@manincellv awesome looking map!
Custom Map
Was going to try to show you guys where I am at through dropbox but it says you cannot preview this type of file. Anybody know how to convert it? This is probably a very simple thing but I am not a technology guy
In Affinity Designer use “File - Export…” to convert your project file (.afdesign) to jpg (to keep filesize small) or png (better quality but larger file).
You get an image of your project, then.
Then use an image hoster such as for example https://postimages.org/ to upload this image.When uploaded, copy-paste the “direct link for forums” they show you after uploading that file into your posting here.
Thank you for that. Is there a way to make my file smaller? I have it in low quality JPEG but it is still 12.5MB which is .5 to big to upload through that website.
Thank you for that. Is there a way to make my file smaller? I have it in low quality JPEG but it is still 12.5MB which is .5 to big to upload through that website.
When converting just reduce the size of the image:
This is how the convert dialogue looks like, mine is in German, but it looks similar in your language.
The red arrow shows where to adjust the size. Here it is in pixels.Now change the pixels to a reasonable value.
Keep in mind that monitors usually show 72 / 96 / 120 ppi (pixels per inch), some even more.
Adjust the value in the first field, the value in the second field adjusts automatically (simply klick into the second field), keeping the aspect ratio.
For example an image sized 4800x2400 pixels, would be 50x25 inches on a 96-ppi-monitor.
HTH :-)
Thank you Panther for all the help. So here is where my map is at now. WARNING if you are going to freak out about names not being geographically correct just save yourself the trouble of looking. I recognize not everything is perfect especially when it comes to the Soviet Union. Both myself and my group aren’t worried about this. As stated before this map is purely for concept use. If everything works out the way we hope it does then I will be spending a lot of time making this map more pretty. At that time I will look into name changes as necessary. If you guys have any feedback that will impact the general concept of the map I am open to those comments. Just not looking for details since that is not the focus right now. I hope you guys enjoy.
Imperious Leader '17 '16 '15 Organizer '14 Customizer '13 '12 '11 '10last edited by Apr 18, 2018, 4:49 PM
Not working. Can you just use Dropbox and post a file, the image cant be seen except small, too small.
When I upload to dropbox it doesn’t allow a preview. Do you want me to share the link for you to download it?
When I upload to dropbox it doesn’t allow a preview. Do you want me to share the link for you to download it?
Just send the link for download or use something like mediafire to host you image on the internet.
Just after I posted my message I noticed you had a single post with a large image that linked to postimages where I could see a large image 10.000 pixels wide. That worked flawlessly, but now the post is gone…
Nevertheless this map will become HUGE in the number of territories. China alone seems over 30 territories! How long do you expect this game will take to play? :-D
This was the biggest file I could get with the best quality.
Here is the dropbox link to the file you can download.
I was testing picture sizes. Didn’t realize one worked, I reposted it. Also I forgot to actually attach the dropbox link, here it is
https://www.dropbox.com/home?preview=My+Map.afdesignWhen looking at time, it is expected to be a long game. One that will take multiple sessions to finish (G1940 does anyways with how our group works so this won’t change much of our game play). It is meant to encourage different strategies
Through this game we will be using the basic mechanics of axis and allies, but with more advanced features. Including new rules that will allow for neutral country invasions, more advanced tech, and possibly a diplomatic feature (this is up in the air as it may open too many doors).
This project is still underway. Between graduating from one school, starting grad school immediately after, and it being prime backpacking and climbing season I have been very busy. All that is left is dividing up territories on the Americas on the Europe side of the board and dividing up sea zones
Very little progress has been made on the game mechanics as I am waiting for pieces at HBG to be in stock before I get down to the details of things
With Affinity Publisher they will offer a replacement for Adobe Indesign anytime this year.Hadn’t heard of Publisher.
Thanks for the heads up.
Publisher is in beta status now. You can download it for free for testing purposes:
Imperious Leader '17 '16 '15 Organizer '14 Customizer '13 '12 '11 '10last edited by Aug 30, 2018, 8:14 PM
Bgugs… you do know that’s based on the map i made?
Yes IL I contacted you via pm a while back about this you said it was fine as long as I wasn’t making money on it and as long as I gave you credit if I have a credit section on the map. Not making any money and as of now there is no credit section
Imperious Leader '17 '16 '15 Organizer '14 Customizer '13 '12 '11 '10last edited by Aug 31, 2018, 1:26 AM
ok then
Hi I was wondering if I get a copy of you map. I’m in the process of editing map files to create a 1939 global map.
If you don’t mind can you send it to mcaldarola@golder.com.au
Morris Caldarola -
@Johnson73 I too would like to hop on the train and for a file, your map looks great
Hey guys. I can attach a file of the uncompleted map if you would like. However, I have been completing a one years masters program while getting my teaching certificate this last year. Because of this the Americas on the Europe side of the map are not completed nor are the sea zones. I am hoping to have time to restart and finish this project by December. With my masters ending in August and being a first year teacher this may be optimistic but most of the work is done so I think I can do it. Sorry for the late response, I have very little free time these days. But let me know if you want an incomplete one or an email when it is complete.