Will North Korea launch nuclear missiles towards the U.S.A

  • Will North Korea launch nucs towards the U.S.A and possibly attack the U.S.? My personal opinion is that North Korea will if we keep on ignoring them and making it seem like they are not a threat. If we keep this up they will attack. Although if we treat their threat like a real threat and do something about it. Meaning tell North Korea to stop or we will send military resources to stop this terror causing fear. Then North Korea will stop and basically shut-up. We do not need any more threats and fear to strike the American people because now we have a economy problem and the war on terror and now with North Korea threating the U.S. people will panic! So do you think North Korea is possing a threat will they attack U.S.A or not? PLEASE give your opinion

  • Yankee go home. Now you stay in north america and everything is fine, no problems.

  • Just bribe them, give them some food, and don’t forget the expensive French wines and cognac.

    But don’t forget to tell the American people that you see north Korea as a real problem.

    some Arabians talk of us westerners as decadents, but have any of you read the reports on how the north Korean leaders are excessively mismanaging their own country mainly b/c the use drugs, whores and alcohol?? Lolz

  • Only by accident.

  • '18 '17 '16 '11 Moderator

    No.  We’ve been very compliant with them, all they have to do is threaten and we’ll give them the bank.

    I think they’ll launch on Japan though.

  • @Cmdr:

    I think they’ll launch on Japan though.

    In which case, the US would have to punch their ticket.
    Preferably with conventional arms.

  • Let South Korea and Japan deal with North Korea.

  • I am not a politition I am a us citizen and im am worried about our country’s future but anyway if we only let japan and south korea deal with north korea then im almost certain china will get envolved because china and north korea are like bros. Then China can be a real threat then i think U.S. will get invovled… and with our currunt econonmy probs this would hurt U.S. greatly and i am southern i live in Ten. so plzz tell me what you think about our current prob… thx and plzz reply =)

  • I don’t see the need to threaten.  That would make us worse than Kim - I haven’t heard ANY explicit threats from the horse’s mouth.  It’s just tards trying to cry that sky is falling.

    They were far more cooperative during Clinton’s terms when aid was being given to them and we weren’t taking this ridiculous faux-macho stance.

    The key is to fostering a democratic process once Kim is gone.  His health is failing and it won’t take forever.  We just need to quit talking like we only want to bomb the hell out of a desolate near-wasteland.  There is no point.

  • Ok so your saying we need to wait it out ignore their threats and treat them like some dude from a mental house threating to kill the president …. North Korea is a country with nucs and when they threat our country we should take it serously… not like a stupid fool from a mental house… Remember North Korea is a communist country and china basically raised them and made them into it… (if you remember korean war)… and believe me im almost for certain that if north korea invades so will china and yes we may have uk and japan and south korea and france with us but think do you really think any country would join us escpeciallyt when the economy is low and america is getting close to bankruptsy and if there was a war this would cost lots of money and with the economy low if i was japan south korea or uk, i would tell usa to tuf it out because if i was the leader of those countrys i would think its not worth my people and my money to enter a fight that was not meant for me… but on youtube there is a speech that gen patton gives about war on terror or something like that some1 made it up but its really good you should see it… but im nervous about our country’s future we need to survive as a freedom based country! but thx every1 lets keep this going and i would still like to know what you would think
    :-D keep on repling

  • keep on repling


  • China owns too much US debt. They need us. I’d think in the short term at least till China can diversify and grow its stockpiles of raw materials they’ll keep NK on a short leash.

  • '18 '17 '16 '11 Moderator



    I think they’ll launch on Japan though.

    In which case, the US would have to punch their ticket.
    Preferably with conventional arms.

    Not to get political, but I just don’t see the current crop of leaders, who ran and got elected on the message of peace at all costs, doing anything to N. Korea if they launch on Japan.

    If they hit Hawaii and took out their favorite hotel, perhaps.  But maybe not even then.

  • @zerohour49:

    Ok so your saying we need to wait it out ignore their threats and treat them like some dude from a mental house threating to kill the president …. North Korea is a country with nucs and when they threat our country we should take it serously… not like a stupid fool from a mental house… Remember North Korea is a communist country and china basically raised them and made them into it… (if you remember korean war)… and believe me im almost for certain that if north korea invades so will china and yes we may have uk and japan and south korea and france with us but think do you really think any country would join us escpeciallyt when the economy is low and america is getting close to bankruptsy and if there was a war this would cost lots of money and with the economy low if i was japan south korea or uk, i would tell usa to tuf it out because if i was the leader of those countrys i would think its not worth my people and my money to enter a fight that was not meant for me… but on youtube there is a speech that gen patton gives about war on terror or something like that some1 made it up but its really good you should see it… but im nervous about our country’s future we need to survive as a freedom based country! but thx every1 lets keep this going and i would still like to know what you would think
    :-D keep on repling

    do you really believe all of this?  ( edit: to remove flame)




    I think they’ll launch on Japan though.

