Hi Gungrinner
What a bummer. At least the Germans won’t be able to buy anything next turn either :)
Welcome to the site :)
Can a transport unload it’s cargo into a freindly territory from a SZ occupied by war ships belonging to a country it’s not a war with? For, example…G1…Germany, on it’s non-com move xports 1 tank & Inf to SZ115 & offloads into Finland to help liberate & reinforce. Russia has a sub & cruiser stationed there, but since Russia & Germany are not at war, is it considered a friendly SZ?
Powers that be are neutral and there for can occupy the same territory.
Can a transport unload it’s cargo into a freindly territory from a SZ occupied by war ships belonging to a country it’s not a war with? For, example…G1…Germany, on it’s non-com move xports 1 tank & Inf to SZ115 & offloads into Finland to help liberate & reinforce. Russia has a sub & cruiser stationed there, but since Russia & Germany are not at war, is it considered a friendly SZ?
Yes, that is fine:
Powers Not at War with One Another
When two powers on opposite sides are not yet
at war with one another, they operate under some
special conditions and restrictions.Movement: A power’s ships don’t block the naval
movements of other powers with which it’s not at
war, and vice versa. They can occupy the same sea
So there’s nothing that prevents you from moving the transport there and unload your troops to activate or reinforce Finland during NCM.
Thanks guys. I thought this was the case, but could not easily find what you quoted in the rule book so I wanted to make sure. Sometimes I do get it wrong. (But not often. :wink:)