in valor. Minus 1 production per damage

    (Minor Industrial Complex) Installation
    Cost: 15ipc
    Production: 3 units
    Defense Anti-Air: two dice at 1.
    Hit points: 6, all abilities disable at 3
    Special abilities: Surprise attack, can be upgrade to major industrial complex, for 15ipc and if is in territories with 3ipc or more in valor, can’t by destroyed.
    Restrictions: Cant by build on islands (Japan is exception). Can be built only in territories with 2ipc or more in valor. Minus 1 production per damage

    (Air base) Installation
    Cost: 10ipc
    Defense Anti-Air: two dice at 1.
    Hit points: 6, all abilities disable at 3
    Special abilities: Surprise attack, 1 movement point more for air units, scramble air defense for adjacent sea zone
    Restrictions: NONE

    (Naval base) Installation
    Cost: 10ipc
    Defense Anti-Air: two dice at 1.
    Hit points: 6, all abilities disable at 3
    Special abilities: Surprise attack, 1 movement point more for sea units, repair battleships and Aircraft carriers
    Restrictions: NONE

    (Canal Suez and Panama, optional rule) Installation
    Defense Anti-Air: two dice at 1.
    Hit points: 6, all abilities disable at 3
    Special abilities: Surprise attack, enable the sea unit’s movements between land mases and sea zones
    Restrictions: NONE

    1. Research:
      WE ADOPT the Anniversary MECHANICS, we change the place of the technologies so they are more realistic to the dates. During the purchase stage, the research counter (scientific equipment) is purchased with a value of 5 I. P. C, however, it can only be roll BEFORE the purchase-repair stage of the game.
      A counter = a die.
      A roll of 5 or less is equal to failure: the counters can be preserved.
      A roll of 6 is equal to success. The list of technology is chosen, a die is rolled again. All counters are lost and must be bought again.

    Chart 1940 (Rounds 1 to 6)
    T1 Improved Shipyards
    Battleship 16, Carrier 12, Cruiser 8, Destroyer 7, Transport 6, Submarine 5.
    T2 Radar
    Your antiaircraft defense fire, from antiaircraft artillery units, units with only anti-aircraft defense values, and facilities, now hits on 2 or less, for all dice
    T3 Paratroopers
    T4 Increased Factory Production
    T5 War Bounds,
    T6 Improved Mechanized Infantry.
    Each of your mechanized infantry units that is paired up with a tank now has an attack value of 3. Also, your mechanized infantry may now blitz without being paired with a tank.

    Chart 1943 (Rounds 7 to 12)
    T1 Super Submarines
    T2 Rockets
    T3 Advanced Artillery
    T4 Jet Fighters
    T5 Long Range Aircraft
    T6 Heavy Bombers

    NOTE 1: if you are in the year 1943 - 1946 you can continue choosing the list 1939 - 1942 if you wish).
    NOTE 2: If the capital falls, the counters must be handed over to the conqueror power, and the conqueror acquires the same technologies of the conquered.
    NOTE 3: USA can share with China advanced artillery. China can NOT buy counters.
    NOTE 4: UK-E and UK-P share the technologies, but they buy counters separated.

    1. Optional Rules

    2. Bonus Units: Those units represent historical volunteers and partisans, and reinforces. Those units spawn only one time per game, some are special for powers, others can be owned for any member of the alliance that liberated or recapture a region and maintain it at the final of the round.

    Division Azul: One infantry spawn in Western Germany
    (End of Round 3)

    Soviet Heavy tanks: 1 Belarus, 1 Bryansk. If Heavy tanks is no in play, place normal tanks
    (End of Round 3)

    Mexico, Southeast Mexico and Central America, start as deactivated pro Allies, and have one infantry each. But wen activated, only by USA that country gain one Fighter in Southeast Mexico instant of one infantry (this for symbolize the Mexican Pacific Expeditionary force) and in Central America gain one AAA together with the infantry. (This for symbolize leant lease military aid for defense of the Panama Canal). If Brazil if activated only by USA, instant of 3 infantry, they have one fighter and one infantry, for symbolize Brazilian Expeditionary force)

    Free India: 1 Infantry, Alexandria. 1 Infantry, West India.
    State of Burma: 1 Infantry, Burma.
    Independent state of Croatia: 1 Infantry Yugoslavia
    Finland Volunteers: 1 Infantry Vyborg
    Baltic States Volunteers: 1 Infantry Baltic States.
    Russian liberation Army: 1 Infantry Ukraine, 1 Infantry, Western Ukraine.
    Republic of Filipinas: 1 Infantry, Philippines
    Rumanian Iron guard: 1 Infantry Bessarabia.