    In which case, the US would have to punch their ticket.
    Preferably with conventional arms.

    Not to get political, but I just don’t see the current crop of leaders, who ran and got elected on the message of peace at all costs, doing anything to N. Korea if they launch on Japan.

    If they hit Hawaii and took out their favorite hotel, perhaps.  But maybe not even then.

    That was not the message.  They most certainly would do something.  If anything, it would be a reason to end all concern about a backwards country that is failing its people.

  • Since the U.S has large amounts of troops on two fronts already, I would not support getting involved in a Korean War.

    I believe Japan would jump at the chance to flex it’s military power. South Korea is no push over. A 1970-80 soviet era North Korean Army would get destroyed in a future war. Although Seoul would no doubt lay in rubble if war showed its ugly face.

  • Well if there was a war Japan and South Korea vs North KOrea we know japan and south korea would prob own on North Korea but i think if japan and south korea started to push out north korea and start to threatin china territoryy china would no doubt get involved… then usa would more than likely get along… but we all remember the vietnam conflict our soilders basically had to fight with thier hands tied behind their backs… and if america got involved i think the un would keep usa fighting with our hands tied behind our back… Because people now think that we shouldnt elimmentate socialism or communism we should just put a leash on it… but as we all know that has not worked… I dont know what will happen but I do know 1 thing if there was a war and america got involved i think it would be another world war (world war 3) and the war ould be between capitalism vs socialism… or democracy vs communism… and i know capitalism and democracy is much better than soicalism and communism… but if america got involved we would be in bad shape after the war because we have a prob in middle east and we have an economy prob… but we  maybe could make it… To bring up a new topic if there was another war  what countries would be on america, japan, and south korea who would be on that side and who would be on china and north korea’s side… So plzz keep on replyin and tell me what countries you think would join which side… So plzz do that and thanks again

  • The missle launches are complete propaganda. Not only is it unlikly that North Korea would start a war, but if a war started they probably would never use them. Not only are they not relible, but they are not effeicent. North Korea has a number submarines that fire topedos that can have nulcear warheads. With these they could destory large parts of the Japanese coastal Cities, and although Japan has a fair navy with good ASW, with enough time and planning the North Korea will fined a way to get by it.

    The US also keeps improving anti-missle weaponry every few years and as long as the US keeps its R&D funding it will have defences that can completly shield our allies and certainly any of our cities.  I am not worried at all about  nukes being fired at the United States and i dont see why anyone esle should be.

    In my opinion this whole North Korean nukes issue will defuse when either, Kims son becomes in charge in which case he might not be as insane as his father and instead open North Korean up to the rest of the world, the Military leaders or whatever other political leaders in North Korea get sick of the mismangement and have a coup putting them in charge and then ending the nuke porgram and again opening the country to the rest of the world, or the Chinese might have support a coup inside that country so they can control what happens.

  • @Cmdr:

    Not to get political, but I just don’t see the current crop of leaders, who ran and got elected on the message of peace at all costs, doing anything to N. Korea if they launch on Japan.

    If they hit Hawaii and took out their favorite hotel, perhaps.  But maybe not even then.

    Your elected leaders would have no alternative. Nobody outside the G7 gets to commit an act of war against the G7 with impunity.
    Especially nuclear powers.

  • @ABWorsham:

    Since the U.S has large amounts of troops on two fronts already, I would not support getting involved in a Korean War.

    I believe Japan would jump at the chance to flex it’s military power. South Korea is no push over. A 1970-80 soviet era North Korean Army would get destroyed in a future war. Although Seoul would no doubt lay in rubble if war showed its ugly face.

    Using my much-fractured and foggy cystal ball, I’m thinking a whack of ROK and Japanese ground forces to keep a Pacific Rim face on things but you’d need US airpower, ALCMs, logistics etc. and some ground troops.  (So where’s the 10th Mountain nowadays? Somebody send Korean-English dictionaries to Fort Drum…)
    And of course a sprinking of other nations to keep it PC.

    China would probably sit on their hands. There’s a line you draw when your “ally” is unreasonably dangerous and they’d probably prefer a unified ROK with strong economic ties to China than a hot war to restore what?.. the current instability with a dysfunctional puppet south of the Yalu?

  • @Emperor_Taiki:

    The missle launches are complete propaganda. Not only is it unlikly that North Korea would start a war, but if a war started they probably would never use them. Not only are they not relible, but they are not effeicent.

    I agree with everything except for the belief that the missiles’ reliability and inefficiency would prevent the North Koreans from using them. I think their “wonder weapon” status would make them tempting.


    In my opinion this whole North Korean nukes issue will defuse when either, Kims son becomes in charge in which case he might not be as insane as his father and instead open North Korean up to the rest of the world, the Military leaders or whatever other political leaders in North Korea get sick of the mismangement and have a coup putting them in charge and then ending the nuke porgram and again opening the country to the rest of the world, or the Chinese might have support a coup inside that country so they can control what happens.

    Yeah. Agreed.

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