No. Loading and/or unloading from a transport takes a land unit’s entire movement allowance. It may not move before loading or after unloading.
Question about online/league play on a Mac
Howdy all,
I’ve just discovered the community and am anxious to get into some online games. Just curious if there is a way to play AA50 online on a Mac (other than bootcamp + dual boot Windows of course :-P )? From what I can tell ABattleMap is Windows only.I have a PC but would really prefer to run it on my Macbook so I can take it with me :)
no Mac support. Just PC
You can get Parallels or VMWare Fusion (plus a copy of Windows) and run AAbattlemap as if it was a Mac app. On a MacBook, I recommend at least 2 GB RAM to run it smoothly.
VirtualBox works great and it’s open source (free):
Anchovy, thanks for the tip on VMware Fusion. It’s working great!
Now I just need an opponent :-D If anyone is interested in an AA50 '41 NO’s + Tech game PM me.
Sent PM to Umgar.