• I was wondering if it would imbalance the game or add to it if there were locations where nations could build only inf on a territory as if it had an IC.  For example, I would allow the UK to do this on Egypt, India, Australia, and Canada.  I’d remove one of the Russian ICs and make it function in this manner, or perhaps all but the one on moscow.  Also, allow Germany to use Algeria, and either Norway or Finland in this manner.  Thoughts?

  • Thats what we do in AARHE, but it also effects the costs of infantry. So to place an infantry in some out of the way place that you own like Madagascar would cost 4 IPC but you can place one. VC centers lower the cost in some cases as do building in an original territory you own where you don’t have a factory like if you were the Soviets and wanted to place in Soviet Far East.

  • I think that the WW2-The Wargame has something a bit similar too (not sure if you had any hand in helping develop that idea with it IL) -I’m not at all up on the AAHRE rules though.

    So with an INF-only IC it would be drawing from the population directly rather than the materials coming to an Industrial center, makes one think maybe in the line of Russian conscripts, but really it would be recruitment centers drawing from the population.  So the people could volunteer, recruit, whatever and join the army, but because there isn’t really the industrial ability in a zone it can not build more than INF.

      Are you thinking places like Egypt, India, Australia, Canada because they have greater IPC value, signifying greater population or both?

      I’ll have to check out the AAHRE rules, but are you saying an IC in Madagascar would cost 4 IPC’s and you can only place 1 factory or it can only build 1 INF?

    –I could see maybe building INF up to half of the value of the territory and making the IC cost cheap, like 4, maybe dependent on the value of the territory also.  I don’t have a board in front of me, but like 4 for Madagascar because it’s worth 2, and they could build 1 INF.  This may be exactly what IL was saying, and if so, sounds cool.
      At first I thought up to the value of the territory, but building 3 INF a turn in India for a half-cost or less(?) IC is a crazy value for UK since they so often will only build INF there anyhow.

  • I’ll have to check out the AAHRE rules, but are you saying an IC in Madagascar would cost 4 IPC’s and you can only place 1 factory or it can only build 1 INF?

    IN this example if you build a factory in Madagaskar under AARHE:

    it will cost the full 15 in this case and be able only to place 4 times its IPC value in non infantry units, so it can place an artillery each turn. Reasoning: its IPC value is a relation to its industrial capabilities and support from other nearby territories. ON the map the higher IPC territories are kinda clustered together because they mutually support each other, so to invest a huge industrial center in Madagascar would be really cost prohibitive because its in a non supporting area and the reasoning is that supplies would be very slow in getting it sustaining because of its locality. If you built a factory in a population dense area with a city costs go down alot and the ability to purchase goes up. So in France you can build 24 IPC worth of stuff each turn thats non-infantry, plus infantry of course and the infantry get cheaper per unit

    Variable Industrial Complex Costs
    Major victory cities are cities with more than 3 VCP (victory city points).

    IC Location Cost:
    Original Major Victory City 5
    Original Minor Victory City 10
    Occupied Victory City or other 15

    Industrial Complex Mobilization
    All units except Infantry and optional unit Airborne Infantry are mobilized at your IC (Industrial Complex).
    Total IPC spent per turn on an IC cannot exceed 4 times the territory’s printed income value. The number
    of units deployable is equal to the territory’s printed income value. Strategic Bomber Raid [ on the previous
    page] can reduce this.

    Victory City Mobilization
    Infantry units are mobilized at victory cities. Airborne Infantry units are mobilized at your capital victory
    city. The number of units deployable is determined by its VCP value. Infantry requires 1 VCP each and
    Airborne Infantry requires 2 VCP each.

    Variable Infantry Costs
    Infantry units are constructed at victory cities. Optional unit Airborne Infantry units are constructed in your
    home capital. Other units are constructed at your Industrial Complex.
    Germany and Soviet Union Infantry Cost
    Original Capital Victory City 2
    Connected Victory City* 3
    Other Victory City 4
    *connected to Capital via contiguous land territories controlled by you or friendly nations

    Japan and Italy Infantry Cost
    Original Capital Victory City 3
    Other Victory City 4
    US and UK Infantry Cost
    Original Capital Victory City, 1st 2
    Original Capital Victory City, 2nd 3
    Original Capital Victory City, 3rd+ 4
    Other Victory City 4

  • aahhh… that makes sense and clears it up.  thanks IL!

  • @bugoo:

    I was wondering if it would imbalance the game or add to it if there were locations where nations could build only inf on a territory as if it had an IC.  For example, I would allow the UK to do this on Egypt, India, Australia, and Canada.  I’d remove one of the Russian ICs and make it function in this manner, or perhaps all but the one on moscow.  Also, allow Germany to use Algeria, and either Norway or Finland in this manner.  Thoughts?

    yeah you could just let any territories with 2+ IPC deploy infantry
    its easier for gameplay to have a system than to short list territories

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