Global 1940 - Vichy France and Free France

  • Preface: I’m somewhat new here, so I’m sure there are other house rules for this topic that I’m not aware of, but this is my attempt at what makes the most sense to me.

    Vichy France and Free France House Rules
    (To be used with appropriate markers from,–Free-Vichy-French_p_369.html)

    Capitulation and Armistice

    If France and Normandy fall to the Axis, immediately remove any units (Allied or otherwise) from Southern France and place a Vichy marker on the territory. Place a Vichy marker on the IPC production chart on “3” (the value of Southern France). Place 4 alternate colored infantry units (old versions of Germans work well) on Southern France and an extra Minor Industrial Complex in Germany* (As part of France’s capitulation, Germany took over 2 million French soldiers as laborers). Vichy France is controlled by the German player.

    *I know technically, no more than one IC can be in a territory, and practically, Germany will not produce 13 units in the same zone, so I’m open to suggestions on how to represent the French laborers.

    The Colonies and the Free French Movement

    At the creation of the Vichy France government, roll a die for each French territory on the map.

    An “even” result means the territory joins De Gaulle’s “Free French” movement. Place a Free French marker on the territory and on the IPC production chart on the value of the territory. Move the IPC marker up for any additional territories that join the movement.

    An “odd” result means the territory remains loyal to the Vichy French government. Replace any French Units with equivalent alternate colored units. Move Vichy’s IPC marker up for each territory that joins.

    Roll for each French fleet on the map, and replace all units in a fleet if they choose the Vichy government.

    The units in England remain Free French.

    Every turn, Free France may convince one unoccupied Vichy colony to join their movement. Roll as before, and place a marker if the territory turns.

    Special Rules

    When a territory is “liberated” by the Allies, it becomes Free French.

    When a territory is “liberated” by the Axis, it can either become Vichy or be occupied.

    Vichy France may collect IPC income, but can only purchase Infantry, Anti-Air, transports, and destroyers. It must also give 1D6 of its IPC income to Germany every turn (Germany required the Vichy government to pay for its troops in the Northern Occupied Zone).

    Free France may collect IPC income, but may not purchase or place any units until an Industrial Complex is built in one of its territories.

    Vichy France may not move units into any territory in Europe. It may move units out of Europe via transports, and it may attack and move normally in the colonies.
    Axis troops may move through Vichy France and its colonies freely.

    Collapse of the Vichy Government

    If Vichy is attacked by the Allies directly, it will defend as if it was a member of the Axis. If, however, Normandy and France are taken by the Allies, all Vichy units in Southern France disband, and control passes to whatever Axis units remain in the territory. If and when Southern France falls to the Allies, all Vichy units abroad disband and control of all colonies passes to the Free French.

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