• ^^ :?^^


  • LOL, i am just so happy maybe kgf might not happen i think i am crying :?    no its just my smile that is smiling brightly.

    Now i will play the music of happiness!@!!@!!@!!@!!@!!@!!@!!@!

  • @Atlantikwall:

    Taking into account that bonuses cares a lot in that game I would say that entering the Mediterrannean with the Royal Navy is most necessary as it already prevents an intalian bonus.

    Next, invading France will force the Italians to retake it to prevent a US bonus. Additionally, France is the key to the other italian bonus as Gibraltar is out of reach if UK-navy is in WMD (assuming that axis could take both EGY & TRJ) and important part a german bonus. So in no way the axis could afford to loose France!

    What does all that have to do with the IC in India?

    Well, I think that UK forces are much more needed at another battleground, namely the Med, West Europe and North Africa. Next, the IC in India would be a real target for the Japs. If they concentrate on that, they imho get it very quick. I don`t think you can hold India longer without soviet support.

    Actually I assume the game will be split in three conflicts:

    1. GER vs. Russia
    2. UK vs. Italy
    3. USA vs. Japan (not sure yet, if US may be able to ignore Japan and go for North Africa - on a 15 VC game they propably can)

    And certainly “game” no. 2 (UK vs. Italy) is the one that could be decided first in one way, i.e the fall of Italy.

    Precisely my belief, there will be essentially three different wars going on at once, Italy and the Brits for control of the Middle East and Mediterranean, Germany to try and knock out Russia, and Russia of course trying to survive, and the U.S. fighting Japan to prevent them from taking advantage of the U.K.'s and Russia’s distractions and gobbling up all kinds of territory. However, I doubt that the U.S. could ignore Japan for long, as the Japanese have a vastly superior fleet and if ignored then they could well make landings in the U.S. itself. I would leave the Brits to slug it out in Africa, and hope the Russians survived while I dealt with Japan.

  • After playing 1 game as the Allies, in the 41 scenerio, I believe an IC in India is a must. Japan is way too strong. They are the equal to USA with the NOs.

  • '10


    After playing 1 game as the Allies, in the 41 scenerio, I believe an IC in India is a must. Japan is way too strong. They are the equal to USA with the NOs.

    I agree, and the UK aid to CHINA is a must if that nation is to survive in the 41 scenario.

  • A turn 1 UK factory build will need to be defended with a lot of units from Egypt or TransJordan using the TR in order not to be taken by Jap2.  It looks like it could be tough and thus a weak Africa.

  • If Japan does not want an Indian IC, she can play her J1 so she will always be able to take the Indian IC on J2. Just look at the opening move Imperious Leader posted.

    Of course there are downsides to opening like that, but having India at J2 seems pretty yummy to me.  :wink:

  • @FieldMarshalGames:


    After playing 1 game as the Allies, in the 41 scenerio, I believe an IC in India is a must. Japan is way too strong. They are the equal to USA with the NOs.

    I agree, and the UK aid to CHINA is a must if that nation is to survive in the 41 scenario.

    The funny thing is that China will be toasted before UK can even think on sending that aid. China can be killed J1 in 1941 scenario :-P

  • It sounds more and more like China needs to beefed up a bit to be of any use to the Allies.

  • Agreed, as for the IC in India I believe that far to risky. I would perhaps decide to build one in South Africa, as anything built there can be sent either to Egypt or the far east at a short notice. Obviously the downside is that you may only place two units per turn there, but then again, isn’t it more fun with a challenge? As for China they are really just a distraction and nothing more, if they can take out of few Japanese before they go down then I’ll be satisfied, as the defeat of Japan is and always will be the main objective of the United States player. If China goes down then the game is nowhere near lost, but if things go bad for the U.S., even if things are going good in China, then it’s lights out in the Pacific for the Allies. Russia and England are simply to busy elsewhere, though I think it immensely helpful if these two could every now and again send some units to help stall Japan. I believe that England should concentrate on clearing the Mediterrenean of Italy and Germany and once this is achieved it will no longer need an IC in India as it can move units freely from the U.K. itself.

  • UK Factory in India is a must in 42. Japan has only one transport so you have time.

  • that sorta sucks in -42 tht japan has only 1 transport i think many players may make a house rule that the japs get a free transport.

    Indian ipc may be possible depending on the opening move for japan, if japan is super lucky in 41 senario and has to big of a force to attk india then why would you but if japan will be able to threaten you in 2+ turns.
    so you see an indian ipc is depending what happens in asia…

  • In my opinion Italy should be Defeated with Strategic Bombing done by England.buying one bomber a turn and landing them in Gibralter (along with one Fighter per bomber)and haveing a English Naval force set up in the entrance of the med this will make the Italians worry about loseing the med and will use funding in expanding it’s fleet.By the time turn 3 rolls around you would have 3 Bombers,have them pound the Rome IC to dust also destorying the Italian air core.In turn the Italian player would want to build more Fighters to counter this or do it’s best to land in Gibralter and leaveing Afrika alone.Once the fleet outside the med is comparable to the Italian one you would procede to destroy it with Air/Naval fources and land troops in Itally puting an end to them.doing this will take most if not all of the English ecodemy to do.meaning the Americans would have to land 2-3 Fighter on the Island as a precaution.

  • We are talking about the lovable india’s ipc!

    The italians may take gibraltar = no bombing p:

    Also i don’t see many games doing that!

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