Presidential Election (as a current event- watch the tone or it's gone)

  • If B. Hussein Obama went against his stated policy on his own website, he would be taken to task for being a total fraud. Its indefensible to have one policy before your elected in order to get elected, then 180’ and say well …. " i guess we are staying for 50 Years after all" he would be totally railroaded out of the states or sent to St. Helena in exile.

  • '18 '17 '16 '11 Moderator

    Senator Obama has made a campaign of basically saying nothing.  His website is a joke.  He can easily say that it has been unupdated for a long time and the guy who originally put it together was fired or reprimanded, or whatever.

    I mean hell, look at the Clintons, they said a lot of things that were patently untrue, and continue to do so, and their votes have never mattered.  McCain slandered Romney for months even though he was called on it and it was proven he was lying about Romney, and that hasn’t sunk his chances.

    No, we cannot believe anything these people do, only what they say in their speeches, and as such, Obama is the most conservative candidate running for office. Who cares about silly things like how they vote!?!?  Obviously not Republicans cause we just put McCain up for the job!

  • Just a couple of quick points…

    1.  Al Queda has said repeatedly that the MAIN reason they attacked the United States was because of our bases in Saudi.  If you believe that, then the US would need to pull out of the Arab nations to preclude future attacks.  Personally I think it is naive, but what Muslim attacks occurred on the United States or its citizens or soldiers that were not DIRECTLY related to US military presence in the Middle East, at least attacks since the Treaty of Tripoli in 1789?  Bear in mind that US Foreign policy in the Middle East from the 1960’s forward has been a COMPLETE violation of the Treaty of Tripoli, showing the United States to be less than honorable, in the long term, to their obligations and promises.

    2.  The Monroe Doctrine WORKED.

  • In case anyone missed it…

    Romney HAS ENDORSED McCain!

    I think that leaves only Rush, Laura Ingram and Jen as Conservatives not backing McCain (Hannity is already moving in that direction…)

    I told you folks that Abortion would be the lynch pin to galvanize Conservative backing of McCain.  Now when are y’all going to realize that I know what I am talking about (this is about the 9th straight prediction that I have called correctly… )

  • 2007 AAR League

    if obama and hillary join tickets, i regretfully say they will probably win the election.  as a rockstar team that gets all the energetic good press.  of course the press is energized, its their party that they want to talk up.

    if that doesnt happen, McCain has 3 great options for vp.  well 4 or 5 actually.

    1. of course huckabee.  but this is the least helpful

    2. forbes.  he would solidify anyone caring about the economy.

    3. petraeus.  talk about the saftey of america ticket.  2 war hero’s.

    4.  condi rice.  a black AND female vp.  trumps the democrats pandering immediately.

    5.  the best one.  COLIN POWELL.  nuff said.

  • Petraeus is still active duty and can’t run, although he can retire but i doupt he would.
    that aside i think Petraeus dosn’t add much to the ticket. McCain is strong in all the areas Petaeus would add strength to.
    Powell is the same but has a little more advantages.
    Huckabee would help, but i don’t know if enough.
    Forbes i dout would join in the race no matter who was running. McCain i doupt could pull him if he begged.
    Rice, don’t get me wrong, but she is under qualified. she was under qualified for Secritary of State and didn’t do a great job at it. good but not great. she is a skilled woman and a good woman (or person but that just sounds ocword to say), she just dosn’t have what it takes IMO. although she would as you say destroy the D ticket of 1st woman or black press via racal or gender descrimination.

    Mitt is still a viable option although i doupt that will happen as both men seamed to want to kill each other durring the debates. but had they been more friendly with each other i think it would be viable and work well as it would give McCain more credability on the economy and also would give him a strong run.

    if you look at numbers before Mitt droped out he was winning about as many people as McCain. it’s those stupid (and i thought stupid before Florida went to McCain way back when it looked to go to Guliani) winner take all states. i think they are the worse thing for a primary. i’m not a fan of the way the pres election is winner take all on each state ether, but the Primaries i think it’s worse. Winner take all at any state in both primary and general is stupid IMO. realy i live in WA state, we are a strong blue state. my only vote that counted for this election was in the primary as there is no way that a Republican will win this state in the general election. but atleast if the states were perportanal our votes would have some effect on the election.

  • '18 '17 '16 '11 Moderator

    Wow are you late, Switch.  I said that a LONG time ago.  How it was underhanded by Romney, but I understand WHY he chose that.  He (and all real conservatives) blame Huckabee for splitting the conservative vote allowing the Republican MACHINE in conjunction with the Democratic Party and the Liberal Media to pick the most liberal republican currently running for the nomination.

