If i put two of some unit or flag in an area and other units in another what keeps them from stacking. Isn’t it the borders of the territory which are what sectors are? Otherwise how does the program know when two placed say infantry are in the same vicinity. So at the bottom of the map when you stack flag markers to indicate how many ipcs you have for each country our what turn it is, the two sets of flags don’t combine because they are not in the same defined space. If that isn’t a sector then what defines the borders of that space? Just a black line?
Great question. Hopefully my memory will serve me well here in my answer, I could be slightly off (I no longer have Abattlemap on my pc):
You are right about the program stacking all of the same kind of pieces that are within a sector. however, even on a map with sectors, you can have space that doesn’t correspond to any sector at all (this is just black space on the sektorinfo.bmp image). If I remember right, pieces placed in one of these areas I think will [only] stack if you try to stack them (you literally have to click in the vicinity of the existing pieces), but don’t stack automatically. You can try this by placing pieces of the same type exactly on the border line between two sea zones in an existing module. They should not stack unless you place them really close together. In most modules the borders are a non-sector pixel/space, which you can verify by seeing no sector name in the title bar of the application when you hover your cursor on the line, and you can also see on the sektorinfo.bmp (if you have it) that the line is black (color 000000) there.
I think this is also how it works if you don’t have any sektorinfo.bmp or sektorinfo.sek files at all.
It could be that you just have to create a big black sektorinfo.bmp and use that, but I don’t think this is the case. Per the tutorial (emphasis added):
SektorInfo.map contains the information of which sector (territory, sea zone, space, etc.) each pixel on the map belongs to. It is not required, but if used, it does require the accompaniment of SektorInfo.sekL. Without these two files, a module will not contain any distinction of territories or sea zones, so IPC income calculations in the program�s �InfoView� window are not possible.
SektorInfo.sek contains all the information (except map/board location) about specific sectors, including name (as displayed in ABattleMap�s title bar), type (land or water), IPC value, original owner, and much more. It also includes other special sector-related information, such as damage/�convoy disruption� criteria. It is not required, but if used, it does require the accompaniment of SektorInfo.mapF. Without these two files, a module will not contain any distinction of territories or sea zones, so IPC income calculations in the program�s �InfoView� window are not possible.
Does that make sense? Did I answer your question?