@Panther Thanks for the speedy answer… feels like a strategy that might make me unpopular but if it’s legitimate then I suppose it’s fair game.
MY review
I mean, come on, IL, double the cost and they couldn’t afford decent quality plastic? Even for 600 pieces? I mean this is supposed to be a COLLECTOR’S edition, for goodness sake . . .
I will be addressing this in a future thread.
Cmdr Jennifer,
I don’t know you enough to know if you’re serious about this, but if you are indeed working on this, Please POST PICTURES. It will serve as a future reference point to other aspiring gamers who want to build their own war room board.
perhaps with over 600 plastic pieces they figured:
“Quantity has a quality all its own.” :roll:
you’re not taking suggestions from Joseph Stalin are you?? :lol: :lol:
I used somebodies signature line when he asked about the quantity and blasted the quality. So i cleverly used the tag line to remind him of perhaps what WOTC passes for quality.
IL, that YouTube video on your signature line is HILARIOUS!!! :lol:
The funny part to me the the little kids voice…“eeeeuuuuuuwwwwwww… that’s gross”…and the mom laughing at the moment. Its like the shock value of thinking your takings your kids to a wholesome environment at the zoo only to see this debauchery.
I’d like to just print the map onto something transparent and then shine lights from underneath. But it would be interesting to have jumpers so that you can hit a nation’s turn, flip a switch and all their lights come on as well.
My original thought was a map with only a light blue film for ocean, all other territories just clear, that way each light could be lit for your nation when you control the territory.