• Old question but….if a bomber pick a run and take out a transport in a SZ…can he destroy another  transport in another SZ on the same run? I said no to my teamate but i was questioning my self about that one.

    Exemple a  U.S.A bomber from wake destroy a jap transport in Sz 51 can he destroy the one in SZ 46 too and land in australia? The transports defenseless.

  • Official Q&A

    No.  A unit can only be involved in one combat per turn.  Destroying a transport counts as a combat, even thought it’s defenseless.

  • I was right then, thank you!

  • Question: “When shall I collect the bonus IPC for achieving national objectives?”
    argument 1: right at the time the national objective is achieved.
    argument 2: at phase 7: collect income.

    The argument was about how many IPC Germany can start with in 1941 setup.

    I asked players to collect bonus IPC at “Phase 7: Collect Income”, since this is the only phase that players are allowed collect IPC. According to 1941 setup, Germany starts with 31 IPC. However, Germany is qualified for the 1st national objective right at the beginning of 1941 setup, which will bring Germany extra 5 IPC. I insisted that this 5 IPC is to be collected at Phase 7. Bonus IPC shall be collected at its due time, not to be integrated into the starting IPC.

    Having said that, I would like to hear others’ opinion on this issue. Many thanks.

  • it’s supposed to be collected at the ‘collect IPC’ phase, as quite a few nations start-off with one or two NO’s already achieved

  • Official Q&A

    You’re right.  Bonus money isn’t added to powers’ starting IPCs.  It’s collected along with normal income.

  • Many thanks tin_snips and Krieghund. You guys are really helpful.

  • @Imperious:

    [Thats why they have the double bombing limit, [/quote]

    Please explain, the double bombing limit?

  • had an argument over China in my last game, as the rulebook is pretty vague about specifics

    the rulebook just says that china gets 1 infantry for every 2 territories that aren’t under Axis control, including any it has re-captured. so if China captures Manchuria in its turn, and already has 7 territories, does it get the extra infantry that very turn?

    also, can the Chinese infantry be placed in any territories that China just captured/had returned to it?

    (sorry if this has been covered. couldn’t see anything mentioning it on my breif skim though)

  • Official Q&A


    the rulebook just says that china gets 1 infantry for every 2 territories that aren’t under Axis control, including any it has re-captured. so if China captures Manchuria in its turn, and already has 7 territories, does it get the extra infantry that very turn?

    No.  Chinese infantry are awarded during the Purchase Units phase, so only territories controlled at the beginning of the turn count.


    also, can the Chinese infantry be placed in any territories that China just captured/had returned to it?


  • Official Q&A



    [Thats why they have the double bombing limit, [/quote]

    Please explain, the double bombing limit?

    The maximum damage that an industrial complex can sustain at one time is twice the IPC value of the territory.

  • Official Q&A



    Situation: Bomber carrying a paratrooper, moving into a hostile territory. This hostile territory has an AA gun.

    Question: Which one happens first, AA gun fires on bomber with cargo, or the paratrooper jumps off first then AA gun fires?

    In unit profile rulebook p.25, it says “This special attack is made immediately before normal combat occurs in the territory containing the antiaircraft gun.” Sounds like paratrooper can jump off first. However, I would like to hear opinions from other. Many thanks.

    Since dropping the infantry is done at the end of Combat Movement and AA fire occurs immediately before combat (in the Combat phase), the infantry will be dropped before the AA gun fires, thus it is safe.

    I’ve talked this over with Larry, and this was not the intent of the rule, even though that’s how it’s worded.  Paratroopers should be eliminated if their bomber is hit by AA fire.  This will be corrected in the FAQ with an erratum shortly.

  • Many thanks Krieghund. I did have a hard time to convenience others on the “jump first” privilege. :)

    Remember the flowchart I did before?


    I will suggest drop off paratroopers take place in the “Check Special Abilities”, right after AA Gun opened fire. Inside “Check Special Abilities”, the sequence can be:
    (1) Checking Destroyer’s presence
    (2) Submarine Surprise Attack / Submerge
    (3) AA Gun open fire
    (4) Bomber drop off paratroopers

    Hopefully, this shall clear things up a bit.

  • @J2004823:

    Remember the flowchart I did before?

    Maybe also add “attacker retreat” as a full box, with explanation of what is permitted and what is not permitted? Unless this is more detail then you intended with the flow chart.

