Can you give me the link of your game? I have seen the video in your post, it’s quite good
bubble shooter
Global War 1936/39 Expansions
Jinx1527, do you have the all the 3D units that HBG sells, and if so how are they in the game?
I got most of them John, perhaps 95-98% of all HBG models
The problem is that often times they don’t find a significant niche. Especially ships, with so many models with barely any difference between them; we ended simplifying and thinning down what we played with. I think regardless of how many navy models are made; we will probably stick with what we have now.Super Heavy Battleship
Pocket Battleship
Escort Carrier
Heavy Cruiser
Light Cruiser
Submarine Tender/ Merchant Raider
Advanced Submarine
SubmarineThat’s it. But it’s still plenty, and a little crowded in a mixed fleet (luckily a few types are specialized that they don’t mix into a fleet anyway).
Jinx1527, do you have the all the 3D units that HBG sells, and if so how are they in the game?
I got most of them John, perhaps 95-98% of all HBG models
The problem is that often times they don’t find a significant niche. Especially ships, with so many models with barely any difference between them; we ended simplifying and thinning down what we played with. I think regardless of how many navy models are made; we will probably stick with what we have now.Super Heavy Battleship
Pocket Battleship
Escort Carrier
Heavy Cruiser
Light Cruiser
Submarine Tender/ Merchant Raider
Advanced Submarine
SubmarineThat’s it. But it’s still plenty, and a little crowded in a mixed fleet (luckily a few types are specialized that they don’t mix into a fleet anyway).
That is a shame, because some of them are pretty cool looking, but if there is not much difference in them, then I can see your point.
I guess that is where house rules for units, comes in to play, to make up the difference. :-)
HBG strikes again.
Jinx1527, do you have the all the 3D units that HBG sells, and if so how are they in the game?
I got most of them John, perhaps 95-98% of all HBG models
The problem is that often times they don’t find a significant niche. Especially ships, with so many models with barely any difference between them; we ended simplifying and thinning down what we played with. I think regardless of how many navy models are made; we will probably stick with what we have now.Super Heavy Battleship
Pocket Battleship
Escort Carrier
Heavy Cruiser
Light Cruiser
Submarine Tender/ Merchant Raider
Advanced Submarine
SubmarineThat’s it. But it’s still plenty, and a little crowded in a mixed fleet (luckily a few types are specialized that they don’t mix into a fleet anyway).
That is a shame, because some of them are pretty cool looking, but if there is not much difference in them, then I can see your point.
I guess that is where house rules for units, comes in to play, to make up the difference. :-)
True, and usually house rules can make Units unique fill a niche.
But there is a lot less features in the ocean then on land. No fortress or mountains or anything.What HBG really needs is a model Anti-Tank Gun unit for each nation. That would fill a good niche.
Also the “Cavalry” unit….stupid name. Mobile Infantry or Semi-Motorized or something but not cavalry. Luckily that’s coming eventually. 😊
I -
HBG strikes again.
Something bothering you SS?
All the time
Jinx1527, do you have the all the 3D units that HBG sells, and if so how are they in the game?
I got most of them John, perhaps 95-98% of all HBG models
The problem is that often times they don’t find a significant niche. Especially ships, with so many models with barely any difference between them; we ended simplifying and thinning down what we played with. I think regardless of how many navy models are made; we will probably stick with what we have now.Super Heavy Battleship
Pocket Battleship
Escort Carrier
Heavy Cruiser
Light Cruiser
Submarine Tender/ Merchant Raider
Advanced Submarine
SubmarineThat’s it. But it’s still plenty, and a little crowded in a mixed fleet (luckily a few types are specialized that they don’t mix into a fleet anyway).
That is a shame, because some of them are pretty cool looking, but if there is not much difference in them, then I can see your point.
I guess that is where house rules for units, comes in to play, to make up the difference. :-)
True, and usually house rules can make Units unique fill a niche.
But there is a lot less features in the ocean then on land. No fortress or mountains or anything.What HBG really needs is a model Anti-Tank Gun unit for each nation. That would fill a good niche.
