Global War 1940 2nd ed.
Here’s the 2’ x 3’ magnetic charts showing what each country has in game and so far as tech.
Sorry for some glare, charts will be moved soon.
You got to go back 1 post to see game report and map pics.
The chart with the nations along with special abilities comes from what set of rules? I am not familiar with them.
The NAs come from revised game with some modifications. That is the first chart.
I will post final game report soon. But on turn 7 Japan took Calcutta and will see if Germany takes Moscow turn 8. I don’t see the Allies getting any VC’s back by end of turn 10 for keeping the Axis at 14 or less VC’s for an Allies win.
After 7 turns there’s 11 techs out there between the sides and nothing really throwing the game off. Japan does have -1 for each ground they buy and that has helped them in India with tanks. I can see why a Jap tank went to A5 instead of a 6.
But Russia had same tech but got it to late in game.So with the added Tech and NA’s with Event Cards and Generals game still seemed to go in that normal direction. Take Moscow and Calcutta. With the added Victory Points conditions this should change up the game even more.
I’m going to try for new victory conditions. I like the Victory Point system that BL E, Baron , Agr, and some of the others guys are discussing in the House rules section for the 42 game.
I can see where Germany doesn’t have to take Moscow or London to win. If it has to be tweaked so be it. If I need to add more City’s with points will see.
Baron, or any body else.
These are my Victory city’s in game. I’m trying to make it where adding the Victory points to game to change up more of the game.
3 point Victory City’s
Moscow USSR
Berlin Ger
London UK
Tokyo Japan
Rome Italy2 point Victory City’s
Paris Ger
Leningrad USSR
Hawaii US
ShangHai Japan
Manilla US
S.F. US1 point Victory City’s
Stalingrad USSR
Sydney UK
Oslo Ger
Ottawa UK
Cairo UK
Johannesburg UK
Honk Kong UK
Warsaw Ger
Calcutta UK
Peking Japan
Milan Italy
Changkhun Japan
Siagon JapanAllies have total points of 24 need 4 more points to win
Axis have total points of 19 need 9 to win.
28 points wins you the game.
I don’t want to add or take away any Victory City’s. Just trying to change the way the game goes some what. Now the axis may have to many points to get to win if US gets a good push in the Pacific. So I may have to lower there total points to win.
Any thoughts out there ?
Can you marks each VCs on last post so it will be able to see on glance which is on which side?
Ya I’ll edit it. Forgot.
Ya I’ll edit it. Forgot.
Thanks, it is still difficult to get the whole picture.
Maybe if you portray it by ETO vs PTO with value in order and near VC, it will help make the count.
Value City side or power
PTO Allies
2 San Francisco US
2 Hawaii US
1 Calcutta UK
1 Sydney UKPTO Axis
3 Tokyo Japan
Calcutta worth only 1? -
PTO Allies
3 Sydney
2 Hawaii
2 Calcutta
1 Manilla
1 L. A.
1 Hong KongPTO Axis
3 Tokyo
2 Shanghai
2 Peking
1 Changkhun
2 SaigonATO Allies
3 Moscow
3 London
2 Washington
2 Lengingrad
2 Stalingrad
1 Cairo
1 JohannsburgATO Axis
3 Berlin
3 Rome
3 Paris
1 Oslo
1 Milan
1 WarsawThe Allies start with 24 points and Axis with 22 points. First one to 30 points and holds for a turn wins the game.
PTO Allies
2 Hawaii
2 Manilla
2 San Fran
1 Honk Kong
1 Sydney
1 Calcutta�PTO Axis
3 Tokyo
2 Shanghai
1 Peking
1 Changkhun
1 SaigonATO Allies
3 Moscow
3 London
3 Washington
2 Lengingrad
1 Stalingrad
1 Ottawa
1 Cairo
1 JohannsburgATO Axis
3 Berlin
3 Rome
2 Paris
1 Oslo
1 Milan
1 WarsawCalcutta only worth 1. Want Japan to hold more of there city’s and still win the game without taking Calcutta every dam game. Also might make Japan go after Hawaii or Sydney more and sending less to Calcutta.
Here is a few combinations to make an Axis win without Center Crush on Russia:
19 points + 4 ETO + 5 PTO = 28 PTs
2 Leningrad
1 Stalingrad
1 Cairo2 Hawaii
2 Manilla
1 Honk Kong
2 Manilla
1 Honk Kong
1 Sydney
1 Calcuttaor 6 pts PTOs:
2 Hawaii
2 Manilla
1 Honk Kong
1 Sydneyand 3 pts amongst :
2 Leningrad
1 Stalingrad
1 CairoSeems more easily able to grab more PTO VCs than ETOs.
So Japan might have do the work to releave Germany from trying to get these 6 points + 19 = 25 points:
3 Moscow
2 Lengingrad
1 StalingradHere, I’m not sure if that works because technically a German KO on Russia means game over. But still 3 points short of winning.
So, no matter the number of VC pts on PTO, it will be irrelevant. Unless Allies KJF is pushing hard toward Japan.Don’t be shy on report. I will read it.
The actual Redesign VCs 40 list for G40 and 30 VCs list for 1942.2 is in part inspired by this one.
We added a few VCs within grasp of Germany to increase an Axis Victory.
We didn’t set the number of VCs (1 point each) required per Theater or Globally.
I suggested that this given number be kept at the end of the next game round to call the winning side. -
I have no problem with changing City point values if need be to get a more balanced on both sides or for countries sides. The need for 28 points to win can be lowered.
I also want it where Germany doesn’t need to take Moscow to win. With pressure in Paris landings if any and Germany also needs to protect Oslo. Maybe losing Oslo will be enough for a Allies win and US getting good pressure in the Pacific. Like I mentioned in past post maybe axis needing 9 points to get to 28 might be to high. But I don’t see that happening yet with to much US pressure in Pacific.
