Hey so after reading the War Room rule book, i came up with an idea to add some elements to axis and allies: Bonds.
A nation collects bonds at the end of the round. You collect 1 bond for every 10 ipcs you collect. HOWEVER, you only count your basic income, without nationl objectives, leftover money, or money gain by capturing a capital. For example, lets say Germany is earning 40 dollars per turn. But this is turn two. They captured Paris last turn, so they actually have around 70-ish dollars. They still only get 4 bonds, because thats how much they earn per turn
You can use bonds in two ways, and the third way is going to need some testing.
1. Turn order
2. Technology
1. Turn order.
Every player at the begining of the round writes down their bid. After everybody writes their bond bids, they reveal them and pay for them. (Sounds Familar?)
2. Technology
You may invest in technology. During the technology phase, you may spend as many bonds on technology as you want. You pick a technology, then invest in as many bonds you want. You may invest in mutiple technologies. If you want to change any previous, investments, you may pay 1 bond, then you may change whatever you want. Ottherwise, everything else is the same. Roll for what every bonds you have have in each investment, so on.
The tech War Bonds, is the same with a twist, now you will gain an additional bond every turn.
3. Recover
This is the one that could be op and needs testing. After you win a battle, you may spend bonds to recover casualties. You may recover up to 10 ipcs of one unit type. However, they are not cumilative. For example, if i wanted to recover tanks, i can only recover 1 tank with 1 war bond. However i cant spend 2 war bonds and recover 3. I think it needs alot of work and should be tested throughly.