• I just played G40 for the first time and I notice Canada has its own markers. Even thought its nation is part of UK’s turn, has anyone ever tried running Canada as their own minor power?

  • '18 '17 '16

    A couple of members here came up with what they called Halifax Rules in which Canada joins Australia to form the Commonwealth. Check it out;


  • I really like the. Commonwealth #2 but it would be interesting to see it as I pointed.

  • '14 Customizer

    I think Canada as a power was left out since UK already shares its turn with India which is in a different theater. For it to work I think Canada would have to be a separate power and not share its turns.  The reason for this is if Canada shares its turn and pieces with UK then when a battle is resolved who will control the territory? In the case with India its simplified by the territory being in the European vs Pacific theater.

  • 2024 2023 '22 '21 '20 '19 '18 '17

    Having Canada as an entirely separate power, while doing justice to the role it historically played in World War II, would weaken the Allies’ position in A&A Global. At a production of only 7 and few opportunities of adding to that, Canada would have a hard time building units that could make a difference in the European theater. And precisely those 7 IPC would be sorely missed by the UK. The only scenario where an independent Canada could be beneficial, would be after a successful Sea Lion. But the very existence of a separate Canada would also make Sea Lion more likely because of the missing UK production.

    The Halifax rules, which are based on the input of a number of very experienced A&A players, are much more than just giving Canada a different role.

  • Follow up question.  Where the Canadian insignias a misprint on the final map?

  • @ChromiumAgeCollector:

    Follow up question.  Where the Canadian insignias a misprint on the final map?

    There is a misprint, as has officially been stated here:


    Axis & Allies Pacific 1940, 2nd Edition, FAQ
    July 14, 2014

    The Map: Western Canada should have a Canadian emblem. It is originally controlled by the United Kingdom.

  • So the misprint is fhe UK symbol in Canada, not the Canadian symbols…

  • What I want to test this by making Canada its own nation, combine UK’s income into one making London the capital. I want to buff the Canadian military by giving it a fighter, maybe one for two more infantry, putting one inf. in Hong Kong, two inf. in London. Canada will go last and France will go first, not sure on National Objectives yet.

  • So, exactly how many of this little helpers do the Allies need ? The main purpose of this little helpers are to support the main players in gamey tactics like either can open a territory or bomb an Airbase before the main attack, if they go before UK+US, or if they go after, reinforce newly captured Allied territories. Of course UK and US can cooperate a lot, and they even got ANZAC and France, but that is not enough, they need Canada too ?

  • The goal isn’t balance, it’s to add more realism.

  • 2024 2023 '22 '21 '20 '19 '18 '17

    I have nothing against more realism, but in the end, it’s a board game. Game balance is extremely important because without it, the game can’t really be played. In a historically realistic setting in terms of forces and income, the Axis wouldn’t stand a chance.

    So for a change like this to work, it would be necessary to avoid putting the Allies at a disadvantage, especially because consesnsu has it that they already need a considerable bid right now.


    What I want to test this by making Canada its own nation, combine UK’s income into one making London the capital. I want to buff the Canadian military by giving it a fighter, maybe one for two more infantry, putting one inf. in Hong Kong, two inf. in London. Canada will go last and France will go first, not sure on National Objectives yet.

    So if I understand this correctly, you advocate abolishing UK Pacific in order to boost the UK’s income and compensate the UK for not having Canada’s 7 IPC? That change probably favors the Allies at least during the first few turns, but historically, it would ignore the significant contribution India made to World War II, so I’m not so sure about it from a viewpoint of added realism. And Canada would still need a bigger income than 7 - I suppose the easiest way would be to just upgrade a few of their home territories.

    And by “France will go first”, do you propose that France will move before Germany, or just that France will move before Canada? France before Germany would be a major change and a big advantage to the Allies.

    Natioanl objectives for Canada…. I’m thinking: 5 IPC for having a land unit in Normandy-Bordeaux. This would reflect Canada’s role in liberating Western Europe and from a game perspective, might provide the Germans with an extra incentive to kick the Allies out of Normandy-Bordeaux as opposed to just holding Paris.

  • '21 '20 '18 '17 '16 '15 TripleA

    Some context for how A&A Global 1940 came to exist. The original A&A had only 5 powers: USSR, USA, UK, Germany and Japan and the game started in 1942. Italy was part of Germany and China was part of the US. I remember, back in the 90s, people wondering if Italy could be a separate power and debating what that would look like to better simulate the Mediterranean and North African theatres. The same with India, ANZAC and China to better simulate the pacific theatre and keep both theatres alive when it wasn’t uncommon to see one axis power being completely ignored in favour of throwing everything including the kitchen sink at the other. Players wanted more powers, more units, and more declarations of war options. Global 1940 has succeeded exactly by adding in separate powers in a way that is fun and balanced. 30 years after the original game was released, people are still tweaking, but overall it’s pretty good.