Have to play test it.Another question is how many turns do we need to play in game before it gets to long ? I still like it to be a 10 turn game max.
I will post results soon.
Here’s the game on turn 8 with Japan going next. Moscow defended well after Germany went for the kill. Allies now are pounding Paris with combined attacks. Japan pretty much set for last 3 turns for them. Game only goes 10 turns and Axis need to hold 15 victory city’s at end of turn 10. So it will come down to Germany holding Paris, Leningrad and Stalingrad for 2 more turns to win game without taking Moscow.
Tech chart shows how many techs are in game so far. This test for tech is working out very good.
Here’ s the maps. Axis has 15 victory city’s now. Next game we will test the Victory City point system.
Italy not on map do to a spill of water on map. Off to side for cleanup.
PTO Allies
2 Hawaii
2 Manilla
2 L. A.
1 Honk Kong
1 Sydney
1 Calcutta�PTO Axis
3 Tokyo
2 Shanghai
1 Peking
1 Changkhun
1 SaigonATO Allies
3 Moscow
3 London
3 Washington
2 Lengingrad
2 Stalingrad1 Cairo
1 JohannsburgATO Axis
3 Berlin
3 Rome
2 Paris
1 Oslo
1 Milan
1 WarsawCalcutta only worth 1. Want Japan to hold more of there city’s and still win the game without taking Calcutta every dam game. Also might make Japan go after Hawaii or Sydney more and sending less to Calcutta.
Here is a few combinations to make an Axis win without Center Crush on Russia:
19 points + 4 ETO + 5 PTO = 28 PTs
2 Leningrad
1 Stalingrad
1 Cairo2 Hawaii
2 Manilla
1 Honk Kong
2 Manilla
1 Honk Kong
1 Sydney
1 Calcuttaor 6 pts PTOs:
2 Hawaii
2 Manilla
1 Honk Kong
1 Sydneyand 3 pts amongst :
2 Leningrad
1 Stalingrad
1 CairoSeems more easily able to grab more PTO VCs than ETOs.
So Japan might have do the work to releave Germany from trying to get these 6 points + 19 = 25 points:
3 Moscow
2 Lengingrad
1 StalingradHere, I’m not sure if that works because technically a German KO on Russia means game over. But still 3 points short of winning.
So, no matter the number of VC pts on PTO, it will be irrelevant. Unless Allies KJF is pushing hard toward Japan.Don’t be shy on report. I will read it.
The actual Redesign VCs 40 list for G40 and 30 VCs list for 1942.2 is in part inspired by this one.
We added a few VCs within grasp of Germany to increase an Axis Victory.
We didn’t set the number of VCs (1 point each) required per Theater or Globally.
I suggested that this given number be kept at the end of the next game round to call the winning side.Baron. I made Stalingrad worth 2 points. I removed Ottawa. Drop the axis to starting with 19 points and need 8 to win = 27 points. Allies start with 24 and need 6 to win = 30 points.
Whats your thoughts on this and do you have any tweaks if need be. Playing test game Saturday at noon.
Numbers are not clear and easy to remember. I would have rise Axis to 20 points.
So, it needs 28 pts vs 30 pts.Even more, maybe it is possible to reach 22 pts for Axis?
That way, the game becomes the first to reach 30 points.
Like making Ploesti oil field (Bucharest) Hungary-Romania 3 points.
Or, make it 2 pts (Ploesti is Romania, precisely) and add Truk in Carolines Island 1 point to reach 22 points.I agree that Ottawa is too much out of reach for Axis.
Have a nice and funny game.
I need this to work with the victory city’s I have on list. That is what I’m going for.
I need this to work with the victory city’s I have on list. That is what I’m going for.
OK, then maybe increase to 20 for Axis.
For instance, makes Paris worth 3 points.To rise to 22 points, maybe increase Saigon and Peking by one point?
Just a way to make the magic number for Victory as similar as possible for both Axis or Allies.
30 points seems a well rounded number.But 28 can probably be possible.
Rise Axis to 20, lower Allies to 22.
But this way seems to be more difficult. -
Yes my thoughts on Paris . Ok will check out the other 2
Thank you -
PTO Allies
2 Hawaii
2 Manilla
1 L. A.
1 Hong Kong
1 Sydney
1 CalcuttaPTO Axis
3 Tokyo
2 Shanghai
2 Peking
1 Changkhun
2 SaigonATO Allies
3 Moscow
3 London
2 Washington
2 Lengingrad
2 Stalingrad
1 Cairo
1 JohannsburgATO Axis
3 Berlin
3 Rome
3 Paris
1 Oslo
1 Milan
1 WarsawBaron, These are the numbers I’m going with now. I just need to figure out if 28 points or 30 points will work for a win. Axis and Allies have a total of 22 points each at start of game.
I believe a 30 pts Victory conditions will be more satisfying for players.
People will probably better recognize which side is winning then.
28 pts probably not decisive but it can give a hints about which side is ahead if not enough time to reach 30 points.
Let me know if it seems to change somehow the general strategy.
Particularly in PTO.
It is a different minding shifting from Capital control to VCs control Victory conditions.
Not always easy to refocus.Nice twist to reduce Washington and Los Angeles.
Anyway, they are almost unconquerable, unless making big mistakes.Starting both at 22 allows you to see if giving the same number to win can work for both.
Maybe it is a great achievement to reach 28 for Allies while not the same for Axis.
Probably, when Allies reaching 28 pts while Axis is 16 points, it means Axis loosing but Axis 28 pts probably Allies are just on the threshold of launching big attacks on Axis.
Economical advantage and time is clearly on Allies side.