Not a problem. Slight confusion possibilities, but better in the long run. You might want to do some sort of versioning in the main post (maybe a version/readme file in the download itself) and try to advertise when changes like this are made, so people can say “I’m using version x” I’m using version Y". “Oh, that’s why it’s different.”
Probably more trouble than it’s worth….
No, good idea :) I’ll add a “version x.txt” to the next upload.
We just started playing online through the ABattleMap and AA50 version, loving it. I’m loving everything, except… help!
Is there an updated AA50 calculation site? Frood.net is still on Revised rules, and we’re all really itching to play without, as you can imagine, these totally crazy combat configurations?
Here at the forums most people use the in-forum dicey, which simply let’s you simulate a real dice roll (without being able to change it afterwards ;) )
If you’re looking for something more frood-like (which sends emails and stuff), try www.daak.de. It’s a German/European axis and allies club, but guests are welcome too. There’s an English version of the site, and although the forum is mostly German, English is allowed and replied in too. Daak’s got an early version of an AA50-dicey, so there might be some little bugs left (if you encounter one, plz be so kind to post it on the daak-forum, they will fix it pretty fast if you do).
Honor to all of you for the work you are doing!!
Lol, we’re honored ;)