    In search of realism, balance has to be maintained. A divided UK is weaker. In games I’ve played, Canada is most often involved when UK wants to build navies but is under too much threat to do so safely at home. In fact most games have seen UK producing something in Canada. That’s pretty realistic. Without the ability to build UK boats out of reach of German air, UK’s position in the game would be that much weaker. If you want to start adding resources to Canada without weakening UK, then game balance is affected. Canada starts with a factory and a harbour: manufacturing capabilities and the ability to efficiently and quickly send units across the Atlantic. I think the balance works.

  • I agree that if you splinter off Canada completely (its own power) the UK will suffer, and the Canadians wouldn’t be strong enough by themselves to make a difference. You could make them part of the Anz, but then you have a mini Commonwealth power that can’t attack w/UK units in Europe, and can only defend together (not great for the European theater IMO).

    Maybe have Canada be like UK Pac, part of the one UK Nation, with a separate economy (all units are still UK, and fight together).

    Canada starts with 7 IPCs, but gets a 5 IPC NO for controlling all original Canadian territories, and there are no German subs in the North Atlantic (sz101-104 and above) excluding sz112. Canada had a big role in protecting convoys so it seems to fit, and returns this NO to the allies.

    Also start Quebec w/AB and one ftr. This should save the tiny Canadian fleet in sz106, and allow them to send ftrs and ground units directly to England (should be enough to help def sea lion w/UK losing the 7 Canadian IPCs). This will keep things pretty much as is in the Euro, but some of the UK units will be funneled through Canada now. As for when a territory is captured or UK territory is liberated on the Euro side income goes to London (Pac goes to India) unless the territory is Canadian.

  • Horror horror, in that case we would all be better off if Canada was a separate power like ANZAC. Then Canada will be to UKE what ANZAC is to UKP. We can live with that. Cant wait to see the new Canadian sculpts, hope they get winter gear and the Brody helmets

  • I never said my plan was perfect. I thought about doing a completely new map that takes 6-8 boards just so I can make Brazil, Hungary, and Romania its own power. Like I said, I am working on it. I agree Canada would need a boost in territory value, maybe give all their territories a value or increase current. France moves first means that France is the first player to move before Germany instead of last. This allows France to stay in the fight, gives Axis more difficulty because as G40 stands, unless Germany ignores France or they send a weak assault on Paris. France will always fall.

  • @ChromiumAgeCollector:

    So the misprint is fhe UK symbol in Canada, not the Canadian symbols…

    That’s right.  The first edition of Pacific 1940 showed two Canadian territories, both with Canadian roundels.  The second edition combined them into one Canadian territory (which is fine) but converted the roundel to a UK one (which was an error).

  • @Caesar:

    I never said my plan was perfect. I thought about doing a completely new map that takes 6-8 boards just so I can make Brazil, Hungary, and Romania its own power. Like I said, I am working on it. I agree Canada would need a boost in territory value, maybe give all their territories a value or increase current. France moves first means that France is the first player to move before Germany instead of last. This allows France to stay in the fight, gives Axis more difficulty because as G40 stands, unless Germany ignores France or they send a weak assault on Paris. France will always fall.

    If you decide to make Canada a separate player power, and if you own both editions of Pacific 1940, you might consider giving Canada its own sculpts by using the grey British-patterned “ANZAC” pieces from the first edition to represent Canada.  You’d need to allocate to Canada half of the second edition’s ANZAC AAA units, since the first edition had no AAA units.

    A variant of this idea, which I use for the purposes of arranging my sculpt collection if not for actual play, is to have the grey British-patterned “ANZAC” pieces from the first edition represent the northern Commonwealth Dominions (Canada, Newfoundland and Eire) and to have the grey ANZAC-patterned “ANZAC” pieces from the second edition represent the southern Commonwealth Dominions of Australia, New Zealand and South Africa.

    In terms of Brazil, Hungary and Romania, note that Brazil only made a minor combat contribution to the Allied war effort; it was nowhere near being in the same league as Canada in that respect.  On the other hand, you might consider treating Hungary, Romania, Bulgaria and Slovakia as an Axis Minors collective player power, which might balance nicely the effects of spinning off Canada as a separate player power.

  • I have idea’s that I’m tossing around. Brazil earn its right to be its own power. Their navy did engage the Kreigsmarine and their army fought in Italy. Just ideas but I believe I can get Canada to work in G40.

  • @Caesar-Seriona We play a homemade version of A&A that has Canada as it’s own nation, allied with Great Britain. The British Far East and ANZAC are Independent. The Communist in China are also represented. It’s a fun game.

    The game also rolls for French territory and Navy units after the fall of Paris. With a D-20 dice, 1-4 goes to Allies, 16 -20 goes Germans, 4-10 is scuttled, 10-16 goes to Vichy France.

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