Lets say 20 transports remain on the defense and 1 attacking DD
At what point do you get to retreat? Now, while there are 20? According to you, yes.
But that wont do–we want to to kill most of those transports. So we roll and hit–now there are 19 remaining? Do we get to retreat now? According to you yes…but still…we arent done
We would need to roll about 35-50 times–until only 1 transport remains. Now, we want to retreat and “strafe” to a square we could not have reached. According to you–ok, could have retreated from any number of transports.
Problem with this approach is–none of this stuff happens. There is nothing in the rules to state that you have to roll to pick off each transport in turn and go round after round—all the transports simply die. ALL. Whether there are 20, or 1. And when they die–you as the attacker move any surviving units into that square.
The second problem with your approach is that you’re selecting which rules apply.
third problem is that youre trying to argue your novel point against
The guy who wrote, playtested and proofread the rules (Krieg)
The person selected by DJ to be the forum moderator for rules (Panther)
A national tournament winner with over 200 games (Me)
So we’re not right just because of who we are…but our opinions may be more convincing to you…
The rulebook may be unclear to you. We argued endlessly about whether Japan can move into SZ 26 during peace–it can…it takes an exceedingly strained reading of the rules to find otherwise, yet all the people on the other side of that argument insisted that the words “within 2 sea zones of the conus” are vague and ambigous, when they are not. They simply did not like the result (that japan can sit with the US at peace) because it did not fit with their vision of what the rules SHOULD BE.