Map for 1941 axis strategy

  • OK i won a tournament of 28 players going 4-0 playing Japan each time in 1941 with no NO or Tech

    I have a new plan to modify my previous strategy for japan.

    Well call it the Manchurian Candidate Strategy

    Follow my Japanese strategy for all moves except:

    We are assuming the Soviets place 3+ infantry in Buryatia. The more they put the better, but if they put less than three, then allocations of planes will be called off and they can go against the BB w/ destroyer as per my original strategy guide.

    Builds: Build a factory in Manchuria

    Transport in SZ62 picks up Iwo Jima INF+ Armor from Japan and lands in Buryatia, plus move up the 3 INf from Manchuria to Buryatia

    Bring the Cruiser for Shore Bomb

    The 3 inf in Kaingsu attack Suiyuan

    Ignore the US Battleship, instead take the CV and 2 fighters, plus the Japan fighter to Buryatia so you now got 4 INF, 1 Tank, 3 fighters and 1 SB @3.

    The Japanese BB in SZ61 kills the US fleet off Philippines.

    The Caroline Islands: 2 inf and transport on east indies and 1 infantry and transport on Borneo

    Perform all other moves as outlined.

    The tank factory in Manchuria can easily clean up the partisan Chinese and the drive toward Russia.

    The other idea is the transports are out of place because i set up the invasion on India on J2 with 4 transports which does not balance out the logistics for transports shucking off Japan. This strategy also makes it so you don’t have to worry about protecting the transports if the US player decided to go after japan.

    After all your attacks you should have 32 IPC for J2

    You buy 3 tanks, 1 transport and 2 men and artillery.

    Also part of this is now you got 6 Infantry 1 Art, plus 6 fighters against India on J2. They will leave India and think that your stupid enough to land in force, but they will counter attack with 5 Infantry, 1 Art and 1 Fighter. Now here is the real trick:

    You then take out Australia with all the India invasion fleet and the carrier planes take out the 2 British. ships trying to escape in SZ 40 from your fleet in SZ 39 .

    You also take India ( because he vacated it). Then when he takes it back in force he wont be able to bring his fighter in and thats when you destroy him. This may take 1-2 turns, but each time he delays you just take another UK territory with your Indian ocean fleet ( Africa, Jordan, etc)

    As soon as you got India, then comes the factory.

  • Death or glory Hawaii with 2-3 inft 1 fighter, take out BB and DD/ tran and they cant retake it for a turns!takes US transports away from plus you could sink and fleet they sent out there in any of the first 2 or three turns. this could also bring about the loss odf midway and wake.

    I would also think about building an IC in Manchuria in turn one to negate the loss of transports.

    Not really cost effective at all but a way to make US put more boats in the Pacific.

  • Well thats the new idea. I now prefer a Factory in Manchuria on turn 1.

    The assault on Buryatia may even not go so well and thats why the 3 infantry from Kaingsu hitting the 1 Chinese infantry can retreat after a round to Manchuria. Also fighters can land to protect the factory.

    IN order to do this you must leave the Hawaii alone and make the DD a “poison pill” which does 2 things:

    1. blocks attacks on my transports

    2. if US attacks the DD, my fleet is in range to counter.

  • @AdamD021:

    The word is pwn…or the past tense where it originally appeared…pwned. It orginated from the game Warcraft When you lost to the computer in a multiplayer game on a certain map the screen said so and so was pwned. It was a mispelling that has lead to its current use.

    And there’s your gaming language lesson of the day  :lol:

    Actually the term originated in the game Starcraft, when a developer wanted to write “owned” when he won a multiplayer game… but made a typo and instead typed pwned… and it stuck.

    And on a similar note… the term “zerg” which means rushing one location with as many units as possible… comes from the starcraft race bearing the same name… where the openeing strategy was to bum rush “zerg” the enemy base with small expendable, fast built units hoping for a quick win.


  • WoW just wow this is great, is there a similar map for the allies as im playing them tonight?

  • no and the map needs an update.

    I favor my new idea for Japan, a factory on Manchuria on J1 and leaving the US BB alone and instead not invading Philippines ( but you still move the BB in to kill the 2 ships) and you drop off a tank and man, plus the Cruiser for shore shot and the 2 planes with 3 infantry in Manchuria and Hit Buryatia. You will have 3 fighters for this, a CA BB, 1 tank and 4 Infantry. This will clean up about 6 or 7 Soviet Infantry and protect your factory.

    The other idea is it does not force japan to make decisions early because if the US player decides to go after Japan, the japanese wont need more transports and can buy naval if necessary w/o worrying about protecting the transports.

    lastly, since India falls on J2, if the UK player decides to evacuate it or leave one infantry in India, you actually take Australia and wipe out the 2 British ships with your fighters, and also tale India with light, then when UK hits it back with a larger force you strike it back with all your might and not have to deal with the UK fighter because UK just retook it.

    I will update the file soon.

  • I just have to say on the map: Beautiful! A work of art.  :-)

  • @tarkonis:


    The word is pwn…or the past tense where it originally appeared…pwned. It orginated from the game Warcraft When you lost to the computer in a multiplayer game on a certain map the screen said so and so was pwned. It was a mispelling that has lead to its current use.

    And there’s your gaming language lesson of the day  :lol:

    Actually the term originated in the game Starcraft, when a developer wanted to write “owned” when he won a multiplayer game… but made a typo and instead typed pwned… and it stuck.

    And on a similar note… the term “zerg” which means rushing one location with as many units as possible… comes from the starcraft race bearing the same name… where the openeing strategy was to bum rush “zerg” the enemy base with small expendable, fast built units hoping for a quick win.


    Dude, I love Star Craft!  I’m notorious for Zealot rushes! :-D

  • I cant find this strategy on the link you provided.  Can you point me in the right direction :) Thanks

  • Thanks mate!  :-D

  • Hi sorry but the link I followed to here stated you had a map like this for an allied strategy.  Am I incorrect in thinking this is the case?

  • its mostly axis, but builds are indicated.

    also that map is outdated, for japan i favor a factory in Manchuria on J1 since last year called the ‘Manchurian Candidate’

  • Is there some update with the german offensive on G1, with your map Il ? Got some problems with en effective german offensive against russia. My russian oponent is always lucky as hell and give me good counter attack.

  • I’d say disregard the “slow game” for Germany.  It prescribes not attacking Sea Zone 6, thought the only justification I see for that move is to have the sub for soak to defend the Baltic Fleet.  When redoing the map, that German strategy should be omitted.

  • yes i mostly like it for Japans moves anyway. For japan always build the Factory in Manchuria on J1, take Buryatia and dont invade Phillipines and attack one less Chinese territory, using these forces to take Buryatia.

  • i once had the crazy idea to just go for moscow or caucasus
    turns out russians are to strong
    so, barbarossa doesn’t work
    still hate it
    makers should of leats gave it a chance

    (plan was: attack east poland with troops of poland, ukraine with bulgaria and 2 guys you ship from africa
    perhaps assault baltic states with guy and canon with transport, and 3 fighters. Bomber and another fighter take down with 2 subs the sz 12 fleet. Second round i would unite eastern front at eastern ukraine, together with tank from france, who can now reach. problem is: russia wacks those troops all the time. anybody who can improve the plan?

  • updated map file including ‘Manchurian Candidate’ strategy.

  • I think I see a flaw in you strategy.  C1: move 1 Suiyuan inf to Manchuria, move 1 Fukien inf to kiangsu.  Place 2 new inf in Manchuria.

  • still, awesome map.

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