@barnee said in Hey Eric, we going to get our game or what?:
he already spent all our money in china. Were fckd
Ya him and Hunter went out to a business dinner.
At least he would be distinct.
Well I must say that the poll is very interesting so far.
At the moment, the frontrunners are:
AH-1 Cobra
US Marine
Vietnamese Village
H-34 Helicopter
Army Ranger
Viet Cong extra type
Earthen bunker
Australian and ROK Marine
However, the 155mm howitzer and M-50 Ontos are right behind.
Poll still has five days to go!
Thanks for participating,
Thank you for making the game
Oh, you bet! I am excited to bring to this to everybody.
New ads will be going up this weekend, and I’ll have a new video on the Kickstarter page tomorrow (with any luck).
I am now a Platinum backer with some FAQs.
I see you got this poll at Easypoll.net too, but with 100 voters, so were you adding our votes from here, or how are you gonna sort this out. Not a big issue, since what is in here is in there too. That Cobra chopper rule
I like your Entry at Boardgamegeek, but you could add some videos, and not the dull one from Kickstarter. Only 3 weeks to go and I want this game to happen, so how about putting together some nice video with lots of miniatures and that map from the playtesting ? I know what turns boardgamers on, and its not listening to a voice for 15 minutes while looking at the same picture. Only 3 weeks to go, man
That extra 1973 WWIII game looks intriguing, how many pieces are you gonna put in there ? Maybe even let that game have its own Entry at BGG, to pick up the WWIII fans and tell them they got an extra Vietnam war game if they back the 1973 game ? Just brain storming here
Zombies are populare this days. A&A is gonna add zombies, Risk did it, Monopoly did it, Boardgamegeek is packed with new zombie games Entrys. How about adding an optional zombie unit, and sell this game in with the younger players ? Money is money, we just want this to happen.
Firstly, thank you for backing the game!
As to the poll, yes, I have different polls out to gauge different preferences (and it’s just a matter of adding them all up). There are the backers (like you) and then there is the general public of gamers who have no vested interest in the game, per se. Kinda like the ‘wisdom of the crowd’ sort of thing. It is interesting, the various polls are very close to each other.
And, guess what, as a backer, you now get to vote twice! (the poll here and the poll once you actually back the game!) :wink:
Regarding the video, yes, I have a new video planned. Hopefully it will be up by this evening, as a matter of fact.
As to BGG, I actually sent them of a bunch of images and the like, but they’re not exactly greased lightning as to when they get things up, and probably they’re even slower on the weekend. But more is coming, yes indeed!
Great idea about the WW3 game! I will do that (making its own BGG entry); thanks for the suggestion. It’ll probably take BGG a week to get that up, too, but better late than never. Great idea. That game will have a couple hundred pieces.
As to zombies, I’m going to stay well clear of that. I’m not involved with this game because of the money (that’s what it’s so cheap for all the stuff you get); I’m doing it because I am involved with Vietnam veterans projects in my personal time, and I just find the war very interesting for a number of reasons; this game is a chance to present the war in a game setting that anyone can play and actually understand the war while having a good time.
By the way, for anyone that does like zombies, I can recommend a good old classic movie called The Last Man on Earth (starring Vincent Price). One of the first zombie movies made, but still a good movie even these days. That’s about as far into zombies as I get, but a decent little movie.
Eric :-D
I will be backing this at the end of the month. Just gotta see how much money I spend on vacation to see what level to back at
Greatly appreciated. Everybody has until the last week of March when the Kickstarter campaign ends, so that might give you some time.
Even still, my man, prioritize that vacation! Life is short and you’ve got to enjoy it while you can. 8-)
Jane Fonda mini. Boosts effectiveness of VC anti-aircraft.
Aha! :-D
There IS a Hanoi Jane event card in the Communist’s event deck!
That’s great to hear!
This game is unique in that the topic is the designer’s singular passion, so it’s not merely the next variant, ya know. You walk away from each turn feeling like you have the secret new understanding of the Vietnam War.
I’ve designed and developed a lot of games professionally, but I had never quite seen a game like this, one that is simple and yet also historically accurate. Wargames should have been designed like this from the beginning.
Aha!  :-D
There IS a Hanoi Jane event card in the Communist’s event deck!
Any chance of a Marlon Brando?
We’ll have to be satisfied with the riverine pieces! :-D
The poll is proving to be very interesting. The AH-1 Cobra, for instance, has maintained a steady lead from the beginning, and it still does!
One thing I’d like to add about this poll; you may be tempted to believe that your customers or audience want MORE than what you’ve already laid out, that (at least for me) I’d rather have you focused on playtesting, marketing and supporting the vast scope of stuff you’ve already proposed than adding more and more new concepts at this point. This conversation is part of that, of course.
There is always a reason to add more gee gaws and detail, and in due time that should happen (its the kickstarter curse I suppose).
I have every confidence that you’re going to make a well designed game, so please relive yourself of the burden of assuming that a well-designed game should or can include EVERYTHING that we nerds would want to see included (which is better left for expansions after the community dismantles and dissects your original build of the game by ‘playtesting’ it to death!!)
You make a very good point, in fact a point I am familiar with from all the games I have designed and developed over the years. Indeed, I’ll commend your insight on this point because most people do want extra pieces, so I thought it was unnecessary to explain that idea (i.e., this doesn’t imply that the game will become more complicated!)
But since you shrewdly bring it up, I will state publicly that the game’s design is finished and complete, and we have no intention of complicating what already works. These extra miniatures may, at best, be offered up as optional additions, or they simply become the actual game piece for what is presently represented by a rule or an event card or whatever.
I should say (for anybody with your concern), these extra pieces are more along the lines of not wanting to be using Panther tanks in Axis & Allies 1940. We would like to give players the actual article in terms of the equipment being represented by a rule or an event card…or just if someone wants to have an actual Aussie infantry somewhere on the map.
And, too, a fair number of people just want the game for the extra miniatures, and so this gives them more miniatures to have as a bonus for backing the game! :-D
I am one of those people that want miniatures first, and if I dont like the rules and map, I just house rule it later and make my own map. Its the miniatures that is difficult to make in my basement, so I need to buy them from professionals.
Clever move to make the Jumbo map and Extra set editions. Hope that helps you reach the goal, halfway today. It will be difficult to sleep the next 3 weeks
I am one of those people that want miniatures first, and if I dont like the rules and map, I just house rule it later and make my own map. Its the miniatures that is difficult to make in my basement, so I need to buy them from professionals.
Clever move to make the Jumbo map and Extra set editions. Hope that helps you reach the goal, halfway today. It will be difficult to sleep the next 3 weeks
Is there a pic of Jumbo map and what size will it be ?
Narvik, SS
Yes, the Jumbo maps were simply a request by others, so I can’t claim any particular inspiration; I merely offered what a lot of players seem to want. :-)
The Jumbo map set will be a total playing area of 44x68" (four 22x34" maps arrayed as a rectangle). I have to admit it will be a grand map; it’ll look spectacular once set up. :-o
Regarding the pieces, yes, I hope many of them find other uses in other people’s games or adaptations or so forth. I can see a fair number of people making a Cold War variant for their Axis & Allies game with these pieces, for example, which is great! Or, someone may want to make their own tactical game or so. I love it.
The poll will be closing itself by default in another half hour or so!