I think I busted her chops about the pic actually being her.
But I never asked her to remove it.
JWW this is cracking me up. so i’ll throw a couple things into the pot.
i like jenns pic. too,
i’m an athesist.
i agree with legal prostitution, Nevada allows it. i want no part but it should be legal.
i agree with legal drugs, if you wanna OD on whatever drug, have at it. thats 1 less car in traffic to deal with.
i belive jenn and balugs political views are wacked, but i support thier right to have them, they just need to stop believing everything rush has to say.
and i agrre with most of jermos views.
so have at it rip away.1. How many F’ing mojo’s are on this site anyway? The real mo-blow, the first mo-fo and you? How hard is it to be original here?
WTF are you talking about? What, did it take you, like 3 seconds to come up with your INITIALS as your online name??? How “ORIGINAL”!!! :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
i am the original MOJO. then some wack-job started using my name, and variations of it. actually it was pretty funny.
man everybody wants jenns pic back up, but i agreee with switch, thats not her.
and yes i saw for adults only so i had to take a look, great thread JWW.
I guarantee I didn’t oppose the old picture I thought it was rather pleasant and looked forward to seeing it when I logged in. If Jen puts the bathing suit pic back up I’ll put a pic of me in my bathing suit up… wait that may not necessarily be motivation…
I am probably the only conservative atheist in the room
I think Prostitution is great although I’ve never indulged.
I like Guns and own 15 of them.
I like to kill defenseless animals that are trying to hide from me at long distance and then eat them.
I think abortion is murder.Wow, I feel strangely liberated…
I’ve never met a prolife atheist. Why do you think killing a twoday old fetilized egg is just as morally wrong as killing a 30 yr old mother of 3? A fertilized egg has none of the qualities that we assicoate with “personhood” (consciousness, memory, rationality, empathy, etc.), so why is terminating it as wrong as killing an adult that DOES have those qualities we identify with personhood?
Three pages already? I’m surprised Fish didn’t have this on lock down after the first post.
Hell, I might as well ask this question. Why is it when a left winger speaks his mind it is “free speech” but when a right winger speaks his mind it is bigotry and intolerance?
The whole “shhh, quiet you might piss somebody off” thing always annoyed me when I was a kid.
WTF are you talking about? What, did it take you, like 3 seconds to come up with your INITIALS as your online name??? How “ORIGINAL”!!! :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :-D
Wrong… :evil:Fk prostitution, we just recently had something about it in the newspaper, 1 in 4 girls have an STD! Stop with the unprotected sex you horney SOB jackrabbits!
Legal drugs too! Thats just plan retarded, the last thing we need is people going around asking politics and cops…“hey duuuuuuuuuuuuuuuude……waaaant tooooooooo geeeeeet highhhhhh!?” Imagine a President, govener, or military leader thats adicted to weed!
I have had enough of you hypocritical MOF’s. Adults have been selling their bodies in one way shape or form since the beginning of time. What adults do with their bodies is of NO concern to anyone else. You CANT EVER stop it, so keep you morally backwards concepts to yourself. Or get in line with all the poster children of people such as yourself, Rev Haggard, Gov Switzer etc…… Idiots.
The same w/drugs. If people want to poison themselves, I call it “thinning the herd” our drug policies from prohibition to today’s “war on drugs” are massive failures and will continue to be. Like prostitution, governments will NEVER be able to stop people from having a quadruple espresso, a liter of tequila, a hit from the water bong, or those tasty mushrooms.
This is the reality of it all children. Time to leave Neverland.
man everybody wants jenns pic back up
Seems like you have received the green light to put the pic back up Jenn. And if you have OTHER pics you can PM them to me. :wink:
I still have my old pic, but two of the moderators asked me to take it down over a year ago.
And I think prostitution should be legal. If a man and a woman agree to exchange services for a price, what harm is there? Massage is legal!
I’m callin’ Jen. She will be my prostitute.
I’ve been away from this site too long.
I’ve been an escort before. If men want to pay $500/hr for some TLC, what’s wrong with me for taking it?
Anyway, as for Rushy, as I said, I don’t care if you want to be a druggie. So if, and I use the word strenuously because some people are not all that good at remembering their facts correctly, IF he was hooked on pain killers (which, IF happened was probably due to being prescribed to them and then getting hooked, that’s usually how it happens) I have no problem with it.
I also don’t have a problem with Spitzer utilizing the services of talented young ladies. I think all these man act laws, etc are just men who do not want women to be free. It’s a method of enslavement by removing a woman’s right to do what they want with their body.
Then again, I had nothing wrong with Larry Craig either, all he wanted to do was use the public restrooms! (Even if he was there to pick up a date, it’s still his right to have sex with any consenting adult he wants too!)
I’ve been an escort before. If men want to pay $500/hr for some TLC, what’s wrong with me for taking it?
