I’m sorry but you have to be joking right? You can’t tell me that you didn’t know there were 50 states. Has the education system degraded that much?
To be fair, how many counties are in England? How many provinces in France?
The US states are probably more well known, but still…
Well naturally we should know all the US states.
They refer to them all the time…
On TV somebody’s always from Detroit, Michigan or Miami, Florida.
Never Chicago, America.
Only foreigners need to say their country!
Even Canadians usually skip naming their province since that’ll just confuse people or make them think it’s a new state.
“Saskatche_what_? Ain’t that South of North Dakota?”
In fact, in my idle hours I have found it entertaining to throw the challenge at people to name all of the states. After 35 or so it gets a little tricky… too many start with M I think.
Anyway back to the newest state: Haiti.