  • During an amphibious assault, can land units retreat to certain death? I know that they cannot retreat back to the transport or to an adjacent territory from which other land units attacked, but a) must they fight on or b) can they retreat to certain death. This came up a lot in revised when I was playing allies and I wanted the UK to “soften up” Sweden/Norway for the Americans. The reason being I wanted the USA to take it so they can build a factory, since they had the production capacity. I did NOT want the UK to take the territory, so I would attack, and then once I’d knocked out some german units (but not all), I could retreat the land units to certain watery death. Was this correct? Or are they forced to keep fighting, with the possibility of (accidentally) capturing the territory?

  • Similar question, I think it was covered before but not exactly to my satisfaction. Can paratroopers retreat with other land units, assuming there were attacking land units from an adjacent territory? Or is it similar to amphibious assaults, where if you come by ship, you cannot retreat.

    If it is the latter, I have a similar question to the above, since the units CAN’T retreat, are they FORCED to keep fighting? I mean, if I’m trying to “soften up” a territory, can I just have the poor guys kill themselves after a certain while, since I don’t want them to ACTUALLY capture the territory.

    Sorry for the morbid post.

  • More questions:

    1. Do non-IPC-valued territories (like Iwo Jima) count toward the UK National Objective if captured by an Ally?

    2. 1 Sub vs. 1 Sub: How the heck does this work.

    3. Wait, you cannot place a newly purchased plane onto an adjacent allied carrier? (Covered before, just double checking)

    4. Wait, China can place units in newly captured territory? That’s crap. That goes against my natural A&A intuition.

    5. I guess I just don’t understand the sub surprise attack EVERY round of combat. We’ve always played just the first round, and then it becomes like any other ship. I mean, after the first round, it’s no longer a surprise! Come on, that battleship is like, “You JUST shot a torpedo at me and missed, I know exactly where you are, you ain’t foolin’ nobody.”

  • Official Q&A


    During an amphibious assault, can land units retreat to certain death? I know that they cannot retreat back to the transport or to an adjacent territory from which other land units attacked, but a) must they fight on or b) can they retreat to certain death. This came up a lot in revised when I was playing allies and I wanted the UK to “soften up” Sweden/Norway for the Americans. The reason being I wanted the USA to take it so they can build a factory, since they had the production capacity. I did NOT want the UK to take the territory, so I would attack, and then once I’d knocked out some german units (but not all), I could retreat the land units to certain watery death. Was this correct? Or are they forced to keep fighting, with the possibility of (accidentally) capturing the territory?

    No, they can’t retreat.  There are no “suicide squads”.


    Similar question, I think it was covered before but not exactly to my satisfaction. Can paratroopers retreat with other land units, assuming there were attacking land units from an adjacent territory? Or is it similar to amphibious assaults, where if you come by ship, you cannot retreat.

    If they attack with other land units that attacked by land, they can retreat along with those units.  If they attack alone, or with only amphibiously assaulting land units, they can’t retreat.


    1. Do non-IPC-valued territories (like Iwo Jima) count toward the UK National Objective if captured by an Ally?



    1. 1 Sub vs. 1 Sub: How the heck does this work.

    First the attacker decides whether to fire or submerge.  If he/she decides to submerge, the battle is over.  If not, the defender decides whether to fire or submerge.  If he/she decides to submerge, the battle is over.  If not, both the attacker and the defender fire, and casualties are removed.  If one or both hits, the battle is over.  If not, the process repeats from the beginning.


    1. Wait, you cannot place a newly purchased plane onto an adjacent allied carrier? (Covered before, just double checking)



    1. Wait, China can place units in newly captured territory? That’s crap. That goes against my natural A&A intuition.

    Sorry, that’s how it is.


    1. I guess I just don’t understand the sub surprise attack EVERY round of combat. We’ve always played just the first round, and then it becomes like any other ship. I mean, after the first round, it’s no longer a surprise! Come on, that battleship is like, “You JUST shot a torpedo at me and missed, I know exactly where you are, you ain’t foolin’ nobody.”

    It’s just the advantage that subs get if there are no enemy destroyers.

  • @Krieghund:


    1. 1 Sub vs. 1 Sub: How the heck does this work.

    … If not, the attacker fires.  If he/she hits, the battle is over.  If not, the defender fires.  If he/she hits, the battle is over. …

    I’m completely confused now. On page 30 of the rulebook is stated “If both players have submarines, all the submarines get to fire a surprise strike before taking casualities”.

    So up to now I interpreted this as follows: If as well attacker as defender decide not to submerge, both fire their surprise strike “at the same time”. So why should the defender in this 1 Sub vs. 1 Sub situation take his sub as casuality before firing his surprise strike? Am I wrong?

  • Official Q&A

    You’re right.  I don’t know what I was thinking!  :-o

    I’ll fix it.

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