As for leaving the British Battleship there on turn one, why not? I mean, the U.K. is not in any real position to do anything with it on turn one, since they have few transports and troops.
I disagree.
UK can build a fleet and move into SZ3, taking norway (what does Germany leave there G1 anyways?)
Even if Germany built a bomber (and the sz6 sub is around after sinking the UK DD on G1), (UK buys 2 cruisers (24), A/C (14), save $5, giving a fleet of tpt, A/C, 2 Cruisers, BB and 2 ftrs. That is more than a match for a german sub, 4 ftrs and a bomber
UK 2 ftrs and bomber take out baltic cruiser, losing the bomber if Germany gets two hits.
72% chance of Allies winning that battle, typically survive with BB and a/c (maybe a ftr).
Note this is not even the max fleet UK could muster. If they REALLY wanted to max out, they could buy 2 a/c, Cruiser. The US ftr from EUS can make it onto the SZ3 A/C, giving tpt, 2 A/C, cruiser, BB, 3 ftrs.
only a suicidal Germany player would attack that G2.