As far as a wish list goes:
I believe a Nation by Nation release would work the best. Think A&A Miniatures – not in size or scope, but in terms of episodic content and timetable. Lets start with Italy.
Replace all of Italy’s units with original sculpts (10). To relieve costs Italy and Germany should share the same mold for aircraft carrier, U-boat, fighter, and transport. Neither Italy or Germany had fully a worthwhile carrier. Italy and Germany shared similar looking fighters. The U-boat is questionable – how different were Italy’s U-boats from Germany? The transport has to be redesigned – it looks UGLY right now.
I believe recasting all units (in more detail, with better plastic, and slightly larger) would solve these problems which I initially outlined:
1. A few/many of the pieces have visible defects.
2. Some of the nation colors are eerily similar (Italy/Russia)
3. Italy uses recycled pieces from other powers
4. Japanese and Chinese infantry are visibly smaller
5. Cruisers/destroyers/battleships all look alike sort of.
6. The plastic used in the molds feels cheap
7. The pieces are too small
8. The detail of the pieces isn’t there compared to previous editions
9. Only TWO cruisers for Italy.
10. The plastic used is prone to deforming (think Japan’s bayonet infantry)
Edit: Even if it’s historically inaccurate, I would like there to be a way to easily differentiate the carrier and destroyer. Normally I say the destroyers have a stern, though Italy’s and Germany’s cruisers violate this principle. Every newcomer to A&A:50 I have played with has this problem.
Edit2: Oh and the Italian color should be GRAY. Reflects their uniforms and they’re easier to tell apart from Russia.