Why do I keep getting bad karma on here? For speaking negatively about a reality? Do I have to call everyone a chimp to stay in good graces?
Well I think some people use karma rather benignly as a “vote” button indicating they wouldn’t do what you did, adopt your house rule or accept your interpretation of X. Sort of a “don’t count me in for that, thanks”.
Of course others do it because you dare to disagree with them after they spent half their lives one year making house rules and then constructing a shrine to them. So -1 for being a heretic.
And still more use it just to say “I think you’re an @$$” and other ad hominem expressions at random times just to rack up karma against you as if it actually meant anything. They probably kick puppies too.
(BTW I was at -22 when I wrote this, I’m sure it will drop this afternoon.)
Personally, I think anyone who has more +karma than Kreighund is suspect.
And I’m sure there should be a similar observation to be made about suspiciously high levels of -karma but I am far, far too lazy to look for a benchmark.
Either way, karma’s too vague of a gesture to spend too much time looking at.