I think AA50 needs some kind of interaction with defending fighters when SBR is performed. I don’t see why people ways "it works in AAE and AAP but not in AA50.
I think that the SBR should follow a modified dogfight of escorts rolling 1 and defending fighter interceptors rolling 2 ( rather than AAE 2 and 3 respectively) this wont chew up the planes so much and make the SBR less impervious. SBR rules and bomber cost of 12-13 IPC is just too huge to NOT have something to counter other than that silly AA gun rolling a 2 or less.
Also, the Mechanized infantry technology seems like a real cheesy idea to avoid making a dedicated piece for the new game. Mechanized infantry is not really a technology. The game should have a piece 2/2 moves 2 and cost 4, like a filler between infantry and tanks. The numbers work out by playtesting because frankly most of the new pieces and the new values i have seen before and know well.
I would replace Mech inf tech with something else…perhaps heavy tanks…who knows.
Also, i was wondering if its possible for a graph to be made to index SBR attacks and repair so you can immediately know what you have left to buy.
Now for some questions:
The damage to Factories is carried over from turn to turn correct?
The damage for Germany for its starting factory would be limited to 20 total IPC, since they have one factory in Germany and Germany is worth 10 IPC… is this correct?
Its confusing to me with the example of 35 IPC used earlier because in england case i think they have just one factory in england ( worth 8 IPC), which can be bombed for 16 total IPC and the same with Japan ( 16 total to be bombed by SBR)
Lastly, If you kreighund have the rules can you post the technologies so we can have a look?