    Dunno what Rush, Sean, Drudge, or any of the other political commentators are doing.  They don’t impact me what-so-ever since i don’t listen to them.

    All I can say is that anyone is better then Hillary and anyone is better then John.  That leaves Barry.

  • Personally, I think we are seeing the culmination of a “deal” made 8 years ago where Bush in the wake of SC agreed to backing McCain later.

    My father was the one who said that after SC in 2000 a deal was made and McCain would be the next Republican nominee (he said that back in Feburary 2000)…  8 years later, despite the firestorm of folks like Limbaugh and even the major media saying McCain was DRT 6 months ago… low and behold, McCain IS the Republican nominee.

    Just a bit too much Deus Ex Machina for that to not have some serious planning and power behind it…

  • '18 '17 '16 '11 Moderator

    I’d be really disappointed if this was some back alley deal between the Current President and McCain.  Though, I would NOT be surprised.  They are from the same mold.  Junior calls it the Compassionate Conservative mold, I call it the Donkey in Elephant Pants and Mask mold.

  • All I can say is that anyone is better then Hillary and anyone is better then John.  That leaves Barry.

    I love Barry Manilow. Id vote for him.

  • Editted by Guerrilla Guy – Hey Dude, don’t post if you have nothing good to add. And remember We can ban your I.P. address, so quit it or join. If you join though you get all you can eat pizza on Tuesdays!

  • 2007 AAR League

    oh no.  who in the hell is this.

  • Pizza dude had his posts deleted (about 20 of them… all identical), and I have recommended that he be IP banned.

  • Voting for J MCcain is like trying to pick up a turd by the “clean end”.

    I will vote for whomever the dems put forth.  In 4 years you are going to have a mess in the government no matter who gets elected and I would rather the blame be on them.  I am more concerned about congress… the dems already have the white house (I count Johnny as a dem).

  • @Cmdr:

    I call it the Donkey in Elephant Pants and Mask mold.

    The Donkeys are the Republicans and the Elephants are the Democrats? Or viceversa?

    Boy, sure USA politics are tricky … there are more guys and factions than in Silmarillion…

  • Republicans are the Elephants, Dems are the Donkeys.

    there is only one reason as of right now to vote McCain over the others and thats for the Courts. his choice will be better then theres and it is the most vital as we have sceen from past press’s that a Dem apointed member of the supreim courts seam to be about the constatution being ever changing.

  • 2007 AAR League

    correct man.

    gotta stop the democratic justices.  they make laws from the bench.


  • '18 '17 '16 '11 Moderator

    If he hadn’t voted against all the republican judges that were nominated, I would say that would be a reason to vote for Johnny.

    Anyway, let’s retake Congress, there are more dems up then reps I believe and with Congress having the LOWEST APPROVAL RATING IN THE HISTORY OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, about half as good as President Bush’s it should be EASY to retake it in a red tide in November.

    Hell, to unseat Durbin, all the Republican here has to do is play Durbin’s speeches, in their entirety, with him saying US Soldiers are nazis, rapists, murders, baby-burners, etc.  That should be enough to get at least 1% of the Senate converted back to Republicanism.  Jim Obewiese out here seems to have a lock on Hastert’s seat, his democrat opponent is running ONLY on his own money since the state will NOT back his bid.

    And, for the record, I don’t care WHO the president nominates for Judge.  He has to be approved by Congress.  If we own congress, we own the Judiciary.  Well, we would if our Republican leadership would grow a pair and dip them in brass.

    Let the Dems have the White House.  Republicans in the Congress kept Bill Clinton from doing anything too horrible.  We can have a Dem who will go to Europe, bow to his masters, lick their feet, complain how backward and stupid our Congress is and “if only we had smarter congressmen and senators, we could be so much more like you” and we can stop every piece of legislation that leaves his desk and force him into signing our legislation into law with simple veto over-rides.

  • McCain did vote for Roberts and Alito (sp).
    i also think it’s more Republicans up to lose then Dems this time around.

  • '18 '17 '16 '11 Moderator

    Darlin, there are more then Supreme Court Justices that Senators vote on.  He not only voted against the judges, but he sided with the Democrats to stop the Republicans from breaking the fillabusters (which were not even being held correctly, mind you) and allowing the votes to proceed to appoint some law enforcers, not law writers to the benches in this nation.

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