Double elimination tournament for both 41 and 42 to start at release of A&A anniversary rerelease.
Signs up here.
May the dice be with you.
So AA50 plays very well OOB and is fairly balanced, so it probably shouldn’t be tinkered with….
…BUT perhaps some of the changes introduced in 1942 2e could potentially improve AA50? I can think of a couple:
Starting IC in India?
The new Anti Air Artillery piece (and the general AA changes)?
Australian IC (From 1941)?
I’m just thinking a few years from now, when we are all used to the new rules, perhaps AA50 will begin to feel dated, and thus start to fade, and that makes me sad  :|
Would it be worth the effort?
Is it sacrilege?
It is sacrilege. Shame on you. Go say 10 Hail Marys and straight to bed without any supper: you naughty boy
I would not touch Anniversary. I love it.
AA50 is a great game, but……
I agree there is room for some of the new rules that have come out since its release.
Some stuff we have tinkered with or thought about (some borrowed from others)
Others that are more game changing
I’m thinking of doing this as well. For the sake of a bit of consistency in the rules between games.
And, I like the new rules, but I can’t justify purchasing this game when I already have AA50. They seem like the same level of game.
Btween the new 41, and G40
Plus AA50 gives you the option for tech and N.O.'s, as well as China and Italy.
So adopting some of the new rules into AA50 seems like the best of both worlds.