Opinions of Bad Guy plans for new game

  • @Panther Verdankt

    ‘little things’ - Walt whitman

  • '19 '17 '16

    SZ8 - did you mean SZ5? The only way I can see for the US to get fighters to Moscow US5 without a Japan DOW is to camp out in SZ5 and fly from there. Not happening.

    They can however get bombers there in two turns via Scotland.

    But US help isn’t usually arriving in time without a Japan DOW. Even with one it’s normally indirect by creating another front.

    Anyway, back to your Germany plan, 10 infantry is interesting but wouldn’t buying a bunch of artillery be better? Next turn you can add a bunch of mechs. You won’t have any shortage of units attacking at a one for the assault on Moscow.

  • I absolutely DID mean SZ5, my bad. Going off of a small Google Image and don’t have my glasses.

    Again, bombers will not save Russia, or cost you Germany proper before you take and retain Russia proper… especially if you don’t provoke war with US.

    The basic point being you get the best, early shot at Russia proper if you don’t provoke US, and if US sets up for response, it turns out to be a big waste of money and the fighters never reach Russia in time.

    Let me know your thoughts…

  • @simon33 No, artillery is not better because they have the same movement. The point is to have the best soak stack on Russia sack.

    It is necessarily true that you’r best numbers, given a highly predictable set of 3-4 moves is to collapse your G1 buy with all the stragglers from Bulgaria, GSG into Yugo (or not…) into a streamline with your G2 purchase of two-movers. Those are your only new guys getting to Russia Turn 6.

    We could debate transports, but movement justifies at most an extra two turn 2 and/or 3. And that begs for a carrier that makes the buy a bad deal for how long those ground-pounders take to hit Russia.

  • The idea is you are going for a safety on Tom Brady, and he started at half to the goal.

  • '19 '17 '16

    If Japan doesn’t DOW, even if the UK don’t fly planes around via the Med you are still adding 3ANZAC fighters, 2UK fighters + a tac.

    Plus a bunch of planes which can be built in Persia.

    Even worse than that though, Japan just becomes so weak if they don’t DOW.

  • '19 '17 '16

    But artillery have so much more attack power. Hit soak isn’t everything and attack power isn’t everything but the small compromise in hit works so much better.

    Ok, looking at a recent game there was a G1 buy of 6inf 3art and the Moscow battle G6,

    There were 52 inf/mechs, 8art 18arm 2ftr 5tac 9bomb
    vs 68 inf/mech, 1arm 1tac 13ftr 2AAA

    That was 91% with a +57TUV swing

    Changing the 3art bought for 4inf makes it 88% with a +48TUV swing.

    And if the G1 buy had been a more conventional 2inf 6art it would have been 92% +65TUV

    So art are better.

  • @simon33 If You do the Numbers, You could get up to 3-4 ANZAC Fighters, at least 2 UK Tactical, and theoretically 9 UK Fighters… and that would leave India open.

    I don’t see why you UK would build Fighters in Persia… that makes zero sense to me.

    In theory, there could be a Turn where UK proper first moves all Planes to Scotland, and then move next turn to Archangel/Nenetsia, and then move into Russia proper by Turn 5 UK; moving these Planes into Scotland Turn 3 to make the trip.

    Add all That up, Russia would still be short 10 plus units, and You get a Free Hand otherwise.

  • '19 '17 '16

    If the UK builds fighters in Persia, they can be in Moscow the next turn. That’s the Persia angle.

    Going around via Nenetsia may be possible but may not be because Germany can often hit the planes before they reach Moscow.

  • @simon33 Artillery don’t move faster than Infantry, and on odds won’t “hit” more stuff to justify taking 7 over 4. I could see going for 7 Mech Turn 1 for movement.

  • @simon33 Why waste the $$. Just build in India. Provided UK West hast the Money, you could get that turn 3, but buys you very little. Buy Turn 3, use Turn 4, move Turn 5. Germany goes first Turn 6.

  • @simon33 said in Opinions of Bad Guy plans for new game:

    If the UK builds fighters in Persia, they can be in Moscow the next turn. That’s the Persia angle.

    Going around via Nenetsia may be possible but may not be because Germany can often hit the planes before they reach Moscow.

