This is why I have been saying for months now the most powerful technology in the game are Paratroopers! No other technology allows you to threaten such a wide area of the board without moving your units from your capitol; nor to immediately add a significant amount of cannon fodder to a major attack, nor to snipe National Objectives by picking up undefended territories around the board, and upgrade the technology multiple times with other technologies! (Long Range Aircraft + Heavy Bombers + Paratroopers = Ungodly Power!)
This is not to say that it’s unbalanced or broken though! The allies can get defenses against these bombers just like against Heavy Bombers and Jet Fighters, etc…we call it Radar. The allies can also just defend their territories better and go slower if they have too, or they can get their own paratroopers and return the favor. (I am of course, assuming it’s Germany that gets Paratroopers for the purposes of this discussion, it could be Italy or Russia or someone else, I’m just limiting my discussion to Germany since it applies equally well to all nations and reduces the amount of typing by 5/6ths.)
Paratroopers also have a severe limitation of only being usable during combat and forcing you to pick up infantry from the same territory your bomber is currently located in. (Also the inability to SBR which was discussed previously and thus not discussed again.) That prevents you from dropping reinforcements on the front lines and restricts your ability to move copious quantities of infantry into combat at a time. After all, Germany, at maximum production (ie with Improved Production Technology) can only produce 12 Infantry in Germany per round. So if you have 48 Bombers in Germany at the end of your round and 144 IPC to spend (the amount needed to build 48 Infantry), you’d still only have 12 Infantry that could be dropped as paratroopers because the other 36 bombers could not move to other territories, pick up units, and drop them.
Also, it’s beneficial to your opponent that paratroopers can only drop infantry. At least the counter attacks are easier. And of course, as alluded to before, AA Guns and Radar shoot down the paratrooper AND the bomber when they hit so the person with paratroopers technology has to account for that in his figures. (So far the Anniversary Dice Calculator does not account for paratroopers, as far as I know.)
But yes, I do believe of all the technologies in the game, Paratroopers are the most powerful. Paratroopers + Long Range Aircraft is more powerful still and Paratroopers + Long Range Aircraft + Heavy Bombers is game over for the side that does not have the three combined, IMHO.