@witt said in Autumn 2022 Battle of Britain - 9th October - See Battle Report:
We are the best of friends!
That’s what you think!!! :angry:
@Karl7 Looking forward to it!
I am working on an official final graphic for the tournament. Hope to have it posted soon.
GG. I will also be contacting WOTC once all graphics are complete to get us setup with dates in Renton next year.
San Francisco over Victoria
Vancouver over Seattle
Tacoma over Valley (Canada)
San Francisco over Vancouver
Seattle over Valley
Tacoma over Victoria
San Francisco over Valley
Vancouver over Tacoma
Seattle over Victoria
San Francisco comes in at No.1 at 8 points! Yay!
Tacoma and Seattle come in for tie for 2nd place at 6 points each.
Vancouver comes in 3rd for 4 points.
Victory and Valley come in last at 0 each.
Wow, this was a marathon tournament. Everyone was up at least until 2-3am, with people just crashing in rooms and couches, rising up the next morning at 7am to eggs and bacon and then dice, with games going by 9am. I got less than 4 hours of sleep both nights, that plus the beer and chest bumping really took it out of me.
But nonetheless, everyone I think had a good time. If there was one area of improvement, I think the moderator declared victories were unsatisfying for some. This was understandable since you’re asking someone to declare a winner based on an arbitrary stopping point in the game. Many of the games the moderators had to call were close enough that while you could still see one side was winning, there was a chance the other side could rally. I don’t like tourney rules, but maybe now I see value. Live and learn.
Regardless, there was definitely a lot of KILL KILL KILLING! Maybe next year I will be out from under my “family contribution time” deficit that I can host this thing again! As is, no one punched a hole in the wall, or threw a chair through any windows so I am probably good getting the house again!!
Peace!.. er, wait, WAR!
Some random photos above. The one of us toasting was after the final game, which was a split decision for Vancouver. I voted for Tacoma but Juan and Joel were for Vancouver. Joel did not participate in the battle. That was a tight game.
@Karl7 Looks as if Team Canada got their heads cut off lol. Won’t say anything about the guy in the black t shirt heh heh.
Anyway, been following along and glad you guys had a good go of it. You never know what you’ll get meeting new people : )
@Karl7 said in BATTLE IN VANCOUVER! IT'S ON! Nov. 23-25. Who will survive?:
Some random photos above. The one of us toasting was after the final game, which was a split decision for Vancouver. I voted for Tacoma but Juan and Joel were for Vancouver. Joel did not participate in the battle. That was a tight game.
Why is there voting for victory conditions? Why not use IPCs controlled or IPCs + TUV (which would take forever to tabulate)?
IPCs in the bank and IPCs being collected were taken into account. There was no counting of TUV but I believe they could estimate that as well
Ya I can’t say for sure what the qualifications were for victory. But generally I think it came down to who was in a better position to win assuming neither side made fatal errors. I know in the game I played in we had moderators decide because we were running out of time. They decided the axis won because they were making about 20-25 more IPCs a turn, and Japan and Germany were both very powerful with Japan about to go up another 10 IPCs for India falling. So we didn’t achieve the victory cities but the moderators determined that we were in the better position to win the game
@djensen said in BATTLE IN VANCOUVER! IT'S ON! Nov. 23-25. Who will survive?:
@Karl7 said in BATTLE IN VANCOUVER! IT'S ON! Nov. 23-25. Who will survive?:
Some random photos above. The one of us toasting was after the final game, which was a split decision for Vancouver. I voted for Tacoma but Juan and Joel were for Vancouver. Joel did not participate in the battle. That was a tight game.
Why is there voting for victory conditions? Why not use IPCs controlled or IPCs + TUV (which would take forever to tabulate)?
Joel, Juan and I agreed we didn’t want some gamey tourney conditions, and we felt there was enough time to finish the games or get them to an obvious point where one side would likely concede. Indeed a number of games were conceded. But we ended up having to call (I think) around four of the 9 games. So not too bad.
Anyhow, the guidelines Joel, Juan and I used to call a game was in one part subjective, i.e. looking at the game what side would I immediately be more inclined to play, and objective, i.e. who had more money, more victory cities and better overall strategic position.
Only one game was a split decision, the last one. I raised the issue because obviously you rely on human judgment which can always be questioned. Where you draw the line between arbitrary objective conditions vs more subjective conditions is a debatable balance and one for further contemplation.
Could someone plz put names to these faces so we know who’s who?
@axis-dominion said in BATTLE IN VANCOUVER! IT'S ON! Nov. 23-25. Who will survive?:
Could someone plz put names to these faces so we know who’s who?
Nice pic AD! You are a lion!
@Karl7 thanks karl! but I meant names and/or aliases to one of the pics with everyone in it, so we can know who’s who.
@axis-dominion said in BATTLE IN VANCOUVER! IT'S ON! Nov. 23-25. Who will survive?:
@Karl7 thanks karl! but I meant names and/or aliases to one of the pics with everyone in it, so we can know who’s who.
Ah! Ok
Starting from left to right:
Kirt ?, BC
? Langer in blue, BC
James Wiens, BC
Damian Allen, Seattle
Richard Mullins, BC
Joel/Gargantua, Vancouver BC
Lennard Feddersen, Victoria
Karl/Karl7, USA, SF, holding Gargantua’s hand
Andrew, Renton WA.
Stephen Yu, Seattle, A&A.org handle: Patryn
Guy way back in purple shirt almost obscured is Bgugs, Brandon from Tacoma WA
Guy forward looking goofy in Canada shirt is Canuck12, also known as Kyle McEwen, Vancouver
Nathan Gayner, WA, A&A.org handle: Mill Creek
Guy way in back second to last to right is Ray Chacko, Idaho, USA
On end is Samuel Nadeau, Victoria BC
(Curtmungus not pictured)
If I’ve got anything wrong, let me know and I’ll change it.
There are some guys not pictured here as they were either Friday or Sunday only guys. This was taken on Saturday.
very cool karl, I appreciate it! now we know what you and garg look like hahaha, not sure if any of those other names are in our league.
@Karl7 @axis-dominion I am the Stephen from Seattle.
@Patryn well cool!
You going to pin my face to the wall and throw darts at it?
Bgugs is from Tacoma