Hi @cloud7707 you could try adding an AA Gun to china instead. I know Oztea did it for his Global mods and i thought it worked well fwiw :)
Small ICs
Introducing 3-4 different factories=not fun
Introducing 3-4 more combat units= possible funFactories are already abstracted into S,M,L,XL because you place them in a territory and the IPC value abstracts the size of the factory. Also, factories are not built historically in barren areas, which the game still allows but restricts by the reduced effectiveness by forcing the issue and placing it in spite of its locality.
So if you were in North Carolina and bought a gasoline station and hired Gomer to serve the people at Mayberry your not making much of a trade, but if you instead went to Raleigh, your business would improve.
Factories are built deliberately in population and resource rich areas and connected by adequate transportation except of course if your talking about forced labor/slave labor, But the most vital war industries historically were not employing these types due to the nature of expertise work involved.
The Soviets DID force people to work in horrible conditions ( Tankograd) but thats the exception.
If you want a factory in the desert to built 5 bombers potentially the cost to build would be huge and if it were feasible to even do this would take many turns to build the infrastructure to accommodate the enterprise.
yea i agree with imp you can already build S M and L complexes. Its just not as complex.
Now adding new units is something to try 8-)
the first thing that i would say is that if a player buy’s a factory for 5 i.p.c. at a 1 -5 i.p.c. value territory, that mean’s that they have spent 5 i.p.c. for the production of 1-3 unit’s there every turn, if that player spend’s 15 i.p.c. for 3 armor, or 36 i.p.c. for 3 bomber’s, i think that the lower cost of factories is justified, when taking into consideration that the average i.p.c. per turn is 30 - 45,
factories can be built anywhere, especially during wartime, all that you need is a supply route, for import and export, and a workforce,
Introducing 3-4 different factories=not fun
Introducing 3-4 more combat units= possible fun3-4 factories = more fun, because with the capacity of a factory set at 3, you could build 3-4 factories at large i.p.c. value territories to reach the maximum production, at a valuable territory which is worth 10-12 i.p.c. you can build up to 4 factories at a territory and each one is designated to a particular job, i.e. build land unit’s, aircraft or sea unit’s,
more option’s = more fun,
i have an idea for a combat unit,
mechanized anti air unit
cost / 5 / attack / 1 / defense / 1 / move 2
these unit’s are used against aircraft, when there is aircraft present at combat, each anti air mech unit get’s one shot at an aircraft, per round, with the radar ability they hit at 2,
they have no attack value against ground force’s,there may be a need for aircraft to have an ability to pinpoint these unit’s’,
they could do a lot of damage to an invading air force -
I have no idea what you guys are talking about, so perhaps I wasn’t clear. Let me rewrite it to make it more clear:
ICs in regions with an income of 3 or more cost 15 to build, and receive +2 from Improved Manufacturing
ICs in regions with an income of 2 cost 12 to build, and receive +1 from Improved Manufacturing. They may not build units costing more than 10
ICs in regions with an income of 1 cost 8 to build, and receive +1 from Improved Manufacturing. They may not build units more than 6Note that it is still significantly more inefficient to build 3 small ICs rather than 1 big one. However, this makes building ICs in 1 or 2 territories as reasonable, if not ideal options. Keep in mind that you mainly use those
Variable Factory costs:
The cost of a new factory is now calculated as follows:
15 IPC minus IPC value of territory. Also, you can only build new factories at territories with a Victory City (VC). So if UK decides to build an Indian factory the calculation is: 15-3= 12 IPC to build new factory.keep the same placement rules so you don’t have to memorize. I think its too complicated for the amount of effort involved and secondly, don’t see how all the variations aid in play. But i do understand it.
i do not agree with that rule, for the standard, 41’ - 42’ AA 50, scenario’s because japan can build 2 i.c. within 2-3- turn’s, for 21 i.p.c. and germany can build 2 i.c. for 21 i.p.c. at the first round, it is not a fair rule,
i suggest that to solve the issue of cheaper i.c. a rule that would state that a base i.c. can be built for 6 i.p.c., that would have a production value of 1, and for each production value point after that would cost 3 i.p.c.,
a territory with a production value of 5 or more would cost 15 i.p.c.
when uprating to a larger capacity factory take a damage marker away from a stack that could be set beside the factory to indicate that the factory is not at full production
Hm, I was thinking it would be best to make factories on low territories cost less.
A factory would cost 4 times the IPC value. So a 2 IPC territory would cost 8 for a factory, a 4 would cost 16. After all, the output of 2 2 IPC factories would be equal to one 4 IPC factory.
This makes building ICs in low cost territories more viable, though still less efficient. It also means you can’t just start plonking 1 Battleship a turn out of Madagascar.
I like this idea, but your implementation bit clunky I think. Considering the level of abstraction in A&A, I’m not sure it’s necessary (or desirable) to have multiple different types of ICs.
You might like the idea I have proposed in this thread though:
The motivation behind it is much the same as yours.
we have variable IC costs in our house rule
the S M L idea leads me to think its not neededIC in high income area = large IC
IC in low income area = small IC, less factories to build but higher cost of deployment in rural and areas of lower developmentvariable IC costs only makes sense if you adjust deployment rules accordingly
allow multiple IC and per turn deploy X units per IC -
So if you were in North Carolina and bought a gasoline station and hired Gomer to serve the people at Mayberry your not making much of a trade, but if you instead went to Raleigh, your business would improve.
Sure, but since there is no anti-gouging law in NC, Gomer could charge as much as he wanted since he was the only station in Mayberry…
But on a more serious note, I remember way back someone had put together an idea for each territory to produce it’s ipc’s in it’s territory and then they had to be transported to a factory to produce, so you could build factories where-ever, but you had to get the materials there. On land they could move, but over water they needed a cheap 'merchant ship to move them. No ships, no movement of goods to factories. More detail in the factories could be interesting time to put more detail in the raw materials production.