When I went to buy AAE from my local game stor.(theres probly more around) I looked and couldn’t find it. But on another note what was the petion for?
Latest posts made by Rommel_rommel
RE: Where can i buy this online
Where can i buy this online
I just bought axis and allies europe(my first axis and allies game) and now want to buy either the anniversary edition or the revized edition. Does anyone know whwere I can buy the Annverery edition online?
How do you play this game
Can someone give me a brif run through of the basic rules because I would like to know how to play it before I get it. I think Ill be geeting AAE so if you can can you explain its rules to me. Explaining AAP will be ok too,
Thanks for the tips. I think I’ll get AAE because it has a more easy means of victory. Thanks for the help. :-)
I have never played Axis and Allies before and saw that a store nerby has AAE AAP AA D day and Gudocanel. I desided to either buy AAE or AAP but can’t deside they both seem really good to me. Can anyone make a suggestion on which one to get?