    Tito’s Partisans: 2 Infantry, Yugoslavia.
    Republic Partisans: 2 Infantry, Spain
    Pilipino Partisans: 2 Infantry, Philippines
    Poland Partisans: 1 Infantry Poland
    Rumania antifascists 1 Infantry, Rumania.
    Bulgaria antifascists: 1 Infantry, Bulgaria
    Ethiopian Partisans: 1 Infantry, Ethiopia

    1. Bombarding Panama and Suez canals: tactical and strategy bombers can damage it, 3 points goes inoperative, a maximum of 6 damage, 1 I. P. C. for fix 1 damage. Canal Suez and Panama: Installation Defense Anti-Air: two dice at 1. . Hit points: 6, all abilities disable at 3. Special abilities: Surprise attack, enable the sea unit’s movements between land mases and sea zones Restrictions: NONE

    2. Spanish rule: in real life Franco’s Spain were not a full ally of Axis, but support Axis war with commerce and volunteers, so Spain never goes pro Allies unless a direct attack of Axis power, and goes full pro Axis if Allies make a direct attack; so, to symbolize the historical situation: Roll a die. 1-3 all units become German, 4-6 all units become Italian. Note: Only a direct attack of the axis to Spain, activate all the strict neutrals rule. Bonus Objective (Euro Axis): "as long as there are allied units in continental France or Corsica, European Axis loses 2 I. P. C to bank, one for Germany and one for Italy, if there are no units there, Germany and Italy have one I. P. C. for free from the bank. If Axis control Spain territory this rule stops working. If Allies conquer Spain, Axis Europe surrender to the bank 2 IPC each round, one Germany and one Italy.

    3. Heavy Tank: Land unit Cost: 8ipc. Movement: 1. Attack: 4 or less. Defense: 4 or less. Special abilities: Pair with infantry, infantry attack at 2 or less Restrictions: Can’t blitz, use two slots of the transport, can’t be built until round 6.

    4. Light Tank: Before round 1, all playable countries gain light tanks, they can be placed on any original territories on the board. Germany gain 3, Japan 4, USSR 4, and the rest 2.
      Stats Land unit Cost: NONE. Movement: 2. Attack: 2 or less. Defense: 2 or less. Special abilities: Blitz, Pair with infantry, infantry attack at 2 or less. Restrictions: Can’t by purchased

    5. Buff Neutrals: All neutral territories, continental or islands, non-activated, gain one infantry, every 3 rounds, placed at the start of round. Dutch Territories are considered technically pro Allied neutral.

  • '22 '21 '20 '19 '18 '17 '16 '15 '14 '13 Customizer

    Your lend lease figs from Alaska can go as far as Krasnoyarsk. Thats were they landed mostly. Its on my map. Planes can still go either way to help out. This way your planes are not coming from SFE but your game call.

    This what I use.


    If you look at my map of Middle east or Persian route that’s where it was shipped by rail or trucks or ships after it arrived.

    Also it needs to get to Moscow faster. Up to Axis to cut it off or Axis control the sea zone next to territory with LL box.

  • @GEN-MANSTEIN said in G40 Santa Barbara Historical v2beta:


    Nice idea. But in the OOB map, that will be in Yakut SSR. Maybe if the Soviet player spends 1 IPC to move the unit spawn, from Soviet Far East to Yakut SSR. We can play test your idea this December

    A friend is interesting in some form of implementation of Siberian RAIL road, in our mod. I know you have one, we need to look for it.

  • @Valladares said in G40 Santa Barbara Historical v2beta:

    @GEN-MANSTEIN said in G40 Santa Barbara Historical v2beta:


    Nice idea. But in the OOB map, that will be in Yakut SSR. Maybe if the Soviet player spends 1 IPC to move the unit spawn, from Soviet Far East to Yakut SSR. We can play test your idea this December

    A friend is interesting in some form of implementation of Siberian RAIL road, in our mod. I know you have one, we need to look for it.

    Ya Yakut was a landing spot to refuel planes on there journey. Yes The railroad should be there plus Mongolians were Pro Russia. I have a rule for those’s if interested in it. Just giving you ideas here.

  • @GEN-MANSTEIN Yes, we can play test your idea as you post, and if alters valance, counter with some IPC paid, or only allow fighters to spawn there.
    Thanks for your ideas. If you have the rule for your Siberian Rail road, please fell free to post a link.

  • '22 '21 '20 '19 '18 '17 '16 '15 '14 '13 Customizer

    OK. Here it is. No link. I have 4 territories of Mongolia. 2 are worth 1 Icp each. On Map. Russia can go into any Mongolian territory and activate the money and 6 Mongolian inf I have in game. But Mongolians have to stay in there territories. Russian pieces still can move in and out. Russia cannot go into China unless at war with Japan.
    You can move 2 pieces from each territory on railroad 3 spaces.

    If Russia attacks Japan first they lose the 2 icps and 6 guys from Mongolia. They just stay neutral rest of game.

    If Japan attacks Russia first the Mongolians automatically become Russian territories and Inf. Japan also pays a penalty of 10 Icps. Might be 15 next game.

    What this does is like history the Soviets shock troops and such went by rail to Moscow after Germany attacks Russia first time and the Mongolians defended the the area or on guard or whatever based on treaty and inside info said Japan going other way in war at the time to pacific and China.

    Our game starts Dec 1941 so Russia already sending troops on rails based on at war with Germany.

    If you have still those 18 Russian Inf by Mongolia now and with some Mongolian Inf there you could at least send back some Russian Inf on rail to Moscow while they activate the Mongolians and give you defense support.

    We play no allies aloud in Russia for whole game. You can get setup right and LL from allies and give some good things to Russia like guard units, Tankgrad, KV’s and a few other things but to much to write and besides you got your ways for game.

    Don’t know what you have but you’ll figure out something.

  • The map in playtest 9°


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