1939 AARHE France Occupation

  • 1st question:

    France starts with 1 cv; 1 ss; 1 trans; and 1 cru.  When Germany takes over Paris, france surrenders and Vichy France and Free French are set up with separate land and naval units .

    So, what happens to the original French navy?  Does germany get them as spoils of war?

    2nd question:

    China starts with 9 IPCs but no factory.  Where/how are their units placed?

    “the more I learn of this version, the less I know”!?!

  • 1st question:

    France starts with 1 cv; 1 ss; 1 trans; and 1 cru.  When Germany takes over Paris, france surrenders and Vichy France and Free French are set up with separate land and naval units .

    So, what happens to the original French navy?  Does germany get them as spoils of war?

    the 1939 rules explicitly spell this out… specific units are allocated as Vichy and others are free French. The units and the colonies accorded to each are also described. Its really very simple.

    2nd question:

    China starts with 9 IPCs but no factory.  Where/how are their units placed?

    Obviously they can only build infantry as per rules, unless they make a factory. Also, the Burma road while open allows some minor aid to flow to China.

    2 IPC infantry, 3 IPC aid from UK per turn while Burma road is open.

  • the 1939 rules explicitly spell this out… specific units are allocated as Vichy and others are free French… Its really very simple.

    Not trying to ask the same questions over and over, but please understand that “its not always simple” for the newer players to these rules, (regardless of other version experience) even the written rules.  IL,You can sneeze and lose more game knowledge than some us have in total.  A written sentence to you represents paragraphs of written drafts,  and months if not years of discussions and changes, not to mention your actual game time.

    Because of the complexity of these rules and strategic play value (which is why our group loves to play this version, especially the 1939 scenerio) it is sometimes difficult to determine the fine points of the rules.

    1939 rules:When Paris falls the French player immediately surrenders and the following forces are allocated for Vichy or Free-French control:

    Vichy France consisting of (Vichy France, Algeria, Madagascar, Indo-China, and Levant States):
    4 Infantry and 1 Artillery (Neutral but placed by the axis player in any manner he chooses)

    Free-French consisting of (French West Africa and Equatorial Africa): 2 Infantry, 1 Cruiser, 1 Destroyer (If available and controlled by British player).

    This is easy to understand.  But what happens to the Crusier, Destroyer and 2 transports France started the game with?

    Obviously they can only build infantry as per rules, unless they make a factory. Also, the Burma road while open allows some minor aid to flow to China.

    2 IPC infantry, 3 IPC aid from UK per turn while Burma road is open.

    Can infantry units be made in China’s capital without a factory?

  • the 1939 rules explicitly spell this out… specific units are allocated as Vichy and others are free French… Its really very simple.

    Not trying to ask the same questions over and over, but please understand that “its not always simple” for the newer players to these rules, (regardless of other version experience) even the written rules.  IL,You can sneeze and lose more game knowledge than some us have in total.  A written sentence to you represents paragraphs of written drafts,  and months if not years of discussions and changes, not to mention your actual game time.

    OK to clarify i was thinking that your looking too far into this as “really complicated stuff”  but its pretty intuitive ideas. ILl try and be more patient. Do not stop asking questions.

    1939 rules:When Paris falls the French player immediately surrenders and the following forces are allocated for Vichy or Free-French control:

    Vichy France consisting of (Vichy France, Algeria, Madagascar, Indo-China, and Levant States):
    4 Infantry and 1 Artillery (Neutral but placed by the axis player in any manner he chooses)

    Free-French consisting of (French West Africa and Equatorial Africa): 2 Infantry, 1 Cruiser, 1 Destroyer (If available and controlled by British player).

    This is easy to understand.  But what happens to the Cruiser, Destroyer and 2 transports France started the game with?

    these are considered scuttled ( sunk) to resemble actual historical reality ( British attacked french fleet, and french sunk a few ships to prevent the Germans from getting them. So even if France lost their entire army and navy, they would still be placing those same units once they fell. Those units represent the formation of cadres of free french and vichy forces post defeat.

    Obviously they can only build infantry as per rules, unless they make a factory. Also, the Burma road while open allows some minor aid to flow to China.

    2 IPC infantry, 3 IPC aid from UK per turn while Burma road is open.

    Can infantry units be made in China’s capital without a factory?

    Yes infantry can be made in cities because they have VC and as you know Infantry can be built in them.

  • Now perfectly clear and obvious.  Thanks for your patience and clarification.  BTW, this illustrates the point I was trying to make in the earilier post on why I and I believe Bierwagan are asking so many questions.

    these are considered scuttled ( sunk) to resemble actual historical reality ( British attacked french fleet, and french sunk a few ships to prevent the Germans from getting them.

    Unless you have the game and history experience you have, this is not always “obvious or intuitive” to a group looking at these rules for the first time and taking each rule by what’s stating in “black and white”

    Believe me when I say I’m not trying to be agrumentitve or picky, only a “student of the purity of the game”

  • Yes quite right. The idea was to reset the historical result after france falls, in order to model history, but also for play balance, because the trick could be to do weird things like kill off the french to avoid allowing Germany to get anything, so the allies send the french to attack senselessly, knowing they “are looking into the future” at how it will effect the Axis, Plus additionally, Germany may kill all the frenchies knowing it would be easier to kill them now than face them latter as ‘free french’.

    I was never impatient with you or anybody, but my posts write out exactly as i think…in the same format.

  • Just curious why “Oil producing Countries” are not brought into play in the 1942 game as they are for 1939.  Makes for a very strategic play.

  • Just curious why “Oil producing Countries” are not brought into play in the 1942 game as they are for 1939.  Makes for a very strategic play.

    Its a deliberate tiered approach to introducing ideas outside OOB/LHTR… the idea of three stages of learning: basic, intermediate, advanced.

    People invariably start basic and learn that the game does not need to remain an abstraction of WW2, but even with pieces can allow for rules to create a historical model of the real war and its realistic capabilities. Many issues are swept under the rug to deliberately dumb down the game for the beer crowd, but Grognads expect something more and AARHE delivers the promise.

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