Never mind, I found it here:
Where can i buy this online
I just bought axis and allies europe(my first axis and allies game) and now want to buy either the anniversary edition or the revized edition. Does anyone know whwere I can buy the Annverery edition online?
you probably need to go to ebay to get the anniversary edition. for the new revised aa42 wait until august and you should be able to get it in your local physical/on-line gamestore
coolstuffinc.com has anniversary for 200 usd.
coolstuffinc.com has anniversary for 200 usd.
Before you spend $200, I would suggest you call or visit your local hobby/gaming stores first. The small local stores sometimes still have this on stock. Only after that would I spend more than 100+shipping & tax.
FYI: AA50 is to be reprinted, not sure when, but there was a petition and people at Wizards heard and are listening!
Just picked up my copy within 30 miles of home for $100! I’m stoked! Gnasape is right, check around the neighborhood first.
Just picked up my copy within 30 miles of home for $100! I’m stoked! Gnasape is right, check around the neighborhood first.
Thanks, no sense in overpaying when AA50 is still available. You just need to work for it!
Great job Variable!!!
Just picked up my copy within 30 miles of home for $100! I’m stoked! Gnasape is right, check around the neighborhood first.
you actually shouldn’t complain about that price when comparing what you have to pay many places in europe, where you can easily pay more that 120 euros
When I went to buy AAE from my local game stor.(theres probly more around) I looked and couldn’t find it. But on another note what was the petion for?
AA50 (Anniversary Edition) was released as a limited edition.
Anecdotal evidence of game shortages (and high prices on eBay) created a plea for more copies to be made, hence the petition was created for more copies to be reprinted/released. Evidently, AH is planning on another set of games to be made:
some store/site on amazon actually had the nerve to list aa50 for 1299 usd plus 9.99 shipping yesterday. I wonder if it sold.
Lol…AA50 at Amazon Marketplace in Germany:
1 used for 249 EURO + shipping
1 used for 999 EURO + shipping(multiply by 1.4 for USD)
Just picked up my copy within 30 miles of home for $100! I’m stoked! Gnasape is right, check around the neighborhood first.
you actually shouldn’t complain about that price when comparing what you have to pay many places in europe, where you can easily pay more that 120 euros
I’m not complaining at all. I was very happy to find it at this price as I too didn’t want to spend $250 bucks on ebay…