Welcome to the forum, slo.
1. I dont understand how the tech option works now. If I buy 5 chances, and roll 2 six’s I believe you can only use one correct? What I really dont understand is what do I do with the failures, it would appear I get to keep the ones who have failed?? If so, do I get to roll with them before every turn for free until they hit? Also, since I can only have one success per turn, do I get to keep the other success since I couldnt use them? O heck, just explain how it works for me please…
also, do most of you play with this option or skip it? Tech meant a lot in WW2, however since you dont lose the failures (i believe) this seems really over powered now.
From the rulebook:
Step 2: Roll Research Dice
For each researcher you have, roll one die.
Success: If you roll at least one ‘6,’ you have successfully made a technological
breakthrough. Discard all your researcher tokens and continue to step 3.
Failure: If you do not roll a ‘6,’ your research has failed. Keep all your
researcher tokens and continue to the Purchase Units phase of the turn.
So in your example - as you rolled successfully with at least one (here two) die (dice), you discard all tokens and continue rolling for one breakthrough.
In case you had not rolled successfully with at least one die, all tokens would be kept - you can use them again during next round’s R&D phase.
2. Subs, is the surprise attack only one the first roll or is it anytime I want? If I miss on the first 2 rounds ( i know the enemy gets to try to hit me if I stick around) but on the third round I make a hit…can I submerge and the casualties do not get a chance to roll at me?
From the rulebook:
General Combat Sequence
1. Place units on battle board
2. Submarine Surprise Strike or Submerge
3. Attacking units fire
4. Defending units fire
5. Remove defender’s casualties
6. Press attack or retreat
7. Conclude combat
Step 2. Submarine Surprise Strike or Submerge (sea battles only)
This step is specific to attacking and defending submarines. If there is no opposing destroyer in the battle, before all other
units fire and resolve casualties (steps 3 through 5), both attacking and defending submarines can choose to either make a
Surprise Strike or Submerge.(See “Surprise Strike” and “Submerge” in Unit Profiles: Submarines, pg. 30.)
Step 6. Press Attack or Retreat
Combat rounds (steps 2-5) continue unless one of the following two conditions occurs …
So yes, as long as the conditions are met, your sub may choose to surprise strike or submerge in every round of combat (step 2).
Remember: “When a submarine submerges, it’s immediately removed from the battle board and placed back on the map.
As a result, it can no longer fire or take hits in that combat.” (page 30).
HTH :-)