I just dont understand what it would represnet…
The general is really a HQ…filled with upper officers plus the logistical stockpile of fuel and supplies for large scale offensives.
Armies have a general at all times. Its not like any army is being run by buck privates, BUT in the course of the war nations did stockpile items for the big push. Germany did it in May 1940, June 41, Dec 41, Oct 42, July 43, Dec 44… so to extrapolate this in the game they would have bought 4 land generals, plus 1 in July 1940 which didn’t work and was used for Air.
The British bought one for air in July 1940, and land ones for Aug 42, June 44, and Sept 44
Japan bought one for air in Dec 41 and June 42, for naval in Oct 44, for land in Dec 41
Italy bought just one land in Oct 1940 but wasted it
USA bought numerous in 42, sept 43, June 44, March 45,
USSR bought one in Dec 41,
so its not buying leadership, but buying the logistical requirement for large scale offensives. Usually they only have a potency during the initial period of use.
Now trucks are just nothing but transports to facilitate movement. They have nothing to do with combat.