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World Tour 2020
For the 20th Anniversary of the site, I was thinking it would be fun to travel around the world and meet a bunch of you. We could kick off at Battle of the Bay Area, I’ll be at Gen Con and Bunker Con already.
Where else do we have a lot of players?
I’ve heard there are a bunch in the Netherlands and Amsterdam works well as a location.
Where in the UK are folks?
Where in Germany are folks?
Where in Spain?
What about Asia? Australia or New Zealand? Central or South America?
I can’t go everywhere but if there are enough places maybe this will be a 2 or 3 year tour.
It would be a lot of fun meeting you and having an event in Amsterdam with some of the Dutch players.
I really like this idea and would love to organize a game if you are able to come over and visit us here in mainland Europe :) -
The question is, would Amsterdam be central enough to invite the players from Germany and Denmark?
I’m not sure where else in Europe we have players.
I might start the tour early since I’ll probably be in Europe in 2019 as well.
Check for groups. I believe there is an Axis and Allies group in Singapore as well.
I’d be happy to host you in Nashville sometime as well.
@djensen Amsterdam is quite reachable by plane / train / car and has plenty of hotels & hostels for people coming over. However diverting further east to Germany might be more centrally located in Europe.
I’m unsure about the amount of players across the borders. In NL we usually can get about 8-12 people for an event.
I think it also depends on your own schedule for when and where you will be in Europe. -
@Quirky-Turtle It looks like you have once or twice yearly events. When are they? It looks like one is this February, which actually might be cheaper for travel abroad.
There is no really regular schedule. We have a whatsapp group with a lot of dutch players. This is where we try and find a moment that works best for the event.
Most players have their own groups next to these events. I’m sure we can make something happen when you are comming over…
@djensen Private Panic, Credulous and I are within 2-3 hours of each other. I am in the Midlands and they are North of me. I am sure we would all do our best to congregate closer to London, if that were easier for you. There are a few members on the South coast too. (Lozmoid and Corporal Clegg are two .)
Lovely idea you have. Hope it come to fruition. -
Or come and join us at a Battle of Britain?! More difficult for you travel-wise, but more fun too!
@Private-Panic When is BoB usually?
@djensen Every 3 months, with dates set 6 months in advance. In central England.
Happy to set up a date as early as you need if that makes things easier for you.
@djensen Every three months , date established about 6 months in advance. It is in rural Derbyshire, about 150 miles north of London.
Hi! I live in Madrid. Rubi in the Canary islands. I have a couple more friends who play in Madrid. Amsterdam is nice and not far for the rest + I don’t smoke so more chances to win haha
@JuanSpain The Canary Islands would be an awesome venue. :wink: :palm_tree: :ocean:
@djensen Just spent 10 days there, I even bought a home planning to spend winters when I become rich, jaja. No issues for me to move there to play or any other reason, so we have at least Rubi and myself.