Yes, it’s in the FAQ.
If Japan makes an uprovoked declaration of war on the US, does the US automatically get a one-time bonus of 30 IPCs in addition to its regular national objectives? I thought I read that somewhere in the rulebook but I can’t find it now. Thank you!
@SuperbattleshipYamato It does, but only in the Pacific game, not in the Global game. It’s on page 9 of the Rulebook.
Thank you! That’s what I thought.
I took a look at my physical rulebook and found the section.
Oddly, (and why I had this question in the first place), the online rulebook for second edition completely omits this rule:
Which is correct? Thank you!
@SuperbattleshipYamato The version you linked is apparently the first print run, from which the rule was omitted (it was added in the FAQ). The current Rulebook can be found on the Renegade Games A&A resources page.
You’ll find the links to the latest rulebook versions of every game usually inside a stickied topic in every related forum category (as far as it has been made available).
@Krieghund No Zombies? Is it out of print?
I guess there is no Anniversary because it is out of print (?), but then why the first edition of 1942 (which I assume has been out of print for a longer time by now)?
Or is it because it is not owned by them (like I guess also Revised and the Classics)?
@Cernel said in US wartime rules:
… but then why the first edition of 1942…
This is mislabeled by Renegade. There is a 1942 2nd ed. tournament sheet behind this label.
@Cernel Zombies is out of print. Renegade has not yet (and may never) put any Rulebooks for out-of-print games on their website.
AA50 is being reprinted by Renegade (they are taking preorders), but they have not added the Rulebook to their website yet.
Thank you for clarifying!