• Krieg I have question in terms of naval base repair.  When a naval base receives more then 3 damage it is inoperative.  So if you repair your NB while you have ships stationed there with damage, do they become repaired simultaneously or does the Naval base have to be operative at the beginning of the turn to repair ships?

    Also in terms of airbases, can you strategic bomb an island airbase at the strategic bombing stage, hence disable the airbase, then conduct combat in the adjacent seaszone preventing fighters to scramble?

  • @RogertheShrubber:

    Also in terms of airbases, can you strategic bomb an island airbase at the strategic bombing stage, hence disable the airbase, then conduct combat in the adjacent seaszone preventing fighters to scramble?

    Kamikaze and Scrambling units are commited before the SBR phase. So the scrambling planes are already in the air when the SBR takes place.

  • Official Q&A


    When a naval base receives more then 3 damage it is inoperative.  So if you repair your NB while you have ships stationed there with damage, do they become repaired simultaneously or does the Naval base have to be operative at the beginning of the turn to repair ships?

    Repairs take effect immediately, so the ships are also repaired.

  • Thank you guys :-)

  • I saw this question asked, but never saw an answer.

    no destory in the following example

    If a sub attacks a carrier with 2 planes. Do the planes still “launch” even thought they cannto attack.  So if the carrier takes 1 hit, they can land on an adjencent zone (if possible)

    or are they forced to stay on the carrier if only a sub attacks the zone? (

  • Official Q&A

    Planes on carriers always launch if the carrier is attacked.

  • Read the rulebook thoroughly- finally- and the FAQ’s/ Errata thread.

    Wow there are a LOT of FAQs questions still to be added.  Didn’t think all the new units and rules could cause so many scenarios/questions!!!

    Well here is my question: Does a Mech Inf paired with an Artillery increase the Mech Inf’s attack value to 2???  I thought I read this somewhere but not sure.

    Also, still confused on the Dutch thing as it pertains to declarations of war (there were some conflicting statement made in the Rulebook/FAQs- help clear this up for me please  :?- If Japan takes the Dutch territories, then that is a war declaration on all the Allies- true???  However Brit/ANZAC can take them for free without repercussions???

    Thanks Kreighund :-)

  • Mech attacks at 1 no matter what.

  • @Imperious:

    Mech attacks at 1 no matter what.

    Not true, as Krieghund posted in the FAQ, mech’s attack at 2 when paired with artillery. Another error on the rulebook. :wink:

  • @Imperious:

    Mech attacks at 1 no matter what.


    Page 24, Artillery – Unit Characteristics:  This paragraph should read: “Supports Infantry and Mechanized Infantry: When an infantry or mechanized infantry attacks along with an artillery, its attack increases to 2.  Each infantry and/or mechanized infantry must be matched one-for-one with a supporting artillery unit.  Artillery does not support infantry or mechanized infantry on defense.”

  • Official Q&A


    Also, still confused on the Dutch thing as it pertains to declarations of war (there were some conflicting statement made in the Rulebook/FAQs- help clear this up for me please  :?- If Japan takes the Dutch territories, then that is a war declaration on all the Allies- true???  However Brit/ANZAC can take them for free without repercussions???

    Japan is free to attack China and invade unoccupied French territories without provoking war with the other Allied powers.  However, any combat movements against British, Dutch, ANZAC, or American territories, troops, or ships, or disruption of their convoys, by the Japanese (unless they are attacked by that power first) will bring all of the Allied powers into the war.

    If not yet at war, Britain and/or ANZAC are free to take control of the Dutch East Indies and French territories by moving land units into those territories, as long as those territories have not been captured by Japan.

    This seems straightforward to me.  Is there something in the Rulebook that contradicts this (that hasn’t been fixed by an erratum)?

  • @Krieghund:

    If not yet at war, Britain and/or ANZAC are free to take control of the Dutch East Indies and French territories by moving land units into those territories, as long as those territories have not been captured by Japan.

    Nevermind, I was reading it wrong, thanks.

    and Mech Inf can attack at 2 when supported by Artillery- that should go in the FAQ’s/Errata soon that pretty big.

    Thanks for the answers guys :-)- I think I understand everything else.  There are a lot of rare but important scenarios that people have come up with in these threads.  I assume these will all be included in the FAQs.  Example- Kamikazees on a loaded carrier of one power with planes on it from a friendly power- that is just one of the many little snafus people come up with- yet important. :-)

  • @Krieghund:

    Planes on carriers always launch if the carrier is attacked.

    Mr. Krieghund, I have a long distance call for you from June 1942, an Admiral Nagumo on the line with a follow-up question…

  • I can’t find the answer to this;

    When a battleship is damaged (once hit & flipped on it’s side), does it then lose it’s ability to conduct shore bombardment or not? I guess it will keep that ability, because I can’t find text in the rulebook claiming otherwise. If that is indeed the case, this would be incorrect in my opinion, because a damaged carrier does lose abilities…

    Could someone help me out?


  • Official Q&A

    A battleship loses none of its capabilities when it takes its first hit (other than the ability to take two hits).  This is reflective of the fact that battleships can take more punishment than carriers.

  • Okay.

    As far as I understand it, territories have 3 possible statuses:

    1. friendly: can be entered without combat
    2. hostile: can be entered with combat
    3. neutral: cannot be entered (without declaration of war, making it hostile)

    Now in the FAQ/errata, Krieghund says that Axis ships are free to mingle with Allied ships (and vice versa), and share sea zones before war is declared. And yet, while the Allies and Axis are not yet ‘hostile’ powers in the Pacific in 1940, it is fair to say that they are not ‘friendly’ either.

    My intuition is that they should be labelled ‘neutral’, and thus that you should be able to block the naval movement of other neutral powers by placing your own surface warships in their paths, and that neutral powers should not be allowed to have surface warships off of territories controlled by other neutral powers. After all, it would have been a BIG provocation to war if Japan just parked the IJN off the west coast of the US in '40, alongside American naval units…

    So my question is: Is there no such thing as a ‘neutral’ sea zone? And if not, why not? It would certainly seem to make a good deal of sense…

  • It would be too gamey, remember the size of a SZ is huge and could easily fit boats from both sides without them being next to eachother.  If it was the way you suggest, the US could block japan movement along the coast before war, which would be broken.

  • It would be too gamey

    This is a game, after all.  :roll:

    the size of a SZ is huge and could easily fit boats from both sides without them being next to eachother

    The Western US is huge too. Presumably the Japanese could drop a few divisions off in the forests of Oregon and no one would notice. Why don’t we let infiltration on the ground occur as well as in the sea? Answer: because the status of the territory matters in the game called Axis and Allies. As should the status of the sea zones. Which was the point of my question, that you seemed to miss.

    If it was the way you suggest, the US could block japan movement along the coast before war, which would be broken.

    How would this be broken? Why the ^&*$ would Japan need to put its navy off the US coast pre-DoW? I just don’t see it; sorry.

  • The asia coast, with the DD from SZ 35!  Do you not see how much that would change the game if unhostile boats blocked movement?  It would be huge, japan would be forced to attack J1 or get bottled up and unable to move.

  • Japan moves first; it could block Allied movement along the Asian coastline. So your objection is not a real problem, at least for Japan. I suspect it’s not a real problem for the UK/ANZAC either; it might simply motivate them to declare war earlier.

    Have you actually played this game yet?

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