Also the “Cavalry” unit….stupid name. Mobile Infantry or Semi-Motorized or something but not cavalry. Luckily that’s coming eventually. 😊
II see, well, I will figure something out, because War Plan Z ships, look to cool, not to use. Can’t wait for these other things you mentioned. Thanks for the info. :-D
As a sidenote,
I have a ‘budget’ for Global War. So when I decide to purchase an Expansion or not, I ask myself:
“what brings more gameplay/fun for X amount of $”?
Example: We play GW39, so instead of buying the Spanish Civil War (SCW) expansion (which mainly benefits GW36), I could buy 48 of the new 3mm plastic naval bases for the same price and ditch the horrible cardboard pieces from A&AG40.
Being in Europe, shipping and import fees are out of this world. So I normally combine a lot into one order. I actually just received my latest order with a lot of 3mm ‘replacements’ - the only expansion was DAK.
If we start playing GW36 again, I will make sure to reconsider SCW - thanks for the input, Jinx!
Edit: SCW is no longer available :oops:
We play with Croatia, Netherlands, Manchuria, Spanish Civil War, and the Railroad expansions. We plan to add the DAK and the Turkish expansion in our next game. I like the DAK as it provides Germany to some flexibility to effect the Med theater. The Turkish expansion is nice since it involves all 3 factions.
The “Cavalry” unit represents horse mounted troops so Cavalry seems an appropriate name. These forces fought on foot and traveled on horse back like dragoons but they were still Cavalry.
I think one of a problems with so many units is the fact existing units do the same job but better. The DD is just as dangerous as the CA and the CL, based on IPP cost, and you can deploy more of them for the same money. What good does it do to add a Plan Z with 8 new ships types when you can accomplish the same outcome more efficiently with the basic unit types.
What good does it do to add a Plan Z with 8 new ships types when you can accomplish the same outcome more efficiently with the basic unit types.
I agree with you but I can see how having the real pieces would be cool. My son is a military history expert. If he had unlimited funds, he’d replace every generic piece in the game :-D
I don’t disagree with you guys as far as the rules. I’m buying them to mainly replace some of the OOB ones. You can still use them as regular units, or make efficient rules costs for each of them to use in a game.
That is all, I meant to say about them. :-)
P.S. I’m also going to paint them. I’m a total piece junkie! :-D
@cb, get a 3D printer, then you/he can go crazy.
You can get free models here for virtually everything: -
Man, that is some cool models, lol! :-D
How much did your 3D printer cost? If you don’t mind me asking? :-)
The ones on the pictures are not mine (unfortunately).
But from exp. the cheap printers don’t work :roll:
The ones on the pictures are not mine (unfortunately).
But from exp. the cheap printers don’t work :roll:
That is what I thought. Good to know. Thanks! :-)
Here’s a recent review of 3D printers. One for under $300 was an Editor’s Choice.
Here’s a recent review of 3D printers. One for under $300 was an Editor’s Choice.
That is cool! Thanks cb4. :-)
I never just use one review and, after seeing one for $300, couldn’t help looking – plus, I’m an information junkie :-D
For $460, this is the newest version of the best-rated 3d printer design on (the original version is European):
Better look before you leap: 2-hour distraction :roll: Now back to work… -sigh-
I never just use one review and, after seeing one for $300, couldn’t help looking – plus, I’m an information junkie :-DÂ
For $460, this is the newest version of the best-rated 3d printer design on (the original version is European):
Better look before you leap: 2-hour distraction :roll:Â Now back to work… -sigh-
I hear you. I try to research things as well, but there is times I haven’t, when I wished I had. It would have saved me money. :-)
I’ve bought all of the country-themed expansions except the one for Turkey, which is currently sold out.
I’ve also purchased many after-market pieces from HBG, FMG (the Italians), and Airfix.
I find that the rules for the G1936 game are clunky and that, while the map is gorgeous, territory distribution doesn’t suit the vision I have for a modified game. I’m trying to figure out how to print an alternative map for that reason.
I think the next expansion HBG offers should be focused on South America, providing pieces for Argentina, Brazil, and Chile. Perhaps something titled “Under the Southern Cross.”