    ^^ This

  • @simon33 said in Opinions of Bad Guy plans for new game:

    But artillery have so much more attack power. Hit soak isn’t everything and attack power isn’t everything but the small compromise in hit works so much better.

    Ok, looking at a recent game there was a G1 buy of 6inf 3art and the Moscow battle G6,

    There were 52 inf/mechs, 8art 18arm 2ftr 5tac 9bomb
    vs 68 inf/mech, 1arm 1tac 13ftr 2AAA

    That was 91% with a +57TUV swing

    Changing the 3art bought for 4inf makes it 88% with a +48TUV swing.

    And if the G1 buy had been a more conventional 2inf 6art it would have been 92% +65TUV

    So art are better.

    My last Game had 62 Inf/Mech total. Had 8 Art. Had 17 Tank, Had 3 Fighter after AAA (of 7), Had 10 Tac, Had 5 Strat Bomber attack Turn 6.

    105 Units after 3 AAA hits, Russia 95 total units with AA Guns.

    Almost cannot lose. 10 Planes will not change it.

  • @DermMannInDerHochburg said in Opinions of Bad Guy plans for new game:

    @simon33 said in Opinions of Bad Guy plans for new game:

    But artillery have so much more attack power. Hit soak isn’t everything and attack power isn’t everything but the small compromise in hit works so much better.

    Ok, looking at a recent game there was a G1 buy of 6inf 3art and the Moscow battle G6,

    There were 52 inf/mechs, 8art 18arm 2ftr 5tac 9bomb
    vs 68 inf/mech, 1arm 1tac 13ftr 2AAA

    That was 91% with a +57TUV swing

    Changing the 3art bought for 4inf makes it 88% with a +48TUV swing.

    And if the G1 buy had been a more conventional 2inf 6art it would have been 92% +65TUV

    So art are better.

    My last Game had 62 Inf/Mech total. Had 8 Art. Had 17 Tank, Had 3 Fighter after AAA (of 7), Had 10 Tac, Had 5 Strat Bomber attack Turn 6.

    105 Units after 3 AAA hits, Russia 95 total units with AA Guns.

    Almost cannot lose. 10 Planes will not change it.

    Over 80 of Russia is Infantry, as Cycles go by you will get More “hits” 99%

    That’s 99% vs 'BestBuy’s

  • '19 '17 '16

    If you assume USSR has 2ftr 2arm 4AAA 1tac in that mix, adding 10 more ftrs changes it from 100% +93TUV to 64% -63TUV. 12 more fighters makes it 42% -135TUV.

    Regarding Persia, using the SZ98 TT to activate UK1 means you can get two rounds of buys to Moscow before G6. You can’t spend UK Europe money in India so that’s a bit of a red herring.

  • @DermMannInDerHochburg said in Opinions of Bad Guy plans for new game:

    @simon33 Artillery don’t move faster than Infantry, and on odds won’t “hit” more stuff to justify taking 7 over 4. I could see going for 7 Mech Turn 1 for movement.

    And BTW, it isn’t 7 for 4, it’s 4 for 3.

  • '19 '17 '16

    Sounds like you don’t really think you need any help with Germany if you’re getting on Moscow G6 reliably. 10 tacs is a pretty atypical force. I’m not sure how you got that, it’s about 2 rounds of production right there.

    The other point about allied fighters in Moscow is that they can deter strategic bombing on Moscow.

  • 2024 2023 '22 '19 '18

    Can you guys post one of these games with the large battles in Moscow? I don’t turtle so big battles are a lot less than all that. I have played around 10 games here, but many times that in real time. These are straight up G40.2 games?

    I Like to call g40.2 the Axis’ wet dream. My guess is that there was a huge community push to make Sealion playable. That means stretch out the Atlantic and Pacific to slow down the juggernaut. The only solution I see to saving Moscow is to spam American bombers to Moscow. And get the fighters headed there too.

    It irks me that Germany can muster more men than Russia. I want to see Russian hordes. Anyone house rule that? A gun for every other man? Men worth 2? Defend at one?

    It would be much better if the Russians could destroy or dismantle their factories and move them East.

    In one game, Majikforce was foxy and retreated out of Moscow. He lived to fight another day.

  • How would Bombers save Russia proper…? They defend at 1…

  • @simon33 G4 buy 3 Tank in Novgorod, 3 Tactical elsewhere

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