I bet none of you saw that one coming.
Stuka says, you’re welcome everyone.
I remember at one time Jen had a web site with a lot of pics, based on what I saw there the bathing suit pic is the real thing even if its 10 years old… I also learned that Jen is a treky nut
M36 you don’t know me very well
I remember at one time Jen had a web site with a lot of pics, based on what I saw there the bathing suit pic is the real thing even if its 10 years old… I also learned that Jen is a treky nut
M36 you don’t know me very well
I had to have a lot of digital images of myself for the company’s web page. Clients like to shop before buying time with an escort. :P
Anyway, I’ve always been a sci-fi geek. :)
I remember at one time Jen had a web site with a lot of pics, based on what I saw there the bathing suit pic is the real thing even if its 10 years old… I also learned that Jen is a treky nut
M36 you don’t know me very well
I had to have a lot of digital images of myself for the company’s web page. Clients like to shop before buying time with an escort. :P
Anyway, I’ve always been a sci-fi geek. :)
i’m sure had you posted that last bit up, buisness would have been great… all those nerds who have no time to date but make tons of money would surly pay to spend some quality time with a lady who they can talk Klingon too :-D
Why does my Hamburger have BBQ sauce on it!!!I didn’t order that!! I’ll eat it anyway.
Homosexuallity is wrong (came up at school) man+women=child=human race lives another day (not saying that gays are putting down the population) man+man=……, women+women=…WTF!!
Why do pople yell out “I hate the persident. I hate our govt. Bring our troops home. America is poor.”? Don’t like it…GET THE FREEK OUT! In some ways I hope we do pull out of the middle-east so I can watch all those protesters and naggers die by the barrel of an AK :evil:
It’s American to say “I hate the President.” It’s not American to say “I hate the government, capitalism, and liberty.” And that’s all I seem to hear from half the elected officials in Washington DC and all of the candidates running for President.
As for BBQ on your burger, sucks to be you. I hate it when I get mayo on my burger. Spicy Brown Mustard, Pickles, Lettuce, Red Onion, Tomato and maybe horse radish is all I need.
Just get the Imperialist Federal Government out of my bedroom, out of my church, out of my wallet, and off my land.
That is all I ask… essentially the same request that John Hancock had when he signed that little document for King George back around early July 1776…
As for the escort thing…
Jen is not the only one… I paid for a significant portion of my education that way… -
its super american to say i hate the government. screw em. just make sure another nation or foreigner doesnt kill me.
almost missed this one.
I guarantee I didn’t oppose the old picture I thought it was rather pleasant and looked forward to seeing it when I logged in. If Jen puts the bathing suit pic back up I’ll put a pic of me in my bathing suit up… wait that may not necessarily be motivation…
I am probably the only conservative atheist in the room
I think Prostitution is great although I’ve never indulged.
I like Guns and own 15 of them.
I like to kill defenseless animals that are trying to hide from me at long distance and then eat them.
I think abortion is murder.Wow, I feel strangely liberated…
I’ve never met a prolife atheist. Why do you think killing a twoday old fetilized egg is just as morally wrong as killing a 30 yr old mother of 3? A fertilized egg has none of the qualities that we assicoate with “personhood” (consciousness, memory, rationality, empathy, etc.), so why is terminating it as wrong as killing an adult that DOES have those qualities we identify with personhood?
Let me start off by saying that I am not going to debate or argue this position. It’s what I believe and amazingly enough, I don’t need to use religion as a cop out to explain my morality.
btw, if that’s the definition of a human life, we need to start clearing out all the assylums. Those people obviously aren’t human.
Homosexuallity is wrong
You are only correct in that it is wrong if you want to make babies. That simply won’t work.
Just get the Imperialist Federal Government out of my bedroom, out of my church, out of my wallet, and off my land.
That is all I ask… essentially the same request that John Hancock had when he signed that little document for King George back around early July 1776…Fcking A brother!
As for the escort thing…
Jen is not the only one… I paid for a significant portion of my education that way…Even I am afriad to touch this one……
Just get the Imperialist Federal Government out of my bedroom, out of my church, out of my wallet, and off my land.
That is all I ask… essentially the same request that John Hancock had when he signed that little document for King George back around early July 1776…
Amen brother.
And the greatest President in American history was probably Thomas Jefferson - Author of the Declaration of Independence; legislator in the Continental Congress and later in the first governing body and later President of the United States.
In 1800, Jefferson ran for president, along with fellow Republican Aaron Burr. The Republicans believed that the rights of the states and individuals should be protected. They wanted to curtail the powers of the federal government. The Federalists, the opposing political party, were in favor of a strong central government. Jefferson referred to them as “monarchists in principle.”
He went on to double the size of the United States at a very good price without the need for bloodshed and repaid France for their kindness in our Revolution. (Louisiana Purchase).
