I would buy 2 copies Wolf and sell you 1 when you had the money if I lived closer to ya or you were in my group. Nobody close ? Thought guy post about hurricane just east of you .
AA50 National token set
National token set and IPC tokens to make map changes for IPC values. Backround of IPC tokens will be changed once i actually see the map.
This file is alot more user friendly. now you can buy avery multi-use round label 3/4 white Item 5408 using template 5472 which you can download for free. These are 4x6 decal sheets of roundels. They print perfectly so you done need to cut.
Next you buy plastic tokens from EAIeducation.com and get part number #530126 soft counters set of 100. These are thick plastic tokens in red ( for soviet and german) blue (for UK/ USA) yellow (japan) and Green (italy)
I will make counters for factory damage and units that are hit once like battleships…
More to follow. enjoy.
WONDERBAR, danke mein Herr, Du bist der Befhal diesen Spiele :lol:
(are you sure you are not related to oberfuhrer Oskar Dirlewanger ?)If its possible, I’ll like some Convoy Zone tokens and Port tokens too, for my customized map
ok ill get it done.
ok ill get it done.
Schnell, schnell :-D
Ja Herr Kommandant!
Herr Kommandant, all present and accounted for!
Disssssmissed! -
pro! man getting costomized maps and stuff im not like that but thats wicked what you guys are doing wicked!
here is a token set for the technology. Now you just place a token with your national card to indicate you have the technology. Also, included is a counter for warship damage for house rules that require repair. Lastly, counters for factory damage.
your on! :-D
Heres another set of tokens for convoy zones as per Adlertag request.
Thanks for sharing :-)
will there be anything else?
You forgot the Port tokens, make it look like the ports on A&APacific map
The convoy zones are already printet, and will soon be glued to mye maps. I figure they will work like bomber’s SBR on factories. When a sub or surface combat ship is on an enemy convoy zone token, then each of this units roll a dice, and each eye is one less IPC for the owner.
On second thought, I will not glue the convoy tokens to my map, actually its a good idea to use them as tokens. Lets say Japan controll Phillipeans Island, then put a japanese convoy token in that sea zone. And when US conquer that island, put a new US convoy token in the sea zone. Brilliant.
And same with the Kamikaze tokens. Put the 6 kamikaze tokens into the sea zones adjacent to Japan. When US ships enter this sea zones, then attack with the kamikaze tokens. And remove one token for each attack. So if you got 6 tokens, you can attack 6 times. After that the kamikaze tokens are used for the rest of the war. This is what you intentet, right ?
I hope your game will be a smash hit also i am not being sarcastic!
I just came to see what was up and i beleive costimizing a map to your own preferenceswill spread joy to many people/costumers -
ok ill make port tokens.
Woot! when i get more interested in making maps i will come to you imperious leader also make some winter tokens
I think soem people would not mind that for house rules 6 i win -
Oh god… ok ill make snowflake tokens for snow
And some A-Bomb tokens in case you want to use them on Japan.
Thats not for me i am just saying many other people would love those could you also through in some mud tokens
(being serious)