When our ships were ruthlessly attacked by the British Navy, Thomas Jefferson did not go to war, he did not issue an ultimatum, he did not enter the European conflict - he just placed an embargo on all European nations. Later presidents, faced with the exact same situation, would declare war on England which resulted in Washington DC being burned to the ground, and hence the Presidential Mansion needing to be white washed to cover the scorch marks and being renamed The White House.
Thomas Jefferson disbanded much of the Federal Army and Navy instead relying on the states to have their own militias that could be called upon in a time of war.
And, he paid off what little debt we had at the time and did so without raising any taxes at all.
Honestly, I’d love to elect him to office today. Yes, he was a bit of an isolationist, but honestly, can that be really bad? Why do we, as Americans, have to stick our nose in everywhere? If the nation of Ik wants to kill off citizens who are over the age of 50 so as to reduce strain on their socialized health services, why is it OUR duty to go save them!? What if Ik has nothing for us, they don’t buy our goods, they don’t provide any services we need, their existence or non-existence has no bearing on our lives whatsoever.
Why do we NEED a huge standing army!?! We need Fort Benning, Pearl Harbor, Norfolk, and a few other training bases with just enough of a standing army, navy and air force (marines I’m lumping in with navy, same with Coast Guard) to train the individual militias of the states to an equivalent level of training and tactics.
Why do we NEED to be stationed all over the world??? TJ would never keep forces in Korea, Japan, Vietnam, Philippines, Saudi Arabia, Germany, Italy, England, etc, etc, etc. He might keep them in Saudi Arabia, because of the value of the commodities found in the region. But I highly doubt he’d want to be elsewhere. Especially with Russia being a non-threat now. Not exactly an ally, but a non-threat.
Why do we NEED the government involved in everything!?! Let the states decide marriage. Let the states decide taxes. Let the states decide abortions. Let the states decide just about everything. Better yet, let the states have the individual counties and cities decide most of this. The only thing the government should be involved in are those aspects in life that need to be legislated that encompass all the states: Interstate Commerce, Interstate Shipping/Travel, Radio/Television, etc. (it would be bad if Illinois said that your station got Frequency 1 and Indiana said another company got Frequency 1. You’d have conflicts along the border.) Etc.
If a local mall wants to put up a nativity scene, they should be allowed to do so, without repercussions by being sued just because one family is atheist or of a competing religion. Likewise, if a group of Wiccans want to go into their own backyard, put up a bonfire and have a wild orgy, they should be allowed to do so.
Honestly, if I were President of the United States, and had 48 Hours to pass any laws I wanted without approval of Congress or the Supreme Court, I’d have our government reduced in size by 98%. I’d have the national debt paid off in two years (followed by a massive cut in taxes afterwards.) After that, I’d have savings accounts for the Government set up so that the government could run off the interest instead of off the backs of the people.
Not to get into a political discussion (defined as Republican vs Democrat) it’s just how I think the founders would have wanted things and my lament that we have turned from the idealistic principles that made this nation great and turned towards the principles we have today.
almost missed this one.
I guarantee I didn’t oppose the old picture I thought it was rather pleasant and looked forward to seeing it when I logged in. If Jen puts the bathing suit pic back up I’ll put a pic of me in my bathing suit up… wait that may not necessarily be motivation…
I am probably the only conservative atheist in the room
I think Prostitution is great although I’ve never indulged.
I like Guns and own 15 of them.
I like to kill defenseless animals that are trying to hide from me at long distance and then eat them.
I think abortion is murder.Wow, I feel strangely liberated…
I’ve never met a prolife atheist. Why do you think killing a twoday old fetilized egg is just as morally wrong as killing a 30 yr old mother of 3? A fertilized egg has none of the qualities that we assicoate with “personhood” (consciousness, memory, rationality, empathy, etc.), so why is terminating it as wrong as killing an adult that DOES have those qualities we identify with personhood?
Let me start off by saying that I am not going to debate or argue this position. It’s what I believe and amazingly enough, I don’t need to use religion as a cop out to explain my morality.
btw, if that’s the definition of a human life, we need to start clearing out all the assylums. Those people obviously aren’t human.
Even people clinically insane have consciousness, rationality (within their own strange belief system (i.e., the tin-foil hat will stop the govt from spying on me)), memory, and, in most cases empathy (though it may be weirdly misplaced).
A fertlized egg doesnt have ANY qualty we normally associate with “person”. Try it- think of a person, any person. I bet you weren’t thinking of a fetus or blastocyt :wink: If you only had one fire-truck and two fires (one at a fertility clinic the other at an orphanage), where would you send the fire truck?
The kindest thing you could say about it is that it will eventually become a person. But then I plan on eventually becoming a millionaire. What are the chances of me walkiing out of a bank with a $500,000 loan because I may someday become a millionaire?